Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ah....Forget It

It is mind boggling to see
How some people have sincere desire

To get to point D from point A without
First going through points B and C

Like wanting to get to the top of mountain
But don't want to hike

Or how they want to become a doctor
But they don't want to go to school

Or want to earn a lot of money
But don't want to work

And want to live in a clean house
But don't want to clean

It just will not work that way
Wanting something for nothing

But they sure will tell you
How much they wish such and such

But don't want to go through the process
As if their inability to skip points B and C

Is good enough excuse to give up D
Like someone at the base of the mountain

Upon seeing the summit saying
Ah....forget it

And walking away before
Even taking one step forward

Stupid Past Moments

People love to laugh at other people
Whenever someone does something
Really stupid or embarrassing
They love to point it out and laugh

The main impulse to laughter being
Expression of their happiness in witnessing
Someone else doing something stupid
That they themselves have done in the past

Or something similarly stupid
But no one knows about
At least not anyone they know
And will keep it that way

So at seeing someone doing something
Really stupid and embarrassing
Most people react by laughter
A direct expression of their happiness

In essence being able to finally
Let go of their embarrassing
Stupid past moments
And move on

Friday, December 20, 2019

The True AI

These days a week does not go by
Without hearing something related to
Artificial Intelligence

How it is going to change the way
All things are done
From transportation to medicine

AI is referred to as some higher being
Another grand achievement
Independent thinking machine

When it actually is nothing more
Than bunch of codes and algorithms
Incapable of doing anything beyond
What it is written in the code

But people talk of it as if this AI
Can think for itself
Formulate and create new information
Like a human in the machine form

Just ludicrous
AI this AI that AI AI
Like the new dish chef created
Will start serving customers

Like C3PO or R2D2
Too many sci-fi movies perhaps

With the definition of intelligence
Brought down to mere codes and algorithms
Lacking emotion
The ability to dream and appreciate

To hope and love and long for
The beauty and affection

But then again
What are humans of modern society
With artificial love and affection
With constant calculation

What are we but
The true AI

Thursday, December 19, 2019

And Passing By What Is Real

Not many things truly are
What it appears to be on the outside

Even the diamond
Maybe a Cubic Zirconia

Gold bar
Perhaps gold plated

An appetizing dish
May not be so fresh

But few ever considers
Even contemplates the possibility

That what lies inside may
Truly be much better than outside

Like a dirty diamond
Hiding the genuine identity

What appears gold plated
Is truly solid gold

And the dish that is inconspicuous
Is indeed delicious

Almost all drawn to the fake 
That appears real

And passing by what is real
Judging it is not

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

To The Promised Land

What is life of a man
But a journey out of Egypt
To the promised land
But not allowed to enter

Having strayed off the map
To die in the desert wandering
While the next generation
The newborn generation
Enters the promised land

What is life of a Christian
But a journey out of Egypt
To the promised land
And enters

Being born again
By the grace of God

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Tiny Black Hole

So many small people
In this world

Not physically small
Not small in their bank account
Not small in fame or popularity

Nor in power
Or social or academic status

Not small in any regard
In terms of accomplishment

But so small tiny minuscule
In the way they think and behave

To protect ever so large but fragile
Ego balancing on the beam

So small indeed
A tiny black hole

Sunday, December 15, 2019


A person all alone in the world
Feels lonely 

A person in the city of million people
Feels lonely

Whether married or single
With friends or not

After all that which masks
The loneliness wears off

Drugs sex endless party
Whatever the temporary distraction

This feeling of loneliness 
Innate in all human beings

Will be inescapable until
One discovers and accepts

The One
Who will never leave you 


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Yet Neither One Of Them

Is life not fair
A double edged sword
That cannot satisfy
The man that wields it

Man driving a Ferrari passing by
A man waiting for the bus

Woman struggling to evade hunger
While another struggles to lose weight

One man living in 5000sq feet penthouse
Two families living in 2000sq feet condo

The poor knows about the rich
And the rich knows about the poor

In the same way that a man
Knows there are stars in the sky

Yet neither one of them
Feels any happier than the other

Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Quiet Fool

If a fool keeps his mouth shut
Then no one will know
That he is a fool

But a fool is a fool
And not wise enough
To stay silent

So it seems safe to conclude
That there is no such thing as
A quiet fool

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blaming The Police

You can complain about
The random check points
But to whom can you blame
For getting a DUI

