Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Best

Selfish people
Selfish person
Just selfish beyond comprehension

Everything that they do
Every transaction
Every deal
Every conversation

All about their self interest
Only about themselves
Not giving an inch
So ingrained in their psyche 

Who cannot stand 
Knowing they paid more than others
Even down to the cents

Who cannot forget
Knowing someone owes them money
And forever waits for payback

Who cannot do a single deed
Without some form of recognition
Or gratitude or reward

Who cannot do a selfless act
Without proclaiming 
To the whole world to hear

Who cannot stand 
Watching others do better
On whatever that may be

Who cannot sleep
Feeling others may think
They are better than them

Who just cannot stand
Being number two
Or three

Mine mine mine
All mine
The best

The best
The most 
Selfish person 
In this world