Friday, December 19, 2014

And Coconut Is

What North Korea did
Hacking into Sony
Was criminal

What US did
Making a movie
Killing North Korean leader
Is freedom of speech

But since N Korea
Does not have
Freedom of speech
Nor any freedom

It is unreasonable
To expect a reaction
That can only be expected
From a country that has
Freedom of speech

It is like expecting an orange
From a coconut tree
Or a monkey
In an aquarium

And coconut is
What US got
From a coconut tree

When It Is Your Grass

Grass looks greener
On the other side
Because it is really greener

But that's ok

Because if your grass was greener
Then the other guy will think
The grass looks greener
On the other side
Because it is really greener

But that's ok

Because if his grass was greener
Then you would think
The grass looks greener
On the other side
Because it is really greener

But that's ok

Because if your grass was greener
Then he would think
The grass looks greener
On the other side
Because it is really greener

But that's ok

But what's not ok
Is when you think
The grass looks greener
On the other side
When it is your grass
That is more green

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Alive Live Faith

Look on the bright side
They say
When things are dark

Always be optimistic
They say
When glass is half empty

Never give up
They say
When there is no hope


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unable To Hide

So it is apparent
More and more obvious
Almost crying out for help
Seemingly unaware
Oblivious of what is so real
On national TV
The whole world watching
Unable to hide
These Hollywood actors
And actresses
Up on the stage showcasing
Their confusion
Their insecurity in life
Existence in question
Not all of them
But almost all
Can just feel the pain
And suffering
Emotional and spiritual
Spiritual more than anything
Who can save them
Is there anyone out there?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thank You Professor

Good evening professor
What can you teach me today?
Any words of wisdom?
Please do enlighten me
As I am not a professor like you

But you are wrong you see
I will teach you something today
That will make you a professor
Just like myself

Oh if you could please
I would be forever grateful
What is it that I have to learn
To become a professor?

Well it is very simple my padawan
Whenever you talk about anything
With anyone or in any situation
Just talk like you know it all


No buts
Just always be ready to teach
You will see
You will feel like a pro

I see
So there really is nothing to it
Just talk like you are an expert
In anything being talked about

You will soon realize
That the whole world is
Replete with professors

Thank you professor

No, thank you

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

May Be Impossible

It is hard to find these days
Someone who is genuinely nice
A person who is forgiving
Able to tolerate mistakes
Or wrongs done by others

Most seem to lie in wait
Until you make that one wrong move
And the hammer goes down
List you as one of those
And feel vindicated

Some will act nice
Not because they are truly nice
But because they know what nice is
And have the will power and desire
To act like a nice person

The distinction is blurred
And difficult to say who is what
But the key word is desire

The desire to act nice
To willfully be a nice person
Or the desire to act nice
To be perceived by others as such

The difference between
The former and the latter
Is that the latter's nice qualities
Only present when there is an audience

Then what is the difference
Between someone who is genuinely nice
From all the rest?

It is the lack of desire
For someone who is genuinely nice
There is no need for desire to be
What he or she already is

And for such people
Being nice doesn't take much effort
Always the same
With no regard to what others may think

Indeed it is hard to find
May be impossible
Even among Christians
Such a person who is like Christ

Monday, October 27, 2014

Joe Shmoe

The universal object
Of envy and desire
For some it is also a measure
Of self respect 
And respect given 
Such that to bow down 
Before a billionaire or 
To shake hand with one
Will give them genuine pleasure

The difficulty lies in trying
To determine which of the two
Is more of a clown

A billionaire who thinks
He or she is superior
Or a Joe Shmoe who thinks
Billionaires are superior

Monday, October 13, 2014

One Who Is Eternal

All things come to an end
End that is unknown
Unknown to all except one
One who is eternal

May God deliver us from evil

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Different Perspective

What is a miracle?
Impossible event that happened?
If it happened then it is obviously
Not impossible

Or an event that normally
Does not occur or is not expected?

