Saturday, December 19, 2015

Just Damn Tired

Star Wars
The battle between good and evil
In a far far away galaxy
Of weapons and Jedi force
The dark side vs light
Generating mass euphoria
Global audience

If not perpetual war
Perhaps Star Wars movie
Can bring about the peace
And momentary solidarity
On this planet

As it is without question
Everyone on this planet
Who has the means
Will be watching Star Wars
Including the leaders
And all enemies of the State

It makes you wonder
Why spend all this energy
Have so much anger and hatred
Destroying and wasting so much
Of this short life time
Going against each other

When they can just relax
Watch Star Wars
And enjoy the show

Isn't it about time
People on this planet
Got tired of fighting?
It certainly is tiring
Just to watch the fights go
On and on and on and on

Just damn tired

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

But Alas

You would think that
When humans have built
Gigantic cloud piercing skyscrapers
Expansive hanging bridges
Over bodies of water and deep canyons
Miles and miles of roads and tunnels
Humongous ships and airplanes

You would think that
Setting 500 sq feet of floor tiles 
In a typical residential house
Would be done in perfection
With one eye closed

But alas
It is not the size of the job
Or the degree of difficulty
That determines the outcome

But the determination
And conviction
To do it right
No matter how small 
Or insignificant

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mere Old Age

The difference between
An immature child
An immature adult

Is that one has an excuse
And the other does  not

And when confronted
With doubts to their maturity

Children will not deny it
Whereas adults will vehemently
Oppose such notion

Inasmuch as adults so often
Act so much like children there
Really is nothing that differentiates

Adults from children
In terms of maturity
Other than mere old age

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Be Mindful Of The Possibility

What are the chances
Of something bad happening

Since most bad things
Happen unexpectedly

The chance of it happening
Unexpectedly is quite high

But what if you expect
Something bad to happen
Then what is the chance of that
Happening when you expect it?

Since most bad things happen
The chance of that happening
When you expect it is quite low

So if you want something
Bad not to happen
The best way to prevent it
From happening

Is to expect it
Or at the very least
Be mindful of the possibility

And trust the Lord

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Back To Paradise

People often refer to
The grand scheme of things
To explain and reassure themselves
That nothing that happens in this life
On this planet to human beings or other
Is significant enough to be worthwhile
In the Grand Scheme of things

As if they know what
That Scheme Grandeur is
Always referring to it
Having no idea

If there was such a scheme
That governs the entire universe
Entrusting meaning to its existence
And everything in it

It certainly would not entail
Humans spending entire life
Working to make money
To eat, find shelter, and clothing

Partying, drinking
Indulging in pleasure
Seeking fame, power, and prestige
Certainly it would not entail
Wars and suffering

The grand scheme
If there ever was one
The one that still is
Is for us to find our way
Back to paradise

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Yes. Feel The Force

There are some advices
That should never be given
To apply in all situations in life
Especially to young people
And children
Who may not know better
Than to follow the advice of adults
Or to perceive them as national dogma
Unbending truth

One that is glaringly detrimental
More often than beneficial
Is the phrase
"Never give up!"
Which sounds like a great advice
Preached at any and all situations
Regardless of who, what, or how
"Never give up!"

But not everyone has the common
Sense of reality vs delusion
To take it with grain of salt
And give up without loss of dignity
At the right time

Some people in fact perhaps majority
Take this advice literally and with all
Devotion of heart and soul
And actually never give up
Never accepting failure as an outcome

It is one thing
To never give up knowing
The goal will never be achieved
But pursuing the goal nonetheless
For the sake of doing their best

But quite another thing
To never accept failure as an outcome
Despite having zero chance of succeeding
In perpetual denial and delusion

At best this will lead to pride
Having never given up
And at worst
End up feeling like a failure
With good chance of depression
Having wasted entire life
Pursuing a goal that had zero chance
From the onset

Never give up!
Is a great advice for many
But without any footnote
Or disclaimer
Is a dangerous advice
For the rest

Next up is one that is just a marketing tool
For selling a brand
But totally misleading out of context
"Just do it!"
From which Nike has thrived
And made millions perhaps billions
Selling any and all types of
Sports related merchandise

Generation X and Y
And everyone else before and after
Have ingrained in their brains
These three words
Just do it!

The only problem being
That "it"
Refers to everything under the sun
Not just sports
As Nike has intended....or not

Hesitant about sky diving?
Just do it
Hesitant about cheating?
Just do it
Hesitant about doing drugs?
Just do it

The context to which this phrase
Can be applied is countless
And although it would seem totally
Irresponsible to do whatever

Not that everyone will do everything
But when faced with a dilemma
On the fence hesitant to do either or
A momentary recollection of this
"Just do it" phrase
Might just be enough to make one
Tip over and just do it
Whatever that "it" may be

Just do it
Not even considering what "it" is?
But people have embraced the phrase
As an encouragement to do it
Again totally irresponsible
And dangerous

Finally but quite certainly not the least
Is the phrase spoken by Bruce Lee
In the movie Enter The Dragon
And by Qui-gon Jin aka Liam Neeson
In the movie Star Wars
"Don't think, feel!"

Again a great advice
That only makes sense
When you don't have time to think
Before the next punch or Kung-fu kick
Or fighting for your life in a jedi duel

But out of context it amounts
To nothing more than
Don't think too much
Just enjoy the moment
Go with the flow

The concept embraced
And reiterated numerous times
At all situations of secular activities
To justify and encourage others
Don't think. Feel!
Yes. Feel the force.

