Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Human Kind

A million dollars
No not just one million
Ten million dollars
Not that either
Multiples of ten million
Sounds about right

Million here million there
Throwing these numbers around
Like someone's shoe size

Suppose it is peanuts
Compared to billions
Thrown around like a can of tuna
In the corporate mergers and buyouts

And what used to be discrete
News written on paper
Is now in your face
Inescapable avalanche

Ooooohhh Ahhhhh
Millions and millions
Billions and billions
Who or what is paying who or what
Ooooohhh Ahhhhh

Capitalism at its best
Survival of the fittest
All the while talking about
The human kind
As if we are all in this together

We sure are
In our own little world