The term "miracle" itself
Implies that there is absolutely
Not what so ever
Any hope of achieving
That outcome which is desired
By human capabilities

Then how can one explain
The miracles that happened
Is happening
And will happen?

Miracle is only a miracle
From the perspective of humans
To explain what is unexplainable

The only way to explain
An answer that is unexplainable
Is the existence of
A different perspective

From which a miraculous event
Is nothing more
Than easy ordinary expected

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Congress In Action

Society as a whole
Tolerates world hunger
Children dying of malnutrition
Human trafficking
Drugs and gang violence
And every other crime
Read and heard on the news

Meaning no one will rise up
Make a national news
Debate with passion
And demand a change

But lo and behold
Up comes out a video footage
Of domestic violence
By a professional

And the whole country
Is in the uproars
Demanding a change
Demanding punishment
Congress in action

As this is an intolerable crime
And the only thing intolerable
Is that this is on video
All to see

How hypocritical
Can humans be
The same people
Who turns blind eye
To all the things that are
Not apparent

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Because He Is A Man

It is one thing to say
You should not hit another
Regardless of the situation

But it's quite another
To say no man
Should hit another woman

In this society where
Man lives with woman
Man lives with man
Woman lives with woman
All married to each other

Would Ray Rice have been
Suspended if he was gay
And hit his another male partner
And knocked him out cold?

Or is his situation much more
Serious because he hit a woman?
Do women's rights activists condone
This type of preferential treatment
When it comes to domestic violence?

Domestic violence
Whether it is physical, emotional
Or financial
Is wrong regardless of
Who the victim is

And the punishment should not be
Different just because a man
Hit a "woman"

If that is the expectation
Then man can also argue
That woman should be submissive to man
Because he is a man

What is wrong is wrong
But basing the severity solely
On the gender difference
Is also wrong

Ray Rice should pay the price
For hitting his spouse
And punishment should not be
Worse because his victim
Happens to be a woman

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Is Certainly Not

Another day goes by
Just like yesterday
And the day before
And before

But who can guarantee
Tomorrow will go by
Just like today
Like yesterday
And the day before

Tomorrow going by
Is almost certain

Being alive to see it
Is certainly not

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And the Better the World Economy

You have to admit
It is really an interesting world
With lots of interesting people
Living on this planet

Like just in today's news
Of a guy wearing Batman costume
Riding batcycle in Japan

Or city in Brazil run by women
Because they don't want to live under men's rules
Looking for men nonetheless

To news of recent past
About person taking selfies off the tallest
Building in Dubai

The list goes on and on
People doing all sorts of stuff
For reasons not so much variable
As the acts they perform

For attention perhaps
Or adrenaline
Or purely for the sake of doing it
For the first time

But one thing common among them
Is that they are not starving
Or sick to be bedridden
Or homeless

Which in essence describes these acts
As leisure activities
Of well to do people
Who have too much time on their hands

Which in turn is a reflection
Of the world economy

Which leads one to conclude
The more interesting news you see on the internet
The more interesting people there are in this world
And the better the world economy

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mt. Everest

There is a saying
If there are too many captains
The ship will end up on a mountain

And indeed
The ship called Earth
Is headed towards
Mt. Everest

Friday, July 18, 2014

C'est la vie

One way or another
A bouncing ball 
Going down the stairs 
Is going to hit the floor

And it really makes not
Much difference how
It got there or
In what glorious fashion

What is important 
Is what's going to happen
To that ball

C'est la vie

Thursday, July 17, 2014

And Forwards

The concept of eternity
Something that has no end
Like no beginning 
Is incomprehensible 
To humans

Probably because 
Every one of us 
Have a beginning and ending
Like all life on this planet

But that is a concept
Humans applied to reality
Using numbers
That are infinite backwards 
And forwards

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hardly Anywhere

Where do you draw the line
Between vanity and modesty?

If everyone drove BMW 7 series
And you drive BMW 3 series

Are you modest?
Is that modesty?

