Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Entire World

Merry Christmas
To all
To Witness
The Power
And spectacular irony
Of the One
Who commands
The entire world
To celebrate the birth
Of the One
Who will condemn
The world

Sunday, December 1, 2013

While Strolling The Yard

Tic toc tic toc
People always make a big deal
About someone on death row
Awaiting to be executed
Many believe that is inhumane
Regardless of how atrocious the crime is
Terminating someone's life
At a given time and place
So everyone knows including the criminal
Exactly when
The life will end

What if the law was changed
So that everyone but the subject
Knows the time and place
Of the execution?
And it was to occur without any type of harbinger
A bullet shot through the head
While strolling the yard
Would that be more acceptable?

At least that will make the prisoner
Live the life he or she has
However long it may be
No different from
Anyone else
Not on death row

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why The Universe Is So Big

If you ask ten people
To lay tiles on the floor
You will get ten different degrees of perfection

From worst with tiles misaligned in all directions
To best with all tiles in perfect lines

Suppose all ten are equally intelligent
Then what is the difference?

The difference is the degree of laziness
Lack of motivation
Lack of patience
And indifference

It is not that anyone cannot do a perfect job
But some people just do not want to do it
Unless there is some reward
Or punishment

Without any incentive
It is lifelong mediocrity
In anything and everything
Just enough to get by

The problem occurs
When such people encounter
Those that demand perfection
And they do not understand why

Why perfection is demanded
Just as they do not understand
Why the universe is so big

Friday, November 15, 2013

Even For Those

If there was no greed
There would be no poor

If there was no crime
There would be no punishment

If there was no sickness
There would be no pain

If there was no hate
There would be no wars

But there are all those
And so much more

Evil in this world

If there is no God
There would be no salvation

Even for those
Who are not evil

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hoping To Reach West

It is the right thing to do
Often people say
And indeed they do
What they think is right

But more often than not
What they think is right
Is not the right thing


In fact
Much of what people think is right
Cannot be further from the truth

Because the truth
Is not something that can be realized
Without direction

A ship heading south
Cannot reach west
Unless it changes direction

And south
Is where most people are headed
Hoping to reach west

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Almost Hopeless

It just goes to show you
That age really does not matter
Or determine
How someone acts or behaves

Maturity has nothing
To do with age
Mentality does
And knowledge may increase
But maturity? No

Adults are actually more unreasonable
More stubborn
And definitely more intentionally evil
If they are not unintentional

Just because you can smile
While cussing at someone
Speak in a gentle voice
While plotting evil
Does not make you mature

The hypocrisy
Of putting up a nice face
Not even aware of the hypocrisy
Feeling good for acting all so nice
Actually believing in the act

Fake smile
Fake humility
Fake show of nobility
Everything all manufactured
Is nothing short of abhorrent

It is no wonder why
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven
Is for those such as the children

It is almost hopeless

Friday, September 20, 2013

Another Day

About ten minutes I walk
To reach a place on the beach
Just by the road side
With sandy ground and tall weeds

On a clear sunny day
The sun low on the horizon

There is spent camp fire from the night before
Burnt woods gathered in center
Surrounded by logs and rocks

I find an open spot by the weeds
And sit leaning back on a log
Legs stretched out
Feeling the softness of sand

It is a cool afternoon 
Not quite winter but almost there 
Like 65 degrees getting cooler
Soft gusts of wind blowing time to time

Looking down I see
The waves crashing onto the shore
Where the ocean has receded and dark brown sand glistens 
Reflecting the setting sun

Far away at one end of the beach
I can see some people fishing
And wonder whether it was a good day

The beach stretches for miles to the other end
Being flat and almost seeming endless
People walking their dogs 
Children running and playing
Sound of the waves muffling their laughter

I look over the sea
Vast open sea as wide as the sky
The horizon appearing inperceptively curbed
With a tanker ship silhouetted by light
Appearing stationary 
But moving towards some destination

Sun is almost touching the horizon 
Its rays reflected on the ocean
Always looking bigger somehow 
As it is about to set

Few white clouds float far away 
Partially covering the sun
Already with some hint of orange
But slowly getting darker and richer
In pink, orange, and violate

And in front of the clouds
A flock of birds in perfect harmony
Migrates to warmer south

I lean back even more
And notice the crescent white moon 
Just starting to show

And from campfire afar
The scent of burning wood
Is carried by the wind

Everything in slow motion
In no hurry to end the day
Being part of the earth
Savoring each moment 

As I sit there admiring
The beauty, peace, and tranquility
Forgetting the passage of time
Watching the sun
Set to mark the end
Of another day

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And Always Will Be

A moment can last a life time
And a lifetime only a moment
But nothing can exist
Without existing forever
Since time is infinite 
A momentary existence
Divided by infinity of time
Is nonexistent
Therefore it must be
Whatever was always is
And always will be
Just in different form
Of existence
For some

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Initial Choice

Everyone makes mistakes
And some mistakes are immediately apparent
While others take years to realize

But what constitutes a mistake?
Undesired outcome?
Unexpected result?

