Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chapter Three: Yoda

Months have passed since the Millenium Falcon almost collided with the Enterprise and Han Solo & Co. escorted to the Star Fleet Headquarters in the Bay area. Despite rough and prolonged debriefing and mind melding investigation all the crew from the Galaxy Far Far Away have endured the ordeal without much lasting psychological trauma. Luke Skywalker and Yoda obviously helped the process move along much faster than it was anticipated using their force to elicit needed approvals from the investigators. More than few times they were caught using their force to manipulate the minds during the review process where the reviewers noticed unquestionable use of the force. 
Ryan: "Tell me about the nature of the force."
Yoda: "It is unnecessary to answer that question." with a slight wave of the hand. 
Ryan: "It is unnecessary to answer that question."
Yoda: "Let's move on." Again with almost imperceptible movement of his index finger. 
Ryan: "Let's move on."
Above interaction almost cost Mr. Ryan his job as the head of the security post but after determining that he had no powers to avert such manipulation he was granted to be on probation. At the end Yoda and Skywalker revealed that they were the only two who possessed the so called "force" due to their rampant use of mind manipulation to speed up the process. For every five times they used such mind tricks three of them were caught and two got through. It was mutually beneficial process and in retrospect intentionally carried out by Yoda and Skywalker to earn the trust of the Federation and to establish that they were the only two who are true Jedi masters.
The Federation assumed that it was unintentional and was due to Far Far Away Galaxy guests' sub-par IQ compared to humans and felt victorious in revealing the true identities of each crew member. But the paranoid few still wondered whether it was intentional to hide the third Jedi. In trying to be one step ahead in that line of thinking Mr. Ryan encouraged the Millenium crew to use as much mind manipulation as possible. He even asked Han Solo to use his force with impunity to make Lieutenant Kisha to kiss him at the end of the mind melding session. Han wished at that moment - the only time he ever felt such desire - that he was a Jedi Master. But regardless of the truth he tried to use the force anyway by saying softly "Kiss me lieutenant" in less than two feet proximity to bewildered beauty who just said "No" and walked away. That pretty much proved to Mr. Ryan that Han Solo didn't possess any force since there was no question what Han wanted from Lieutenant Keisha. All that mind melding was unnecessary, he thought. 
After months of intense interrogation and establishing without doubt that it was a sheer random event which led Millenium Falcon to fall into the worm hole that led to the Milky Way Galaxy the aliens were released free to join and assimilate with citizens of the earth. They were given guaranteed housing, food, clothes, and whatever else they needed within the regulations of the governing body. 
"What about money?", asked Han.
"We no longer use money in our society," said Mr. Sulu who was escorting them to their new apartment complex. 
"No money? How can a society have no money? What do you use to buy stuff? What do you work for? That's ridiculous," said Han totally mind blown. 
"We work to better ourselves in whatever pursuit we choose to engage in. We have everything we need for everyone so no one becomes hungry or unnecessarily rich," said Mr. Sulu with full of pride. 
"Sounds a lot like dictatorship to me. Very controlling I would say. Takes the fun out of hunting for treasure," said Han irritated that there is no money to be gained on this planet. 
Princess Leia was in shock as well but couldn't resist to ask. 
"What about diamonds? Aren't they considered valuable?" She wondered since she had this love for precious gems found around the galaxy. She had quite a collection back home on Alderaan before the Death Star blew up the whole planet along with all her precious gems. She feels responsible for the whole incident but can't help but to wonder where all those gems are floating about in the space. 
"Diamonds? Of course they are considered valuable. The naturally mined ones from Africa are collectors item. But since no one can tell the difference between the natural ones from manufactured diamonds it has lost its luster over time," said Mr. Sulu showing off his diamond academy ring. "This one's manufactured. But why should this be less valuable than the mined ones is beyond me."
Leia was confused now trying to figure out how to obtain valuable things without money. 
"If you don't use money then how can you obtain valuable goods like real diamonds?"
"Oh. That's simple. You apply for it," said Mr. Sulu with that's so obvious look on his face. 
"Apply? What do you mean?," asked Leia even more confused but hopeful. 
Mr. Sulu was intent on explaining every detail of the money less transaction to the new guests and obliged to answer in detail. 
"Well, the process is simple. You fill out this application form on-line about the object you would like it  to be in your possession. You have to give a reason for your desire for that object. You can apply for anything. Anything at all. But you have to have a good reason for wanting that object," said Mr. Sulu thinking that is the hard part. 