If everyone drove 3 series
But you drive Honda Civic
Is that modesty?

On the other hand
If everyone drove Honda Civic
But you drive BMW 3 series
Are you vain?

So is vanity and modesty
Relative to your surroundings?
Do surroundings dictate
Whether you are vain or modest?

That means anybody can be modest
Relative to people above them
Or vain
Relative to people not as well off

So every individual
Is both modest and vain
But how can that be?

So it is not relative to your surroundings
It cannot be relative
Relativity does not apply to vanity
Modesty is not dictated by surroundings

Then how do you draw the line?
If they are independent of the surroundings

To determine what is vain
And modest?

A king wearing a golden crown
Is not being vain
President traveling in Air Force One
Is not vanity

Homeless man living under a bridge
Is not being modest
Poor man wearing old clothes
Is not modesty

Vanity is vain
When it is inappropriate

Modesty is modest
When it is unnecessary

But since almost all
Think they are kings and queens
Deserving everything expensive
This world can offer

Vanity is everywhere
And modesty
Hardly anywhere

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Is The Difference

What is the difference
Between a humble person
And not so humble?

A humble person
Can eat at any restaurant
Without breaking a sweat

Not so humble
Cannot eat at cheap restaurant
Without cold sweat running down their back

A humble person
Will ride a bus to go to work
When the car breaks down

Not so humble
Will stay home rather
Than caught seen waiting for a bus

A humble person
Buys merchandise
For personal use

Not so humble
Buys merchandise
To show off

A humble person
Finds luxury items
Not so luxurious

Not so humble
Finds luxury items
Very luxurious

A humble person
Does not declare their resume
At every given opportunity

Not so humble
Declares their resume
Even when not asked for

A humble person
Respects everyone
Without regard to status

Not so humble
Thinks others have to
Earn their respect

A humble person
Do not care so much
About what others think

Not so humble
All day and night
That's all they care about

A humble person
Do not need to
Act humble

Not so humble
Go out of their way
To act humble

A humble person
Sees a homeless man
And feels sympathy

Not so humble
Sees a homeless man
And feels pity if at all

A humble person
Dresses according to occasion
Regardless of the audience

Not so humble
Dresses according to audience
Regardless of the occasion

A humble person
Do not act special
But others think they are

Not so humble
Act like they are so special
And it shows

A humble person
Never compares themselves
To their neighbors

Not so humble
Always compares themselves
To their neighbors

A humble person
Credits their wealth
To a blessing

Not so humble
Credits their wealth
To hard work

A humble person
Knows who truly is
The most humble

Not so humble
Have no idea
Who He is

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Majority Believes

The fallacy of democracy
Is that no matter how outrageous
No matter how utterly ludicrous
Or incomprehensible

All it takes is the majority
To make it into a law

The fallacy lies not in the system
Just as pollution is not the fault of the pollutant 
But lies solely on the ever fallacious human reasoning

The belief and conviction
That what majority want
What majority believes
Must be bestowed upon the majority

No matter how outrageous
No matter how utterly ludicrous
Or incomprehensible

Without adhering to fixed reference point
To measure how far and how ludicrous
To reset the clock

There is absolutely no other way
That this civilization will end up
Than in absolute corruption

Almost hopeless 
Until the end

Thursday, June 19, 2014

And Counting Stars

People love to sit around
And discuss everything
From news to sports
To food and clothing
Anything that can be discussed
Pretty much everything
Are discussed

And debated
Spending hours and hours
Over the radio, TV, or anywhere
Talking and talking
Analyzing, criticising, praising
Some getting paid for doing it

When the time is up
There is no conclusion
No action
Nothing comes out of it
Other than having said all that there is to be said

Until next time
Next day 
Next topic

Often amounting to nothing
More than just a time filler
Like looking at the sky
And counting stars

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bon Voyage

People travel all the time
From one place to another
To see the wonders
To broaden their mind
To experience life they say