You can complain about
The surprise pop quiz
But to whom can you blame
For getting an F

You can complain about
The scorching hot weather
But to whom can you blame
For getting dehydrated

But people do indeed
Blame the check point
The surprise pop quiz
And scorching hot weather

Like the burglar
Blaming the police
For being in jail

Other Than To Live

Nothing comes to mind
This month of November 
The year almost over
Faster than the year before

The time for Thanksgiving 
For having survived yet another 
Year since the last

Facing all the unexpected 
Doing all the unanticipated 
Feeling the ups and downs
Million thoughts in the cloud

Being part of the crowd 
In meaningless pursuit 
To find happiness 
Or rather the endless strive 

To forget the fear of realizing 
To avoid ever finding the truth
That there is no meaning
Other than to live 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Answer

Love the Lord your God
With all your heart
All your Soul
All your strength
And all your mind

Love your neighbor
As yourself

Luke 10:27

The answer 
To all the problems
Of this world

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Of The Very Thing

There is something that grows
Without water or food
Or help whatsoever

Something that grows exponentially
Much taller and faster with
Each passing year

Even faster with
Title of some sort
Head of anything big or small

Like a hot air balloon
Smoke on top of fire
Rising up and up and up

This being the cause
For so many fights
And self glory

Unwilling to let go
Unable to let go
Of the very thing

That keeps them outside
The promised land

Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Is And Has Been

Once I saw the morning sky
That was clear and blue
And thought the day was
Going to be bright

Then I saw at mid morning
Dark clouds over the hills
And expected rain
Which sure enough came

After the rain the sky cleared
To show again the blue sky
And this time I thought
The day will be bright

Only as long as
God willed it to be so
Without presumption beyond
What is and has been

And I thank the Lord
For all that has been
And will be
According to His plan

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Golfer Would Say

People often confuse many things
To conclude erroneously 

Like how as one ages 
One mentally matures
When in reality
People just get old
Maintaining their immaturity
Socially and mentally
Not all 
But majority of them

In this regard more true
Among highly educated
More accomplished
Not necessarily more intelligent
But more driven with 
Anal retentive personality
Who spent much of their lives
Behind the desk in academia

To come out at the end 
With a doctorate degree of any field
Compounding the problem
By which somehow the doctorate degree
Entitles them to believe that they are
More knowledgeable in any aspect of life
Not merely in their own field of study
But also with higher integrity character and 
Understanding of life

Far be it from the truth
At least the thieves know they are thieves
Being honest crooks with integrity
But so many educated and learned
Many of them professionals in the society
Are crooks who would die before admitting
That they are crooks with no integrity 
Let alone honesty or dignity

Utilizing whatever undignified method 
Dishonorable twisted way of rationalization
Or action at their disposal 
To climb the ladder 
To achieve further 
To accomplish more
To continue their life long journey
As that is all they know how to live
Leaving the path of destruction
All the while not aware of their misdeeds
On the contrary feeling self righteous
Self admiring

To that a mountain climber would say
A fisherman would say
A golfer would say
A runner would say
Anyone with self respect would say
It is not what you have accomplished
But how 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Whether The Planner Is Evil

There is a way
To tell whether a plan
Is devised by an evil man
Or a good man

Plan made by an evil man
Expects evil counteraction
And the result of that counteraction
Will benefit someone else
Besides the intended beneficiary

Whereas a plan made by a good man
Expects a good counteraction
And the result of that counteraction
Will benefit the very person
The plan was designed for

So when an evil man executes a plan
And counteraction is not evil but good
It results in unexpected consequences
And vice versa
Foiling their ultimate desired results

