Thursday, April 24, 2014

Very Bizarre Indeed

It is one thing to say you lost a golf ball
An errant shot into the bush
Hidden deep in the woods somewhere

But it is quite another to say you lost a jumbo jet
Flying through the radar net
And just disappear nowhere to be found

No debris whatsoever
Just pure speculation and presumption
To assume it crashed into the ocean

But unless the jet landed softly in one piece
All those seat cushions
Repeatedly proclaimed as flotation devices
Would have shown up somewhere by now

After over 40 days at sea
Someone or something would have floated somewhere
But nothing
Not a thing

And everyone just assumes the plane crashed
And search is on using sonars and submarines
Scouring the ocean floor

When not one shred of evidence proves
The airplane crashed

What if all this search is for a show
To mislead and cover up what really happened
To test the world of their technological might

How can anyone dispute any notion
That the plane never actually crashed anywhere
When all the hard evidence or lack thereof
Proves that there is no proof of crash

There are three equally plausible explanations
For a situation where a plane is missing

1. Someone stole the plane and hid it
2. The plane crashed into the ocean in one piece
3. The plane got destroyed in mid air and evaporated

A mystery they say
Only because they do not know what exactly happened
But planes do not just disappear
Without leaving a shred of evidence

If the plane is not found despite extensive search
It is not unreasonable to think
That someone or some nation is actively hiding it

Very bizarre indeed