Together the three phrases
Never give up!
Just do it!
Don't think. Feel!
Are spectacularly irresponsible
If taken out of context or literally
Making up a perfect recipe
For disaster

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Those Who Genuinely Are

The difference between
Those genuinely intelligent
Versus those who think they are

Is that the former
Never think they are
More intelligent than
Those who think they are

Whereas the latter
Always think they are
More intelligent than
Those who genuinely are

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Who Can Sell You A Pebble

In order to get things done
Whatever that may be
From point A to point B
And it takes money to do it

Then the least amount of money
To go from point A starting
To point B end of project
Is to use the least number
Of individuals standing
Between those two points

Since every individual in between
Does nothing but listen
And tell the guy at the end
The guy who actually does the work
What to do

It is an archaic system favored
During the days before the internet
When it was difficult to find the guy
Who actually did the work

But in this day and age
Where even a dog has a web page
There is no reason why anyone
Should pay a person to tell another person
To do the job

It all boils down to the degree
Of laziness in person who has the money
To actually search out the guy at the end
Or rather tell the middle man
Usually the salesperson
Who can sell you a pebble
For the sake of convenience

But unlike cars
Where you get what you pay for
When it comes to the middle man
All you get is a nice smile plus
Shaking head from the guy at the end

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Eventually To

So much work
So little time

To achieve the state
Of having

So much time
So little work

After having

So much money
So little time

Eventually to
Leave it all behind

Saturday, October 10, 2015

At The Gym

The irony of modern society
Claiming to work harder
And faster
Fast paced they say
Is that every innovation
Be it mechanical
Or food industry
Is geared to make humans
Use less and less energy
Elevators, computers, robots
And now self driving cars
To be more efficient they say
So that they can rest more
Eat more and play more
And pay money to get
Rid of that excess energy
At the gym

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Or In The Hospital

The fundamental state of mind
For Christians

Or none Christians for that matter
To achieve peace of any kind

Is to turn the other cheek
If someone slaps you on the face

But the way it stands now
If someone slaps anybody

Chances are one of them
Or both of them

Will end up dead
Or in the hospital

Truly hopeless
Without the help

Monday, October 5, 2015

No Matter What Their Profession

Suppose as an adult
There is nothing to hold on to
Other than the current state
Of affairs comprised of
Self formulated philosophy
Specious groundless beliefs
Self righteousness
All enclosed in ever thin layer
Of fragile glass shell called
Self esteem

One wrong stimuli
A slight insinuation
Or hint of self elicited inferiority
And the shell comes crashing down
Leading to never ending
Laborious anxious attempts
To glue it all back together
And destroy whoever to blame

Always trying desperately
To put others down
Criticize complain justify
Particularly those perceived as threats
All because of their fragile

Amazing it is
How many adults are
In this state of mind
Always ready to strike down
Others who are oblivious

No matter what their profession
Living a sad state of existence
Unable to feel content
And satisfied

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Then Should We Not All

Saying guns don't kill people
People kill people

Is like saying skyscrapers
Don't kill people
People who jump
Or push people off of it do

But then why does every single
Skyscraper in the world
Have fences on the top?

Why not just keep it open
So that anyone can easily jump
Or push people off
Without having to deal with the fence

Just like how crazy people
Can buy guns without much effort
And shoot around willy-nilly

Sure guns don't kill people
Then why wear the seat belt
When you can drive safely's about other crazy drivers

I see
Then should we not all
Wear bulletproof vests?

Condolences to the victims of Umpqua Community College

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Than God Himself

So it begins
The only thing that stands 
Against all the wants and desires
Of human beings
And the countries
Of this world
Without God
Is none other 
Than God Himself

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Let Alone Controllable

So everything is getting digitized
From one midnight to the next
From East to the West
And North to the South

Countless photos
Hours and hours of videos
Every phone conversation
Every location

Text messaging
Even your heart rate
Down to your favorite beverage

The entire planet
On recording 24/7/365/oblivion
Amassing gargantuous mountains
And mountains
Of data after data
Stored and backed up x 100

To know as much as possible
To preserve as much as possible
To control as much as possible

To hold on to the past
To preserve the present
To control the future

Yet with each passing moment
With each additional petabytes
The world is becoming
Less and less predictable
Let alone controllable

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Divine Intervention

When dealing with a crooked person
Someone who is not just or fair
Someone who is set in their own line of thinking
Line that is crooked
There really is no way
No matter how hard you try
To make that person see it straight

Unlike bank robbers
Who will at least admit
That it is wrong to steal

But when someone doesn't even
Know what they are doing is wrong
On the contrary think
That what they are doing is right

How in the world can anyone
Make them see it straight?

It is impossible without
Divine intervention

Monday, August 24, 2015

It Is More Like 20/100

Here we go again
This time it is China
Dragging down the stocks

Dot com boom and bust
Housing boom and bust
China boom and bust

Boom boom boom
Bust bust bust

They say hindsight is 20/20
Yeah right
It is more like 20/100

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Only Few Christians

Deflate gate
Fox Affleck split
Cosby scandal
Armstrong lies

These are only few
Just off top of my head
That makes the world
A comic stage

Can't leave out Ashley Madison

And Snowden
He exposed what?
Something that everyone with
A touch of common sense knew
But didn't talk about?

Now that everyone knows
Or rather it is confirmed
That the government tracts

He took away the only thing
That kept the marriage going
State of ignorance is bliss
But unlike a real marriage
You can't divorce the government

So now what?
Mission accomplished?
So now everyone knows
But who really cares

It's only tough for those who
Commit or plan to commit
Some form of crime
That will attract attention

Which begs the question
Why is Snowden a criminal?
He probably made the country more safe

Which begs another question
Maybe this Snowden thing
Was all intentional from the beginning
Orchestrated by the government

Which begs yet another question
Who can really confirm
What Snowden revealed is actually true?

Which brings us back to square one
No one really knows
And no one really cares
Other than those who plan
To commit some type of crime

What people really should care about
Is not what Snowden revealed
But what the Bible says about God
That He tracts everything
Even your inner most thoughts

But no one cares about that
Other than Christians
Only few Christians

Sunday, August 2, 2015

After 18 Years

Clock of Infinite Asymmetry
After 18 years
Since the original
Like everything in life
Better with time
Except human

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How Do They Feel?

How much money does it take
For a man to feel rich?

Hundred thousand dollars?
A  man with only $100 in his account
Would probably think so
But a man with a million wouldn't

One million dollars?
A man with a thousand in his name
Would probably think so
But a man with 100 million wouldn't

Hundred million dollars?
A man with only one million
Would probably think so
But a man with a billion wouldn't

But what about the man
With 100 thousand
A million
Or 100 million?

How do they feel?
Not rich enough

Monday, July 27, 2015

So Is 6 But Not 7

What comes first
The physical world
And everything in it

Or mathematics
And laws of physics?