To see whether a plan is evil or good
Apply both evil and good counteraction
And see who or what will be the outcome

Which will tell you
Whether the planner is evil
Or good

Meanwhile The Donkey

Believe it or not
Some people bring a donkey
And try to convince people
That it is really a horse

And there are some
Who despite initial doubts
Succumb to their ardent persuasion
And believe it is really a horse

Which makes you wonder
Whether the person who actually
Brought the donkey is confused
And believes it is really a horse

Or that person is trying
To sell donkey as a horse
For ulterior motive
Most likely a scam of some sort

And the person being convinced
May have finally agreed
That it is truly a horse
Because he truly believes it is

Or may just have agreed
Upon realizing there is no alternative
To convince the other guy
And wanted to end the argument

Meanwhile the donkey
Standing by as a donkey
As it always has been
Wonders WTF is going on

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Yet No Fear Of God

It is too unfortunate
That no one fears God
With each minute passing by
Getting closer to that day
Perhaps tomorrow
Or next year
Or at the ripe old age

Ultimately going the way
Of everyone that walked the earth
Except two or three they say
Not exactly sure
But certainly you will not
Be one of them

Yet no fear of God
Not even an afterthought
Enters the mind of a fool
Who carries out the plans
Of the evil one
Voluntarily at that

Rousing the anger of God
Who is slow to anger
But woe to those who do
For He will bring calamity
Upon their household
And their soul

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

At 75

People love to blame others
Point fingers
To everyone and everything
Except their own self

Such that upon seeing a car
Zipping by at 200 miles per hour
That is after seeing the same car
At 150 miles per hour
Before that same car
At 100 miles per hour
And prior to that
85 miles per hour

And having done nothing
To put a stop to it
At 50 mph speed zone
Now seeing the car
At 200 miles per hour
Says to oneself
Enough is enough
That driver is going to jail

And arrests the driver
Puts him in jail
And feel they have done
Their fiduciary duty

As the employer of the driver
The owner of the car
While the driver sits in jail
Wondering only if they
Had stopped me

At 75

With Painted Stripes

One of the most foolish
Things that people do
Often demonstrated by
Those who would otherwise
Appear intelligent and accomplished
But ultimately lacks wisdom

Is acting on the belief
Making decisions based on
Their foolish philosophy
That tells them
Just slap on the Mercedes
Emblem on a Honda Civic

And call it Mercedes
Present it as Mercedes
Drive it like a Mercedes

Like a horse
With painted stripes
Calling itself a zebra

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Either For Or Against

A man with green hair
And red pants
Applies for a job

And company A says
This man is bold
Ahead of current times
He is hired

While company B says
This man is too bold
Not in line with current trend
He is not hired

Except that company A
And company B 
Are not two different companies
But the same

The only difference being
A is when facing a man 
They want to hire
And B is when facing a man
They don't want to hire

Such that every single time
They can hire anyone
They choose to hire
Always finding the reasons

Either for or against
Based on what
Whatever that may be

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ignorance Is Bliss

It never ceases to amaze
How little people know
Of themselves 
Their thoughts
Whether it is right or wrong
Their actions
What they are saying louder than words
And what they are speaking
What they are actually saying other than
The words coming out of their mouths

Such that when a third or
Even second person looking at them
Sees the actions performed or 
Hear the words said
They immediately understand
The stupidity and absurdness 
Of it all

Yet the person who is actually doing
Or saying the things 
Have no idea of its stupidity 
And wacky nature of it 

With no self reflection ever
Like a person with stains on their face
Having no idea about it
Never having seen it 
Never suspecting it
Not knowing what mirror is
Or knowing what reflection is

Going about their business
Doing all sorts of foolish things
Making all sorts of preposterous statements
Pretty much proclaiming to the world
Ignorance is bliss

