Friday, December 20, 2019

The True AI

These days a week does not go by
Without hearing something related to
Artificial Intelligence

How it is going to change the way
All things are done
From transportation to medicine

AI is referred to as some higher being
Another grand achievement
Independent thinking machine

When it actually is nothing more
Than bunch of codes and algorithms
Incapable of doing anything beyond
What it is written in the code

But people talk of it as if this AI
Can think for itself
Formulate and create new information
Like a human in the machine form

Just ludicrous
AI this AI that AI AI
Like the new dish chef created
Will start serving customers

Like C3PO or R2D2
Too many sci-fi movies perhaps

With the definition of intelligence
Brought down to mere codes and algorithms
Lacking emotion
The ability to dream and appreciate

To hope and love and long for
The beauty and affection

But then again
What are humans of modern society
With artificial love and affection
With constant calculation

What are we but
The true AI