Can the world exist
Without mathematics to explain
All its interactions?
Undoubtedly yes

Can all the mathematics
And laws of physics exist
Without the world?
In theory

But mathematics is nothing more
Than agreed upon universal language
Among humans
To explain the world

Using numeric 0 to 9
Universally used by all
On this planet

Suppose we decided to squeeze in
One more number in there
Call it tao
Zero one two three four five
Tao six seven eight nine

What difference would it make
Except having to recalibrate
Adjust all the standards
And equations...?

But wait
With such a system
11 no longer becomes a prime number
Since 2 x tao now equals eleven
10 is now a prime
So is 6 but not 7
And 1, 3, and 5 remains prime

Why are there only 10 digits?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

To Be

Too much information
Is an understatement
For the sheer amount of data
Poured into our brains

From shocking news
To mundane worthless
And everything in between
Information overload

Everyone glued to
Spending more time staring
At small digital display

Longing for the sense
Of connection
Being in touch


Be longing

An earnest desire

To be

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And Waiting

What is rain
But a transport of water
From ocean to land

So much rain at some places
So little rain at others
Praying for less
Praying for more

All left powerless
To bring a single drop
On the dry land

Absolutely dependent
Unquestionably helpless
Just waiting and waiting
For that rain to drop
Or stop

Just waiting
And waiting
And waiting



Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Enterprise

The Horizons
After nine years in space
And three billion miles away

Finally flying by Pluto
Still not out beyond
Our own solar system

Nine years that is
At 2015 AD

Considering the facts
The Enterprise
Zipping out of our solar system
In less than 5 hours
On impulse power

Is truly remarkable

At least our imagination
Is not so restraining
To say the least

Monday, July 13, 2015

Without Paradox

Freedom of religion
It is a great privilege
And cherished right

Except it is not entirely
Without paradox

Like the freedom to
Climb any mountain
To reach the highest peak

Thursday, July 9, 2015


As much as there are
Tragedies in this world
There are as much if not more

One fiasco after another
Now with cameras everywhere
Digitally connected
Almost real time fiasco
With one click of a mouse

It is quite certain humans
Have always been funny
Doing ridiculous things
Saying ridiculous things
Wearing ridiculous things

But now the stage has become
Much much more grand
Global in fact
That getting instant fame
From doing something spectacularly
Farcical has become a fad of sorts

But truly
It needs no scripting
Or planning of any kind
Since the funniest comedies
Happen in real life

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Human Kind

A million dollars
No not just one million
Ten million dollars
Not that either
Multiples of ten million
Sounds about right

Million here million there
Throwing these numbers around
Like someone's shoe size

Suppose it is peanuts
Compared to billions
Thrown around like a can of tuna
In the corporate mergers and buyouts

And what used to be discrete
News written on paper
Is now in your face
Inescapable avalanche

Ooooohhh Ahhhhh
Millions and millions
Billions and billions
Who or what is paying who or what
Ooooohhh Ahhhhh

Capitalism at its best
Survival of the fittest
All the while talking about
The human kind
As if we are all in this together

We sure are
In our own little world

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bang Bang Bang

Everyone is a gun slinger
Shot gun rifle semi automatic
Bang bang bang
Yeah baby
That is my right and I am proud
I will defend my family 
Myself and I oh yeah
Better watch yourself around me
I am keeping my gun to my side

Truly remarkable indeed
Always referring back to 
The founding fathers
The authors of The Constitution
Who are all long gone and passed away

Why just stop there
Why not ride horses and carriages
Like the founding fathers did
Oh....that is not the same
Since cars are much faster
I see

Sure is better than horses
Just like how the society now
The people of USA
Is under no threat of attack
In much better safer society
Or are we?

Is that the reason?
The need for security?
Self defense?
A gun slinger society
Bang bang bang
Oh yeah baby

Why not make the law
Add it to the Constitution
To require everyone
Young, old, blind, deaf, and mute
To own a gun

Bang bang bang
How's that sound? 

Condolences to victims of Charleston mass shooting

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Oh What a Life

Sitting out in the backyard
Overlooking the ocean
Vast panoramic view before you
Meticulously landscaped 
Beautifully hardscaped garden
Sun setting over the horizon
Sipping on cool cocktail drink
Nice music and breeze gently blowing
Contemplating how to spend the money
Half billion dollar mansion just bought
Servants at your service
Oh what a life 
The only thing missing
Is that which cannot be bought
That without which
All material possessions are worthless
On that man's face you see
Walking up the hill 
To see the ocean that is before him
Carrying his child on his shoulders
Wife at his side with even bigger smile
Laughing because it's so tiring
Walking up to save money
But happy nonetheless
To have this day in life
To love and be loved
And once they reach the top
They look down
And see that man sitting in his backyard
Surrounded in luxury
Wondering how happy he must be
And wonders no more

Saturday, June 13, 2015

That Blinds a Person

What is money
But a bunch of numbers
Recorded in computer memory
Registered to your name

The poor working feverishly
The rich spending frivolously

All clamoring
Pursuing fighting working
To increase that number

What is money
But a bunch of numbers
That blinds a person
From seeing the light

Cheap Shoes?

So what is the first
Thing that disappears
When a poor man
Becomes a rich man

His old clunker?
His worn out wardrobe?
Or rundown house?
Cheap shoes?

Although they all disappear
And surely they will
It is not the first thing
That fails to stay with him

As what leaves first
Faster than his old clunker
Wardrobe, house, or shoes
Is the respect for those

Who respect him

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Real Success

There is a fine line between
Wanting and needing
Desire versus necessity
Often confused and interchanged

There are only few things in life
That are necessary
Food, sleep, clothing, shelter
A job and companion perhaps

Everything else is merely
A desire fulfilled
Bigger grand house with view
Expensive car worth six figures
Diamond jewelry too heavy to wear
Big curved screen too big for the wall
Lavish vacations on personal jet

Not to mention power, fame, and prestige
Objects of equal or greater desire for many

Every and all forms of luxury
Bought and sought after
In constant pursuit of bigger
And better

Some people might say
It is a necessity to live in luxury
Power, fame, and prestige
To feel successful
To enjoy the fruits of their labor
To feel satisfied

Success measured in wealth
Power, fame, and prestige
Success measured in the degree
Of desire fulfilled

If that is the case then
The most successful in this world
Are those who have and have no desire
For anything other than
The basic necessities