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Person Down The Street

Little things make a difference
People do say

Surely enough
An unsolicited smile

Small gift
A helping hand

Can make a day brighter
Happier for most people

Who can attest to also
Little things ruining their day

Too much work
One minute past the hour

Ignoring gesture
Condescending colleague

Making the whole day lousy
Feeling unhappy

For such people whose days are
Made or broke by little things

Their lives are like the roller coaster
Up and down and down and up

So much dependent on outside factors
Like a canoe in the turbulent waters

Unable to maintain peace and
Happiness during the normal course of life

Blaming everyone and everything
For their unhappiness

As if the whole world and people
Surrounding their daily lives

Have the responsibility and duty
To make their lives happy

As if they are the princes
And princesses of this world

Until one day
If that day ever comes

When they realize
They are really nobody

No better than a homeless
Person down the street

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Such Is The Fate Of A Man

Who can possibly know
When the water drops out of the cloud
Where it is going to land

Who can possibly know
When the butterfly flies about
Where it is going to rest

Who can possibly know
When the diamond is mined
Where it is going to be set

Such is the fate of a man
Who cannot possibly know
The infinite wisdom of God

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Before And After

You can climb one mountain
Or hundred mountains

You can save million dollars
Or one thousand

You can visit hundreds of cities
Or just a few

You can accomplish so much
Or not much at all

In about anything in life
Thousands of things

But the more you accomplish
The less time you have

Before and after
Each accomplishment

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Yes It Sure Is

It sure is hard
To please the soul

You give nothing
And they say you are cheap

You give little
And they say you have no faith

You give much
And they say it is not enough

You give everything
And they say you cannot buy salvation

Yes it sure is
Hard to please the soul

The soul that can never
Wash the feet of fellow man

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Unforgivable Sin

A man on the edge of a cliff
Worries about people on the plane

A situation not unlike those
Of modern day Christians

Oblivious of the imminent danger
If not already falling

Not because lack of effort
Nor lack of sincerity

To love everyone
Like their own selves

Not because of arrogance
Nor lack of faith in salvation

By grace
And not by works

Certainly not for sure

But because they lack
The strength and courage

To keep the word of God
In face value

And continuously seek
To redefine what sin is

Unable to proclaim sin
As sin

Unable to shout from the streets
From the roof tops

The sins of this world
Instead letting the sins

Exposed in broad daylight
Proclaimed world wide

Shouted with megaphones
Amplified thousand fold

Until they are no longer
Sins of this world

But a proud badge of honor
Worn proudly without shame

Yes for non-Christians
Nothing is considered sin

As sin can only exist
In the presence of God

But for Christians
The unforgivable sin

Is not the sin itself but
Redefining what the sin

Truly is in the presence
Of almighty God

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Sun Will Rise

There is no doubt
The sun will rise tomorrow

Not because there is proof
That the sun will rise tomorrow

But because you have faith
That the sun will not explode

The earth will not implode
And time will not stop ticking

Thus there is no doubt
The sun will rise tomorrow

And the day after
And the day after

Long after you are gone
The sun will rise

They Are None Of The Above

Rich people think
They are more valuable

Intelligent people think
They are superior

Beautiful people think
They are more lovable

Old people think
They are more wise

Healthy people think
They will live longer

Famous people think
They are pursued

Educated people think
They are smarter

But a humble person thinks
They are none of the above

Is Independent

The value of human life
Is independent
Of status
Or accomplishment

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Not A Single Soul

You look at the mountains
The ocean
Beautiful sunset
The sun shining through the clouds
All the animals
The wind blowing through trees
Just magnificent
Awesome beauty
Of this world

And then there are people
Just so much evil

Mixed in with love
Confused love
Lawless love
Chaotic love
Equating sexual love
As love in general
Breaking down every law
Moral values passed down
From generation to generation

Yet always seeking 
Searching for all inclusive
Answer which ultimately leads to
Nothing is forbidden
Except what the law of the land
The man made laws
Forbid for the time being

Until each and every law
Pertaining to human relationship
Is struck down
As they will have no reason 
Other than religion and tradition
Slowly but surely 
To absolute whatever pleases
The soul of self righteous people

It is no wonder then
Why in this sinful world
All must die 
For if everyone lived forever
No one will ever seek the Lord
Not a single soul 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Is The Happy Man

