Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Only Few Christians

Deflate gate
Fox Affleck split
Cosby scandal
Armstrong lies

These are only few
Just off top of my head
That makes the world
A comic stage

Can't leave out Ashley Madison

And Snowden
He exposed what?
Something that everyone with
A touch of common sense knew
But didn't talk about?

Now that everyone knows
Or rather it is confirmed
That the government tracts

He took away the only thing
That kept the marriage going
State of ignorance is bliss
But unlike a real marriage
You can't divorce the government

So now what?
Mission accomplished?
So now everyone knows
But who really cares

It's only tough for those who
Commit or plan to commit
Some form of crime
That will attract attention

Which begs the question
Why is Snowden a criminal?
He probably made the country more safe

Which begs another question
Maybe this Snowden thing
Was all intentional from the beginning
Orchestrated by the government

Which begs yet another question
Who can really confirm
What Snowden revealed is actually true?

Which brings us back to square one
No one really knows
And no one really cares
Other than those who plan
To commit some type of crime

What people really should care about
Is not what Snowden revealed
But what the Bible says about God
That He tracts everything
Even your inner most thoughts

But no one cares about that
Other than Christians
Only few Christians