"What? Are you serious? You've got to be kidding," said Han "What if I apply for a ton of gold?" 
"You certainly can. But it would be hard for you to come up with a good reason, a reason that will be approved, for you to have it," said Mr. Sulu like someone who already tried and failed. 
"Wait, wait. Who decides the reason is good enough or not?" asked Leia truly wondering. 
"Well. It is computerized of course. You can imagine the number of applications generated each day by all individuals on this planet. There is no way any individual or group of people can review all the applications. Besides, using real people will generate inconsistent results and wouldn't be fair," said Mr. Sulu. 
"Computer?", asked Leia almost yelling. "How can a computer know that woman wanting 50 Karat diamond is reasonable?" 
"It isn't", said Mr. Sulu after a little pause and instantly reminded himself how grateful he was for this whole moneyless system. 
Han started to laugh looking at Mr. Sulu thinking how ridiculous this whole process was but at the same time thought he could probably come up with a good reason for anything. 
"Unless you are a princess," said Mr. Sulu trying to establish fairness to some degree, "Then you can probably apply for 100 karat diamond and the computer probably will grant it." 
Leia almost jumped for joy after hearing this revelation, "I am a princess!", she shouted to the shagrin of Yoda and all others who were only shouting distance away with Lieutenant Uhura. 
"Oh, so you said. I know," said Mr. Sulu about to ruin the moment of joy. "The problem is all known princesses in our galaxy are registered in our computer but since you are from an unknown galaxy I don't think the computer will recognize you as real princess." He tried to look as much sympathetic as possible but it didn't dampen Princess Leia's hopes. She knew establishing herself as a princess wouldn't be too difficult.  
By this time Luke, Yoda, and Chubbca accompanied by Uhura caught up to them wondering what the excitement was all about. 
"What is all the excitement here? Did I hear someone say princess?", asked Uhura wondering whether she heard priceless instead. 
"Yes, I was telling Mr. Sulu I was Princess Leia," said Leia followed by what transpired before hand for her to volunteer that information. "He told us about your financial system, or lack thereof, requires application for material goods. And that large piece of jewelry like 50 carat diamond wouldn't be granted unless you are a princess." 
"Oh honey, if you want a big diamond or any other jewelry," she leaned over to Leia's ear and whispered "just come to me and I know how to make the computer approve it like you were applying for toilet paper" and gave her a wink. 
And of course Han was right there who missed the part with whispering but immediately deduced from Leia's joyful smile that Lieutenant Uhura was the key for his treasures. 
After about 20 minutes of walk engaging in small talk with Uhura and Sulu they arrived at the waterfront skyscraper multi unit complex where they are each given their new residences. It was a beautiful building with light blue glass walls on all four sides overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Upon entering the main door they were greeted by the concierge who took over the escort duties from the federation officers. 
Center of the main floor was a water fountain with garden hosting many benches along the walkways that lead to three glass elevator shafts. It was a very open layout and seemed much bigger inside then it appeared from outside. The effect was achieved by having some walls with virtual transluminescence that projects whatever light hitting the outside wall to be projected on the inside wall, sort of like a real glass window. 
"Very pleasant and peaceful it is," said Yoda who was catching his breath after having hard time keeping up with the group. 
"I agree master Yoda," said Luke. "I can really use some peace and quiet after all we've been through."
"Thing one more to do we have," said Yoda as they entered the south elevator. 
Everyone stared at Yoda with a blank stare. His usual broken grammar was a little too shattered even for them to understand with that last statement. Everyone knew what Yoda was trying to say even if it didn't make any sense. No one talked about it or revealed what exactly have transpired during the worm whole entry and exit and how Yoda have transformed from force of light to real physical form during the process. As soon as they exited the worm whole the ship was about to collide with the Enterprise and there was really no chance for any private talk. No one said anything about the whole transformation to the Federation during the investigation.  They assumed soon or later the Federation will ask about Yoda after having seen the Star Wars documentaries but no one did. Either they didn't see the whole thing or assumed Jedi Masters came back alive on the last seen of the documentary. Either way it was something the whole Millenium Falcon crew, except Yoda, was curious about and had no explanation. 
"One more thing we have to do," said Yoda to clarify. "My residence come you have to"
"We'll be there. Don't want to miss the celebration party," said Han to thwart any doubts of their benign nature held by the concierge. 
"Five o'clock?" asked Leia. 
"Good five is", said Yoda.