Mostly by rich people
Who can afford the cost of traveling
People who have vacations
Or just spare time and money
With or without a job

But honestly
Even if you travelled every corner
Saw the wonders of the world
More than eight times over

Your mind would not be any different
Other than having memories
Gotten older
And pictures that will get filed away

And the satisfaction of having travelled
Will not last long

So you go again
To stimulate your mind
To spend some more time
And spare money

Again and again

And again

Bon Voyage

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Luck With That

No matter how much
How desperately sought
Ceaselessly endeavored
To stay young
Live long
And cling to this life

You are one day closer today
Than you were yesterday
To face the truth
To finally know

Whether you were right all along
About the after life

Whether you will spend the eternity
In hell or heaven or something else
Or just cease to exist
Become nothing

Like the blind man walking
Ever so carefully
Wishing there is no cliff

But no matter what you wish for
What you believe
Or hope for
The truth will not change

Good luck with that

Sunday, June 8, 2014

That Ye

If there is one thing
That people genuinely do not want 
Is to admit the facts
That will reveal the painful truth

People will rationalize
And even scientifically theorize
Or hypothesize

To explain why
Things are the way they are
It is a defense mechanism

But there is really 
Absolutely no other reason
Why a Christian cannot walk on water
Or heal the sick
Like Jesus Christ did

Other than the truth
That ye
Lack genuine faith

And What Might That Be?

From the gatherings of brilliant minds
To gatherings of not so brilliant

From teachers to students
To priests and pastors
And everyone else
With beating hearts

Like the stale air that covers
Every nook and cranny
Everywhere there is
Shady evil corruption

Like the spinning compass
Unable to find the North
Confused dazed and tired
Not knowing anything other than

More more more
Money, power, prestige
Comfort, luxury, satiety

Everyone basking in their own glory
And self righteousness
So proud to be
And what might that be?

If it was bad two thousand years ago
It is much worse now
And getting worse by the minute

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Anything He Had

There is a reason why
Jesus Christ was homeless
Was born in the barn
Had no money
No fancy clothes
Was rejected

So that no one in this world
Can ever envy
Anything he had
Other than what He only can offer

Peace and salvation

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Does Not

There are certain people
Maybe more than few
Who thinks the world revolves around them

You often hear the rhetorical question
Do you think the world revolves around you?
And wonder what exactly prompted it

Usually it is the result of complaints
While in a group of two or more
Directed at the person complaining

About food
How it is not quite prepared right
For a paying customer

About a movie
How the plot was bad
Sound was poor
How it is not worth the money

Or just about anything for that matter 
Not quite satisfactory 
When majority doesn't seem to care 

It is a constant reaffirmation 
That the world certainly 
Does not 
Revolve around them

Sunday, May 11, 2014

To Pay The Premium

Life insurance
Health insurance
Auto insurance
Home insurance
Disability insurance
Umbrella insurance
Flood insurance
Earthquake insurance
Career insurance
Mortgage insurance
Risk insurance

Insurance after insurance
All paid for by hard earned money

If there was an insurance for afterlife
That guarantees one will go to heaven
And not hell
Just in case they do really exist

People will pay millions
Or even billions to buy that insurance

But ironically the one insurance that
Guarantees eternal life in heaven
Is not for sale

And the more money one has
The harder it will be
To pay the premium

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Very Bizarre Indeed

It is one thing to say you lost a golf ball
An errant shot into the bush
Hidden deep in the woods somewhere

But it is quite another to say you lost a jumbo jet
Flying through the radar net
And just disappear nowhere to be found

No debris whatsoever
Just pure speculation and presumption
To assume it crashed into the ocean

But unless the jet landed softly in one piece
All those seat cushions
Repeatedly proclaimed as flotation devices
Would have shown up somewhere by now

After over 40 days at sea
Someone or something would have floated somewhere
But nothing
Not a thing

And everyone just assumes the plane crashed
And search is on using sonars and submarines
Scouring the ocean floor

