Tuesday, November 11, 2014

May Be Impossible

It is hard to find these days
Someone who is genuinely nice
A person who is forgiving
Able to tolerate mistakes
Or wrongs done by others

Most seem to lie in wait
Until you make that one wrong move
And the hammer goes down
List you as one of those
And feel vindicated

Some will act nice
Not because they are truly nice
But because they know what nice is
And have the will power and desire
To act like a nice person

The distinction is blurred
And difficult to say who is what
But the key word is desire

The desire to act nice
To willfully be a nice person
Or the desire to act nice
To be perceived by others as such

The difference between
The former and the latter
Is that the latter's nice qualities
Only present when there is an audience

Then what is the difference
Between someone who is genuinely nice
From all the rest?

It is the lack of desire
For someone who is genuinely nice
There is no need for desire to be
What he or she already is

And for such people
Being nice doesn't take much effort
Always the same
With no regard to what others may think

Indeed it is hard to find
May be impossible
Even among Christians
Such a person who is like Christ