Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Golfer Would Say

People often confuse many things
To conclude erroneously 

Like how as one ages 
One mentally matures
When in reality
People just get old
Maintaining their immaturity
Socially and mentally
Not all 
But majority of them

In this regard more true
Among highly educated
More accomplished
Not necessarily more intelligent
But more driven with 
Anal retentive personality
Who spent much of their lives
Behind the desk in academia

To come out at the end 
With a doctorate degree of any field
Compounding the problem
By which somehow the doctorate degree
Entitles them to believe that they are
More knowledgeable in any aspect of life
Not merely in their own field of study
But also with higher integrity character and 
Understanding of life

Far be it from the truth
At least the thieves know they are thieves
Being honest crooks with integrity
But so many educated and learned
Many of them professionals in the society
Are crooks who would die before admitting
That they are crooks with no integrity 
Let alone honesty or dignity

Utilizing whatever undignified method 
Dishonorable twisted way of rationalization
Or action at their disposal 
To climb the ladder 
To achieve further 
To accomplish more
To continue their life long journey
As that is all they know how to live
Leaving the path of destruction
All the while not aware of their misdeeds
On the contrary feeling self righteous
Self admiring

To that a mountain climber would say
A fisherman would say
A golfer would say
A runner would say
Anyone with self respect would say
It is not what you have accomplished
But how