When not one shred of evidence proves
The airplane crashed

What if all this search is for a show
To mislead and cover up what really happened
To test the world of their technological might

How can anyone dispute any notion
That the plane never actually crashed anywhere
When all the hard evidence or lack thereof
Proves that there is no proof of crash

There are three equally plausible explanations
For a situation where a plane is missing

1. Someone stole the plane and hid it
2. The plane crashed into the ocean in one piece
3. The plane got destroyed in mid air and evaporated

A mystery they say
Only because they do not know what exactly happened
But planes do not just disappear
Without leaving a shred of evidence

If the plane is not found despite extensive search
It is not unreasonable to think
That someone or some nation is actively hiding it

Very bizarre indeed

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There Is No Solution

It is unfathomable
How so many young students
Once alive on the boat
Suddenly lost their lives
When all of them
With proper instructions
Could have been saved
Lived to see their parents

Unavoidable deaths are certain
Accidents do happen

But stupidity has no place
To justify the loss

There is no forgiveness
For the fool
No cure for foolishness

The stupid
The proud
Who may or may not be
But a fool nonetheless

Total opposite of wise
And humble

There is no solution
Except time
That will end their days
On this planet

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Where 1 + 1 = 2

It is a strange phenomenon
Where the equation of world economics
Based on mathematics
Is not based on 1 + 1 = 2
But rather 2 - 1 = 1

It is based solely on subtraction
Taking money away
From consumers

This negative drive
Requires constant addition of funds
To the world economics bottom line
As rich get richer
And poor gets poorer

The only way to solve
World poverty and hunger
Is to base the world economics
Where 1 + 1 = 2

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The North Pole

To say that there is no right or wrong way
To live your life
As it seems to be the popular notion now days
To do whatever
Just obeying the law of men
Only because it is the law of the land
For now at least

Is like being on a boat
In the middle of the ocean
And for entire 360 degrees
All you can see is the horizon
Everywhere you look
The same

Assuming it is a cloudy dark day
With no indication of the sun's whereabouts

So whichever direction you choose to go
Whichever way you choose to live
It would be no different
Since from your perspective
It is all the same

But when you look down from the sky
Far above the ocean
You would clearly see that some of us
Are headed towards
The north pole

Friday, February 14, 2014


Do you know when the lightening will strike?
Do you know when the wind will blow?
Do you know how many stars are in the sky?
Do you know how hot it will be this summer?
Not exactly
Do you know the winning lottery numbers?
Do you know more than what you don't know?
Certainly not
If you divide what you know by what you don't know what would it amount to?
So basically you don't know anything
You are correct
How do you reconcile?
All I know is that I am alive
And I know how to live forever
That knowledge is all I need to know

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Living On The Edge

With the world population
Of seven billion and rising
And every individual having unique
Possibly close but not exactly
Same personalities
It is only statistically inevitable
That somewhere at some time
Or at any time
There is an individual who
Is doing something
At the edge of the bell curve
Outrageously out of the average
But not crazy
Living on the edge
An edge becoming harder
And harder to achieve
As the society as a whole
Once under a bell curve
Is slowly but surely
And ever more steadily
Becoming a flat line

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Constant State of Flux

These days
You cannot say a word
Or a phrase
About anyone or anything
Without offending someone
Or anyone

It is almost as if freedom of speech
Is only free
As long as you say the right stuff
Politically correct stuff

Or else you will get chastised
Labeled as an ignorant
Uneducated bigot
Looked upon with disdain

People place themselves
In such high regard
Morally and ethically superior
Ultimately proud
And self righteous
To say or more like not to say
Things that will offend others

It has become more important
To certain people
Most people
To be politically correct
Than to be right

Totally confused and misled
To think that what is politically correct
Is what is right
Or rather
What must be right

In constant state of flux
Right in the past
Wrong at present
Right at present
Wrong tomorrow

The sooner one realizes
That the only thing true
Remains true through the test of time
Sooner will seek the truth
And see the truth