So simple
Yet so hard to achieve
The real success
And happiness in life

Thursday, May 14, 2015

No. Blah Blah Blah

Too often encountered
More and more it seems 
Those people who always
No matter what you say
Take the opposite stance
Like automatic knee jerk

Just to disagree for the sake
Of not agreeing 
With anyone or anything
Perhaps unable to 
Say yes 

The movie was good
"No, blah blah blah"
The weather is too hot
"No, blah blah blah"
Sugar is sweet
"No, blah blah blah"
Sky is blue
"No, blah blah blah"

And if you try to argue 
Or contest their conclusions
No matter how logically illogical it is
The more zeal fully they will
Present their erroneous opinions

It is best at these circumstances
To just say nothing
Or maybe just nod a little 
Take a deep breath
And move on

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Cook Says

A man walks into a diner
Orders an omelet for breakfast
And when it is served says
"This is a bad omelet"

The cook says
"Yeah I tried my best
But the onions were awful
From the market"

The market owner next to him says
"I got the new batch this morning
There's nothing I could have done
Since it comes straight from the farm"

The farmer at next table says
"The drought is causing
A havoc on all the vegetables
And there is no end in sight"

The weatherman by the door says
"It's the global warming
That is causing all this weird
Weather extremes around the world"

A woman walks into a diner
Orders a club sandwich
And when it is served says
"This is the best club ever!"

The cook says
"Thank you. That is my
Secret recipe I
Developed myself"

Monday, April 13, 2015

If You Feel You Must

Most people consider
Themselves as not racists
Truly believe in their hearts
That they believe in equality


This country has come
A long way in establishing
Laws that require equality
And fairness to all 

But how can you tell 
The difference between
A law abiding citizen versus
A law abiding racist?

Just because one respects the law
And follows it down to the last word
Doesn't make that person
A non-racist

They are merely bitter
Law abiding citizens
Tolerant to the stipulations
To stay out of jail

To feel self righteous
Don't fool yourself
Into thinking that you
Are not a racist

You are a racist
If you feel you must
Follow the law

Monday, March 30, 2015

Has No Fear of God

What makes a person evil?

A person who has short temper?
Somone who likes to yell?
Gets into a fight?
Person who is always negative?

These people may not be the nicest
And may be unpleasant to be around
But they are not evil

The truly evil ones are
Those people who seem
Nice on the outside
But inside wishes harm to others

Always endeavoring to destroy
Falsely accusing
Always deceiving
Plotting to do evil
Happy when something bad happens to others
Having no remorse

Truly a person like this
Is a wolf in a lamb's clothing
Has no fear of God
Standing in broad daylight

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Best

Selfish people
Selfish person
Just selfish beyond comprehension

Everything that they do
Every transaction
Every deal
Every conversation

All about their self interest
Only about themselves
Not giving an inch
So ingrained in their psyche 

Who cannot stand 
Knowing they paid more than others
Even down to the cents

Who cannot forget
Knowing someone owes them money
And forever waits for payback

Who cannot do a single deed
Without some form of recognition
Or gratitude or reward

Who cannot do a selfless act
Without proclaiming 
To the whole world to hear

Who cannot stand 
Watching others do better
On whatever that may be

Who cannot sleep
Feeling others may think
They are better than them

Who just cannot stand
Being number two
Or three

Mine mine mine
All mine
The best

The best
The most 
Selfish person 
In this world

Friday, March 27, 2015

All Knowing

You can throw a rock
High into the air
And for that few moments
The rock is in the air
You can be certain
That it will hit the ground
Thus the future is told

The problem of not being able
To tell the future
Lies not in not knowing 
What's going to happen
But rather 
In not knowing
The present

Since the future is
Continuation of the present
It is 100% predictable
If everything that can be known
About the present
Is known at the present

A state of
All knowing

Sunday, March 22, 2015

No End

No one can quite grasp
The concept of infinity
As human mind is confined
To beginning and ending

But to get a sense of
How infinitely large
Our universe is
And where we stand

Imagine being able
To travel the distance
That light would travel
In one billion years
In just one second

And you travel
At that speed of
One billion light years per second
For one billion years

You will certainly be
Far far away
Enormously far away
From where you started

And you can travel
One billion times
That distance you traveled
Billion times over

And not be any closer
To one end or another
Since there is no end
No end

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Marble

No matter how you treat
A marble
Like a diamond

It will not become a diamond
And you will be ridiculed

The sooner you realize
What it is
And what you can expect from it

The sooner you will stop
Wasting your time

On the other hand
If you treat a block of gold
Like a brick

It will not turn into a brick
But you will certainly lose it

The sooner you realize
What it is
And what you can expect from it

The sooner you will start
Enjoying its rewards

And yes
There are people
Who are like marbles
And blocks of gold

Saturday, March 14, 2015


It's not about money
Nor is it about prestige
And it's not about power
Or fame

It's about life
The truth
To live it
To be happy


But it's about money
And fame

No matter how
Sincerely you try
To hide it


The mantra of your life

Sunday, February 22, 2015



There are without question
Too many heart wrenching
Undeniably maddening
Sad hopeless depressing
Tragedies in this world

Too much sorrow
Hunger, rage, suffering
Emotional , physical
And psychological

But the rest?
The rest is as equally tragic
If not physically demanding
Lives of well to do

Counting the wealth
Savoring the feelings
Of proud accomplishment
And entitlement

Tragedy lies not in having
Wealth or lack of suffering
But in sheer emptiness of life
In constant pursuit of purpose
And meaning of their existence

Injecting meaning
Into meaningless
And hope in hopeless
Specious conclusions

Requiring as much faith
As those who believe in God
Perhaps even more
Slowly but surely approaching
The deadline

Monday, February 2, 2015


So close yet so far

Like watching the stock
Shoot up
Right after you sell

Like seeing the man
Or woman of your dreams
And the moment passes by

So close yet so far

But it is better to lose
And be humbled

Than to win
And feel proud

For a man or woman
Who will not show humility

God will force humility
Upon them

Friday, January 30, 2015

Chapter Four: The Wormhole

"What do you think Spock. Do you think they really fell into that wormhole by accident?" asked Captain Kirk staring out the window of his high rise office. Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy were invited for a drink and to discuss the results of the investigation. Mr. Spock never questioned the claim that they accidentally encountered the worm hole and Kirk wanted to know whether he really believed them.

"It is highly improbable," said Mr. Spock. 

