Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Is The Difference

What is the difference
Between a humble person
And not so humble?

A humble person
Can eat at any restaurant
Without breaking a sweat

Not so humble
Cannot eat at cheap restaurant
Without cold sweat running down their back

A humble person
Will ride a bus to go to work
When the car breaks down

Not so humble
Will stay home rather
Than caught seen waiting for a bus

A humble person
Buys merchandise
For personal use

Not so humble
Buys merchandise
To show off

A humble person
Finds luxury items
Not so luxurious

Not so humble
Finds luxury items
Very luxurious

A humble person
Does not declare their resume
At every given opportunity

Not so humble
Declares their resume
Even when not asked for

A humble person
Respects everyone
Without regard to status

Not so humble
Thinks others have to
Earn their respect

A humble person
Do not care so much
About what others think

Not so humble
All day and night
That's all they care about

A humble person
Do not need to
Act humble

Not so humble
Go out of their way
To act humble

A humble person
Sees a homeless man
And feels sympathy

Not so humble
Sees a homeless man
And feels pity if at all

A humble person
Dresses according to occasion
Regardless of the audience

Not so humble
Dresses according to audience
Regardless of the occasion

A humble person
Do not act special
But others think they are

Not so humble
Act like they are so special
And it shows

A humble person
Never compares themselves
To their neighbors

Not so humble
Always compares themselves
To their neighbors

A humble person
Credits their wealth
To a blessing

Not so humble
Credits their wealth
To hard work

A humble person
Knows who truly is
The most humble

Not so humble
Have no idea
Who He is