You give out a hamburger
One man is happy
Next man is sad
Another is angry
Yet another is offended
While this man is leaving
And another is shaking his head

You give out another burger
One man is nervous
Next man is depressed
Another is suspicious
Yet another is scared
While this man is refusing
And another is rolling his eyes

The burger not being at fault
Hardly the fault of any burger
The only man who enjoyed
A nice satisfying meal
Is the happy man

Saturday, May 11, 2019


It doesn't take a genius
To drive a Ferarri
It takes a rich person
But not a genius

It doesn't take a genius
To believe in God
It takes a humble person
But not a genius

It doesn't take a genius
To not believe in God
It takes a proud person
But not a genius

In fact
It doesn't take a genius
To accomplish or do
Almost all things in life

But it does take a genius
To know when him or herself
Is being an absolute

Saturday, April 20, 2019


If a white man
Looks down on a black man
Just based on skin color
It would be right to call him
A racist

If a black man
Hates a white man
Just based on appearance
It would be right to call him
A racist

And any combination of one
Race or gender or ethnicity
Looking down on another based 
On race gender or ethnicity
Or sexual orientation etc

It would be right to call him
Or her a racist
Close minded bigot
Based on today's social standards
Where everyone is to be equal

But what if a man or a woman
Looks down on another man 
Or woman of equal gender 
Ethnicity or sexual orientation
Or religion or whatever

Then what do you call that
Which cannot be discrimination
If one is of equal ethnicity
Or any of other factors

Then what can that be
Other than idiotic stupid
Moronic sense of inflated self worth
Held by a man or a woman with 
Delusion of grandeur

Lacking reality check
Lacking medication or therapy
A clown on stage

Saturday, April 6, 2019

With Not So Much Intelligence

Not all successful people are
Successful because they are
So intelligent

Not all unsuccessful people are
Unsuccessful because they are
Not so intelligent

Most successful people are
Not so intelligent

Most unsuccessful people are
Not so unintelligent

There are more intelligent
But unsuccessful people

Than intelligent
And successful people

There are more successful
But not so intelligent people

Than unsuccessful
And not so intelligent people

There are less intelligent
And successful people

Than there are intelligent
And unsuccessful people

Bottom line
Success has little to do
With actual intelligence

As many successful people
With not so much intelligence
Would like to believe

You Are Indeed Better

Truly strange it is
Why so many individuals
If not all individuals
Feel that they are for some
Reason or other

Either heard from gossip
Made up or fancied
True or not true
Without any substantial evidence
Or even with some form of hard fact

Act as though they are superior
Somehow got one leg into
The gates of heaven
While the other person does not

This desire to let the other know
That they are looking down on them
Or at least show what they are trying
And the message is understood

As if if they were a Christian
Jesus would say
How right you are righteous one
Good job my son or daughter
You are indeed better


Friday, April 5, 2019

A Locksmith

Sure it would be nice
If all the time and money
Spent on education
Could set an individual

Above all those who
Neither spent the time
Or money
By choice or not

Other than perhaps
Making more money
Living more comfortable
Life maybe

But really it does not
Go much beyond that
At least not as much
As those would wish it did

For when one finds oneself
Locked out of the house
The rich or poor
Educated or uneducated

Has no recourse
Other than calling
A locksmith
Who can open the door

Friday, March 29, 2019

Believe Or Feel Or Think

There are certainly many
Important people in this world

Undoubtedly so many
Perhaps too many

No one can really count
How many

Self proclaimed or not

And the problem is not
The sheer number of them

But that almost all of them
Believe or feel or think

They are much more important
Than they actually ought to

Believe or feel or think
They are important

Friday, March 22, 2019

Cannot Be Possible

Turning water into wine
Walking on water
Making blind to see
Bringing dead back to life

All deemed impossible
So it seems
When the Bible claims
Jesus has done all that
And more

But most people say
It is impossible
Since by the laws of physics
They are inexplicable