"Can you be more specific Mr. Spock. Like how improbable are we talking about here?" asked Captain Kirk not really knowing how improbable he was talking about. 

"The probability of of any ship randomly finding a point in a galaxy is the size of that point divided by the size of the galaxy times 100 if you want the percentage," said Mr. Spock in a usual monotone unexcited way.

"Why can't you just say it is impossible Mr. Spock. Why do you always throw these numbers as it is not impossible?" asked Mr. McCoy always frustrated by Mr. Spocks analytical responses.

"It is not impossible. Just extremely improbable," said Mr. Spock.

"So you think it's not by accident they are here," said Captain Kirk. 

"According to Mr. Spock it is possible that they are here by accident," said Dr. McCoy sarcastically. 

"No. It is logical to conclude that they are here by choice," said Spock. 

"You never know Mr. Spock. I won a jack pot playing lottery in my younger days. In fact, every lottery has a winner soon or later despite highly improbable odds," said Dr. McCoy semi-serious. 

"You are correct Dr. McCoy. That is why I did not exclude the possibility, although it is immensely improbable," said Spock.

"You keep changing the adjective Mr. Spock. Are you feeling insecure with your assessment?" asked McCoy thinking Mr. Spock must be unsure how to describe the probability.

"Did I? I suppose I did. Highly, extremely, immensely. Does one make you think more of its improbable nature than another?" asked Spock.

"Are you trying to imply there is a difference?" asked McCoy feeling this Vulcan was up to something.

"No. English is fascinating language where there is such redundancy in vocabulary describing same thing. I thought maybe you would grasp the improbability of their arrival by accident much better with different adjective since you keep questioning my first assessment Dr. McCoy," said Spock staring at the doctor who wasn't impressed.

"I'm not impressed," said Dr. McCoy. "Why don't you try another one?"

"Stop it gentlemen," said Captain Kirk who's seen this bickering between his first officer and doctor too many times. 

"We have to assume that this was no accident," said Jim and with all seriousness asked, "Then why do you think they are here?" 

"We do not know at this time," said Spock. 

"Speak for yourself Mr. Spock. I know why they are here. They are fugitives of some sort who are in search of a sanctuary and we gave it to them," said Dr. McCoy half jokingly. 

"Come on Bones. It's serious. We have to figure out why they are here. The fact that they didn't disclose their real intentions tells me either they don't trust us or don't want to give us an advantage against them," said Jim

"We are monitoring them closely and soon their intentions will come to light," said Mr. Spock. 

They were silent for a moment pondering the possible motives behind their journey until knock on the door brought them back. 

"Come in," said Captain Kirk. 

It was the chief engineer Scott and Chekov who were assigned to examine the Millenium Falcon inside and out. They were jovial as usual as they entered and sat down on the couch. Scotty has been a chief engineer as long as Jim can remember setting out on the five year voyage. He was the best there was in terms of space ships and figuring out how they run. He was given multiple opportunities for promotion to get out of the frontline but he insisted in being the chief of engineer overseeing all the activities. Kirk could not appreciate him more and understood his position as he himself could not give up commanding the starship.

Chekov on the other hand was not sure where he stands in his career or what he aspired for. He was a genius in his own right being able to calculate equations in his head and probably could do it as well as if not better than Mr. Spock if it wasn't for his ongoing battle with attention deficit disorder. Even with all the advancement in medicine his disorder was quite unique and no one could quite pinpoint the exact cause. Some said it was psychological from childhood trauma while others said it's genetic in etiology. Chekov didn't care what the cause was and didn't much care to fix his attention deficit as it  prevented the captain from assigning him more than one task at a time. The only reason he maintained his position in the Star Fleet was his ability to do that one assigned job better than anyone else. Based on Captain Kirk's evaluation he was indispensable crew of the Enterprise. 

"So what did you find Mr. Scott?" asked Jim.

"The ship is primitive sir. I don't know how they made it through the wormhole in one piece. It is really poorly put together," said Mr. Scot shaking his head. 

"Their propulsion system is unknown sir," chimed in Mr. Chekov. "And their weapons is a joke. They have these machine gun looking devices that shoots bursts of laser." 

"I don't believe it's a battle ship Mr. Chekov," said Spock.

"It is more like a cargo ship then," said Dr. McCoy "It could be a stolen ship." 

"Anything unusual about the ship?" asked Kirk. 

"Besides cramped quarters and archaic weaponry, no sir," said Mr. Scott. "I still have to figure out how the ship runs. What it uses to generate power. It's definitely not based on dilithium crystals I can tell you that."

"What about the gravitational system?" asked Kirk wondering whether it was available on the alien ship.

"Yes. They figured out how to generate artificial gravity," said Mr. Scott. "That formula is universal constant so there is no mystery there. It doesn't matter even if you came from parallel universe there is no other way to generate artificial gravity except one."

"And what is that Mr. Scott?" asked Dr. McCoy curious to find out. He did get some basic introduction in Star Fleet training but medical school really didn't explain much beyond the fact that it was possible to generate artificial gravity artificially.

"Oh, well doctor, gravity is nothing more than constant acceleration.....or should I say deceleration? If it wasn't for this floor we are sitting on we would all be falling down to the ground at 9.807m/s-sq as you well know." Scotty looked around to make sure everyone agreed. "So gravity is nothing more than an object, in our case the floor, in the floor's case the building, in the building's case the get my point's nothing more that that object that prevents us from accelerating."

"Indeed" agreed Mr. Spock.

"So how do you generate the gravity?" asked Dr. McCoy "Isn't that what I asked?"

"I just told you doctor. In order to generate gravity, or the effects of it, one has to first create acceleration state thereby being able to place an object in its path to cause deceleration," explained Mr. Scott with all honesty.

"It's hard to explain beyond that sir,"said Mr. Chekov. "Only few of us in the Federation actually understand the concept of generating the artificial gravitational field."

"You mean the state where something is accelerated?" asked Dr. McCoy still clueless as to how that is generated and quite sure none of these guys have any clue either.

"So you do understand doctor," said Mr. Spock.

"No. In fact, I don't think any of you understand for that matter," said Dr. McCoy a little distressed.

"You are correct Dr. McCoy," said Chekov. "We only know how to generate the artificial gravity. No one really knows why it works. It was discovered by accident according to Vulcan academy of science"

"It was no accident Mr. Checkov," said Mr. Spock "the Vulcan engineer who succeeded in first generating the artificial gravity meditated for 3 weeks in deep thought before finally putting together the machine that generated the artificial gravity. He must have known the equation that logically explains how gravity is generated."

"Yes, but he died of exhaustion before he could record the findings. All we have is instructions on how to build it. No one has yet to come up with the gravity equation to explain the phenomenon," said Mr. Scott.

"So all this is just a theory," said Dr. Mccoy "about acceleration and deceleration stuff."

"Yes doctor. But quite plausible one", said Mr. Spock. "There cannot be acceleration without deceleration. As there cannot be gravity without anti-gravity."

"It must be frustrating Mr. Spock. Not knowing why things work the way it does," said the doctor.

"Life if full of unknown mysteries doctor. Being frustrated by not knowing something is illogical since not everything can be known," said Mr. Spock then added "all at once," remembering he once said nothing is impossible.

Jim watched these guys discuss the subject of gravity with amusement but had to press on for more important agenda on his mind.

"Mr. Scott. What do you know about this wormhole? When did the Federation first discover it?"

"We only discovered it couple years ago captain. We picked up this distress call from a ship that must have entered into the wormhole and ended up in our galaxy. Federation sent an investigation team who found nothing but an empty ship half blown up" said Mr. Scott.

"It was strange sir. I was there myself on board that ship and there were no sign of any crew," said Chekov.

"What happened to the ship?"asked Kirk.

"We hauled it back to earth and in storage at the moment captain," said Mr. Scott. "There's so much back log in the space junk yard we haven't got to that ship yet for evaluation. Admiral Jenkins classified it as low priority."

"I see. We need to investigate that wormhole further Mr. Scot. Have you tried to send a probe through it?" asked Jim. He was a little skeptical about the whole handling of prior stray ship. Why Admiral Jenkins was even involved with this matter was bizarre as he was overseeing the delta quadrant. Only two years since that space anomaly was discovered....god knows how many uninvited aliens have passed through it from an unknown galaxy he thought.

"We tried captain. Multiple times. No success," declared Mr. Scott.

"What do you mean no success?" asked McCoy.

"According to the report none of the probes were able to enter the worm hole," clarified Mr. Scott.

"It was like the thing was not there. In fact, our ship can travel right past it and nothing will happen," said Chekov.

"Fascinating." said Mr. Spock. "It's a one-way wormhole. It is a rare phenomenon captain. However, it is limited with having only one entry and exit point. In this case Far Far Away Galaxy and ours."

"No wonder we didn't discover it with our sensors," said the captain."That means there is a separate wormhole that leads back to the other galaxy Mr. Spock?"

"Correct captain."

"Do we know the location of that one? Obviously not. If we knew then their galaxy would be recorded in our system would it not?" said captain Kirk.

"Not necessarily captain. There are more than 1025 wormholes discovered in our galaxy that we can enter and at least 40 of them are one-way wormholes. Out of that only half of them are mapped to their destination. The rest is unknown as to where it ends up," said Spock hardly showing any excitement. "Any one of those in our record may end up back in Far Far Away Galaxy but there is no way to prove that since we have yet to receive the mapping signal from our probes. Even if we did, there is no way to prove that that is the Far Far Away Galaxy."

"What about the one like our guests emerged from? How many of those exit sites have we on record?" asked captain Kirk.

"That is the only one sir," said Chekov. "The thing is sir. There is no way to detect the exit location of oneway wormholes unless the ship is actually exiting such wormhole. The fact that we almost collided with the alien that is purely by chance captain. A pure coincidence."

Kirk felt a little uneasy with the thought of not being able to detect the exit points of one way wormholes. It was a security bridge to allow aliens to enter into this galaxy unknown. How may aliens from other galaxies must have used it to travel....

"Assuming the law of physics behaves the same way in other galaxies it is most certain that no one would venture into oneway wormholes unless they already know the entry point that will lead them back to their own galaxy, " said Spock who doesn't like to assume most things but often finding no other solution to continue his thought.

"So they came here on purpose and knows how to get back?" asked the doctor.

"That would be a logical conclusion unless they had no intention of ever returning to their own galaxy...their home," said Spock.

"Then the more reason we must find out why they are here," said the captain in a firm commanding voice.  "Mr. Chekov and Scotty, I want you to take the ship out into space and test out their hyperdrive and find out what makes it tick," said Kirk. "And have 24-7 surveillance on our guests. I want to know what their real intentions are."

"My pleasure sir," said Mr. Chekov and Scotty excited for the given assignment. 

"One more thing sir," said Scotty. "I found this device that looks like a 20th century flash light in their cargo storage room." He handed Kirk the light saber with silver casing but neither of them knew it was out of power. Kirk examined it and pushed one button on the side but nothing happened. He handed it over to Spock who after a brief silence said, "Intriguing. This is the light saber I saw in their documentaries. It seems to be out of power or locked to be functional only by its owner."

"It is remarkable how their technology seems so advanced for space travel but yet carry this primitive type of weapon," said the doctor failing to understand the jedi weapon.

"I want you to examine this also Scotty. Take it apart and see what creates this standing column of energy beam," said Kirk turning his head to the doctor adding "with all our advanced technology we cannot make this doctor, standing column of pure energy."

"It's advanced technology but used in a primitive way," said the doctor shaking his head.

"Good luck gentlemen," said captain to Scotty and Chekov as they were heading to the door.

"Thank you sir," said Chekov and entered the elevator.

"So what are your plans for this weekend? Anything exciting you guys are going to do this weekend?" asked the captain.

"Mr. Spock and I we are going to play a round of golf at the Great Wall Mountain Links," said Dr. McCoy. "I'm going to teach this Vulcan that no logic can explain the beauty of the game."

"Indeed. I fail to see any logic in such exercise where hitting a ball with a club, walking after it, hitting it again, and walking after it again can be called a sport let alone beautiful," said Spock with both eyebrows raised. "But I decided to give it a try to understand the nature of the game as that would be logical to best understand it."

"I'm sure you'll love it Spock. Wish I can join you. I heard it's one of the most exquisite golf courses overlooking Great Wall," said captain Kirk wishing he could reschedule his meetings. "We'll reconvene next week to go over the new findings about our guests if any. For now there is no reason for us to let them know that we don't believe them," said Jim reminding his officers the subject matter at hand.