Like a basic calculator
Being unable to calculate
Anything beyond addition
Subtraction division
And multiplication

Concluding what it cannot do
As impossible
Rendering the human understandings
As the standard by which
All possibilities and impossibilities
Are measured in the universe

Now that truly
Cannot be possible

Friday, March 1, 2019

Instead Of Two

There is one thing good
About a doctor not
Having another doctor
As a spouse

Asks marriage therapist

Because in such a relationship
Only one doctor gets disrespected
Instead of two

Monday, February 18, 2019

Only Broken Down

You cannot have it both ways
But some people try
To have the cake and eat it too

Like being hot
And cold
At the same time

Being arrogant
And humble
At the same time

Flipping a coin
And landing heads and tails
At the same time

Which just cannot happen
Physically impossible
By the laws of nature

Only broken down
By human nature
That defies logic


Doing everything
In any combination
At the same time

A state of total
And chaos

But Rather Not Let Go

It is no doubt hard
Very hard for some people
Or most people to
Let go of their possessions

Something that they cherish
Be it a painting
A classic automobile
Rare coin

Even a house rich in memories
Special gift from someone
Bank account full of cash

Difficult to let go
And some people refuse
To let go of all their possessions
Holding on to them for dear life

Until dear inevitable
Dear end of their time
Let go of them
With nothing

Not rather die than let go
But rather not let go
Until death do us part
To the bitter end

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Water Is Boiling

You just cannot assume anything
When it comes to communication

Like when you tell someone
The water is boiling

That particular someone will know
The water temperature is 100 degrees

Or if you say you are thirsty
People will give you water

But generally speaking
Assumptions abound everywhere

Based on what people see
And what they hear or experience

So that if you go up the mountain
And tell someone the water is boiling

That someone may assume
The water boils at 100 degrees

When in fact on this mountain
It boils at less than 100

Quite similar to how people
Apply assumptions everywhere

In any situation regardless of
The environment

Thinking water boils at 100
Anywhere and everywhere

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Hidden Insecurity

If student fails
It's the fault of the school

If restaurant fails
It's the fault of location

If relationship fails
It's the fault of the other

If promotion fails
It's the fault of the boss

If competition fails
It's the fault of the coach

If anything fails
It's the fault of something

Or someone or anything
But himself or herself

Such that their mind filled
With inflated self worth

Is not shattered to expose
The hidden insecurity

Friday, January 25, 2019

Except His Own

How fickle is the man
Whose mind sways
Like the reed in the wind
Any which direction

How evil is the man
Who finds satisfaction
In exerting evil
Upon another man

How stupid is the man
Who strives to sail the sea
Hangs sail on all the ships
Except his own

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No Merchant Sells An Item

You get what you pay for
People often say
And no one hardly disagrees

But once in a while
You get much more
Than what you paid for

And at other times
Much less

Assuming that everyone
Expects just enough
Based on the price paid

Which is seldom the case
Always hunting for a bargain
Great deals

Trying to defy the old adage
You get what you pay for

Monday, January 7, 2019

Indeed Is A Truly Preposterous

How amazing is life
That sense of self awareness
Freedom to think
Feel pain and joy

To love
To know that you are
Alive and living
Wanting to live

Some pains are too
Hard to bear in life
Feelings too sad to go on
Driving one to end it

But most will cling
For dear life to go on
To continue the state
Of being alive

Until inevitably all
Not even one spared
Who are alive now or
The future

Face the end
The last sun rise
The last breadth
Not even one spared

But those who accept
Jesus Christ as the lord
And savior who died for
Your sins and damnation

Will live forever in heaven
In peace love and harmony
Without sadness or death
Forever and ever

Which is not one bit less
Amazing or more preposterous
Than to believe that
In this vast universe

With billions and billions
Of galaxies and stars
Somehow you are self aware
Alive on this planet

By chance and sheer luck
Of evolution
Born to live and die
To enjoy a momentary spirit

Indeed is a truly preposterous
Meaningless and unbelievable
Hopeless notion
That has no basis on truth