"Agreed", said Mr. Spock, "We will closely monitor their activities and should find more information soon."

"Have fun gentlemen," said Captain Kirk.

"I'll keep you posted Jim," said the doctor with a smile referring to impending Spock's golf score. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Into The Lion's Den

Freedom of speech
You can say anything
So it seems
Anything at all

But is it the same thing
As freedom
To make everyone hear
What you have to say?

Does listener have freedom
To not hear things
Filter out the offensive
Before sounds waves reach the eardrums?

How about images or pictures
Can a person not see
What is on the paper or screen
While looking at it if not blind?

Freedom of press
You can print anything
So it seems
Anything at all

What about freedom
To jump off the bridge?
You are free to jump

But why not?
Don't want to hurt yourself?
But you are free to do so
If you so desire

What about freedom
To eat anything you want?
Try some stir fried worms

But why not?
Don't like it?
But you are free to eat it
If you so desire

Can you make someone else
To jump off the bridge?
Or eat the stir fried worms?

You are free to say whatever
To print whatever

But while you cannot make others
To jump off the bridge
Or eat the monkey brain
If they don't want to

Why is it ok
To make others hear
What they don't want to hear
To make others see
What they don't want to see?

Is that freedom?
Or oppression?

You cannot stick your arm
Into the lion's den
And expect the lion
To respect your freedom

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Castle On The Beach

What good is it
For a man or woman
To spend their entire lives
In helping other people
Spending all their energy
Money and time
Sacrificing their lives

But ends up in hell
For eternity?

It is like someone who
Builds spectacular sand
Castle on the beach
That will be washed away
When the waves come

Temporary satisfaction?
Idealistic altruism?
Overbearing super ego?
Self glory?

If good deed is done
For any conceivable reason
Other than true love
For a fellow men

It is truly nothing more
Than a sand castle
On the beach

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chapter Three: Yoda

Months have passed since the Millenium Falcon almost collided with the Enterprise and Han Solo & Co. escorted to the Star Fleet Headquarters in the Bay area. Despite rough and prolonged debriefing and mind melding investigation all the crew from the Galaxy Far Far Away have endured the ordeal without much lasting psychological trauma. Luke Skywalker and Yoda obviously helped the process move along much faster than it was anticipated using their force to elicit needed approvals from the investigators. More than few times they were caught using their force to manipulate the minds during the review process where the reviewers noticed unquestionable use of the force. 
Ryan: "Tell me about the nature of the force."
Yoda: "It is unnecessary to answer that question." with a slight wave of the hand. 
Ryan: "It is unnecessary to answer that question."
Yoda: "Let's move on." Again with almost imperceptible movement of his index finger. 
Ryan: "Let's move on."
Above interaction almost cost Mr. Ryan his job as the head of the security post but after determining that he had no powers to avert such manipulation he was granted to be on probation. At the end Yoda and Skywalker revealed that they were the only two who possessed the so called "force" due to their rampant use of mind manipulation to speed up the process. For every five times they used such mind tricks three of them were caught and two got through. It was mutually beneficial process and in retrospect intentionally carried out by Yoda and Skywalker to earn the trust of the Federation and to establish that they were the only two who are true Jedi masters.
The Federation assumed that it was unintentional and was due to Far Far Away Galaxy guests' sub-par IQ compared to humans and felt victorious in revealing the true identities of each crew member. But the paranoid few still wondered whether it was intentional to hide the third Jedi. In trying to be one step ahead in that line of thinking Mr. Ryan encouraged the Millenium crew to use as much mind manipulation as possible. He even asked Han Solo to use his force with impunity to make Lieutenant Kisha to kiss him at the end of the mind melding session. Han wished at that moment - the only time he ever felt such desire - that he was a Jedi Master. But regardless of the truth he tried to use the force anyway by saying softly "Kiss me lieutenant" in less than two feet proximity to bewildered beauty who just said "No" and walked away. That pretty much proved to Mr. Ryan that Han Solo didn't possess any force since there was no question what Han wanted from Lieutenant Keisha. All that mind melding was unnecessary, he thought. 
After months of intense interrogation and establishing without doubt that it was a sheer random event which led Millenium Falcon to fall into the worm hole that led to the Milky Way Galaxy the aliens were released free to join and assimilate with citizens of the earth. They were given guaranteed housing, food, clothes, and whatever else they needed within the regulations of the governing body. 
"What about money?", asked Han.
"We no longer use money in our society," said Mr. Sulu who was escorting them to their new apartment complex. 
"No money? How can a society have no money? What do you use to buy stuff? What do you work for? That's ridiculous," said Han totally mind blown. 
"We work to better ourselves in whatever pursuit we choose to engage in. We have everything we need for everyone so no one becomes hungry or unnecessarily rich," said Mr. Sulu with full of pride. 
"Sounds a lot like dictatorship to me. Very controlling I would say. Takes the fun out of hunting for treasure," said Han irritated that there is no money to be gained on this planet. 
Princess Leia was in shock as well but couldn't resist to ask. 
"What about diamonds? Aren't they considered valuable?" She wondered since she had this love for precious gems found around the galaxy. She had quite a collection back home on Alderaan before the Death Star blew up the whole planet along with all her precious gems. She feels responsible for the whole incident but can't help but to wonder where all those gems are floating about in the space. 
"Diamonds? Of course they are considered valuable. The naturally mined ones from Africa are collectors item. But since no one can tell the difference between the natural ones from manufactured diamonds it has lost its luster over time," said Mr. Sulu showing off his diamond academy ring. "This one's manufactured. But why should this be less valuable than the mined ones is beyond me."
Leia was confused now trying to figure out how to obtain valuable things without money. 
"If you don't use money then how can you obtain valuable goods like real diamonds?"
"Oh. That's simple. You apply for it," said Mr. Sulu with that's so obvious look on his face. 
"Apply? What do you mean?," asked Leia even more confused but hopeful. 
Mr. Sulu was intent on explaining every detail of the money less transaction to the new guests and obliged to answer in detail. 
"Well, the process is simple. You fill out this application form on-line about the object you would like it  to be in your possession. You have to give a reason for your desire for that object. You can apply for anything. Anything at all. But you have to have a good reason for wanting that object," said Mr. Sulu thinking that is the hard part. 
"What? Are you serious? You've got to be kidding," said Han "What if I apply for a ton of gold?" 
"You certainly can. But it would be hard for you to come up with a good reason, a reason that will be approved, for you to have it," said Mr. Sulu like someone who already tried and failed. 
"Wait, wait. Who decides the reason is good enough or not?" asked Leia truly wondering. 
"Well. It is computerized of course. You can imagine the number of applications generated each day by all individuals on this planet. There is no way any individual or group of people can review all the applications. Besides, using real people will generate inconsistent results and wouldn't be fair," said Mr. Sulu. 
"Computer?", asked Leia almost yelling. "How can a computer know that woman wanting 50 Karat diamond is reasonable?" 
"It isn't", said Mr. Sulu after a little pause and instantly reminded himself how grateful he was for this whole moneyless system. 
Han started to laugh looking at Mr. Sulu thinking how ridiculous this whole process was but at the same time thought he could probably come up with a good reason for anything. 
"Unless you are a princess," said Mr. Sulu trying to establish fairness to some degree, "Then you can probably apply for 100 karat diamond and the computer probably will grant it." 
Leia almost jumped for joy after hearing this revelation, "I am a princess!", she shouted to the shagrin of Yoda and all others who were only shouting distance away with Lieutenant Uhura. 
"Oh, so you said. I know," said Mr. Sulu about to ruin the moment of joy. "The problem is all known princesses in our galaxy are registered in our computer but since you are from an unknown galaxy I don't think the computer will recognize you as real princess." He tried to look as much sympathetic as possible but it didn't dampen Princess Leia's hopes. She knew establishing herself as a princess wouldn't be too difficult.  
By this time Luke, Yoda, and Chubbca accompanied by Uhura caught up to them wondering what the excitement was all about. 
"What is all the excitement here? Did I hear someone say princess?", asked Uhura wondering whether she heard priceless instead. 
"Yes, I was telling Mr. Sulu I was Princess Leia," said Leia followed by what transpired before hand for her to volunteer that information. "He told us about your financial system, or lack thereof, requires application for material goods. And that large piece of jewelry like 50 carat diamond wouldn't be granted unless you are a princess." 
"Oh honey, if you want a big diamond or any other jewelry," she leaned over to Leia's ear and whispered "just come to me and I know how to make the computer approve it like you were applying for toilet paper" and gave her a wink. 
And of course Han was right there who missed the part with whispering but immediately deduced from Leia's joyful smile that Lieutenant Uhura was the key for his treasures. 
After about 20 minutes of walk engaging in small talk with Uhura and Sulu they arrived at the waterfront skyscraper multi unit complex where they are each given their new residences. It was a beautiful building with light blue glass walls on all four sides overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Upon entering the main door they were greeted by the concierge who took over the escort duties from the federation officers. 
Center of the main floor was a water fountain with garden hosting many benches along the walkways that lead to three glass elevator shafts. It was a very open layout and seemed much bigger inside then it appeared from outside. The effect was achieved by having some walls with virtual transluminescence that projects whatever light hitting the outside wall to be projected on the inside wall, sort of like a real glass window. 
"Very pleasant and peaceful it is," said Yoda who was catching his breath after having hard time keeping up with the group. 
"I agree master Yoda," said Luke. "I can really use some peace and quiet after all we've been through."
"Thing one more to do we have," said Yoda as they entered the south elevator. 
Everyone stared at Yoda with a blank stare. His usual broken grammar was a little too shattered even for them to understand with that last statement. Everyone knew what Yoda was trying to say even if it didn't make any sense. No one talked about it or revealed what exactly have transpired during the worm whole entry and exit and how Yoda have transformed from force of light to real physical form during the process. As soon as they exited the worm whole the ship was about to collide with the Enterprise and there was really no chance for any private talk. No one said anything about the whole transformation to the Federation during the investigation.  They assumed soon or later the Federation will ask about Yoda after having seen the Star Wars documentaries but no one did. Either they didn't see the whole thing or assumed Jedi Masters came back alive on the last seen of the documentary. Either way it was something the whole Millenium Falcon crew, except Yoda, was curious about and had no explanation. 
"One more thing we have to do," said Yoda to clarify. "My residence come you have to"
"We'll be there. Don't want to miss the celebration party," said Han to thwart any doubts of their benign nature held by the concierge. 
"Five o'clock?" asked Leia. 
"Good five is", said Yoda. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Utterly Meaningless

Power without wisdom
Is like a ship without rudder
A category 5 tornado
A hurricane

A richter scale 9 earthquake
Ending up in disaster 

Power with wisdom
Is like a nuclear power plant
A planet orbiting the sun
Massive oceanic current
Mt Everest
Orderly with purpose

Not to be witnessed
Where these days
Power power more power
Money money more money
Fame fame more fame
All without wisdom

Utterly meaningless
And ugly
Self destruction

Must Be Frustrating

It just goes to show you
How the words or phrases
Fail to convey the degree
Of how much some people
Dislike America

Perhaps it is the fault
Or limitations of human mind
To not come up with anything better
But to say things like

"Volcanoes of jihad"
By Islamic State or
"Boiled pumpkin unable
To endure an attack
From foreign foe"
By North Korea

Is just too inappropriate and comical
Trying too hard
Like a man dressed in tuxedo
Going to a movie

It might be better just to say
"We hate you" than
Boiled pumpkin or
Volcanoes of jihad

But be that as it may
It doesn't hide the fact
That they truly must hate America

But not being able to come up with
Anything better
Must be frustrating

Friday, January 2, 2015

Sun Will Rise Tomorrow

When a person is starving
Small piece of bread
Is received with thanksgiving

But when a person is full
Same piece of bread
Is received with scoff

People who boast
About their wealth
Are hardly ever generous

People who love money
Always want to spend
Other people's money

A wise man who thinks he is wise
Is foolish
A foolish man who thinks he is wise
Is even more foolish

A wise man who thinks he is not wise
Is showing humility
A foolish man who thinks he is not wise
Has some wisdom

Truth never changes
But people continuously
Strives to change it

It is better to be a follower
Than a leader
But no one will admit it

Sun will rise tomorrow
And sun will set
Is as good as it will get