There is a difference between mistakes
And accidents

Accidents happen unintentionally
By forces outside of your control

Mistakes happen
When one makes a choice
And the result is not good

The act of choosing
Is not a mistake

The mistake is
Thinking that the choice
Is the right one

But since there is no way
To see the future

Whatever drives one to think
That a choice is the right choice

At that particular moment
Is not a mistake

So in essence
There are no mistakes in life
Just bad outcomes

And the outcomes
Are usually  based on
Your choices made after

The initial choice

Sunday, August 4, 2013

No Finish Line

You can only climb a mountain
If the mountain stays a mountain

You can only reach the summit
If the summit remains still

You can only win the race
If there is a finish line

But people of this world
Tries to climb a mountain that is not

Tries to reach the summit
That keeps on moving

Racing toward
No finish line

One blind man
Thousand blind men 

With a guiding principle
The principle of men

Blind men

Monday, July 22, 2013

Over The Darkness

How will you rest
Be free like a bird
Flying high in the sky

When your worries
Your anger
Your hatred

When your bitterness
Your resentment
Your fear

Weigh you down
Pull you down
And hold you to the ground

Let it go
Must let it go
Let it all go away

For you hold the key
The only key
That can unlock the cage

Then you can fly
Free from oppression
And soar into the sky

Light as a feather
Rising over the clouds
To see the Light

Over the Darkness

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


There you have it America
The verdict is in
And it is not guilty

Not guilty

Not because he is truly innocent
But because the law of the land
The law which was authored by the people
For the people
Makes this person innocent

Now you can go to Florida
With a gun in your back pocket
Provoke someone to hit you
And take some hits to your face
And shoot that person dead

The jury has spoken

And they were so heartbroken
To deliver the verdict
That they all cried
Yes, cried

Oh how sad it must have been
To let the person who gunned down the boy
To go free
When it was their job to get it right
Not analyze
Not scrutinize
Not play lawyer
But just deliver the verdict
Based on facts that are indisputable

But no
They scrutinized
Dissected and put the facts under microscope
To find one reason not to convict
And they succeeded
Oh how sad it must have been

And they thought Trayvon said
No....hold it.
It says H.E.L.F.
Never mind

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Inferiority Complex

There is something to be said
About doing things opposite
Of what everyone expects

It might generate
Some sense of uniqueness
Or perhaps
A sense of self righteousness
Or superiority?

To feel noble about oneself
To set apart from the crowd
An automatic knee jerk reaction
But fully calculated

And driven
By the insatiable desire
To overcome

The inferiority complex

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who Lost The Jury

So the trial goes on and on
Trying to figure out the truth
Asking questions
Getting answers
Assuming the answers are true
Then judging whether the truth deserves a punishment
Based on existing laws

But it always seems like
Someone is not telling the truth
Somehow or somewhere the truth got lost
And everyone involved in the trial
Is struggling to find it

But the real trouble of the matter is
That once every little bits of truth came out
If there is no indisputable proof
It just boils down to who is more convincing

And there lies the problem of jury trial
Almost anyone can be convinced
One way or the other
By carefully arranging the words
In a seemingly simple but complex maze
So that by the time the jury is done listening
They are completely lost
Unable to counter the conclusion
Unable to think on their own
Completely sold

At the end
All the truth is out the window
And the only thing that matters
Is who lost the jury

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Yes, numbers
That is all we have
To explain the universe
To understand
To make some sense out of the unknown
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add to that some functions
+ - / x derivatives squares roots
And whatever else mathematicians have come up with
But it does not matter what function
They are all there to move around numbers

And the physicists have been searching
Pondering and racking their brains
To find this "one unifying theme"
Hear of it?
Using what....the numbers

It is really amazing though
How far and how much humans have used these numbers
To build something so unnatural
Out of natural raw materials
Computer chips, cars, TVs, skyscrapers
Just amazing

But like any tool
There are limits of what it can do
You can arrange and manipulate numbers
However you want endlessly
And it will fail to explain
Things that are inexplicable

It is not that anything is inexplicable
In this world
But that some things are not explicable
Using numbers

But human beings are stubborn creatures
Or it may be that there is no other tool
And forever will keep moving numbers around
To find an answer
That cannot be found with numbers

A futile endeavor

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thank You

Everyone is "doe-dook-nom"
Translated, a thief
That pretty much sums up
The whole world economy

If a rock can be sold for $10000
It would
And it does, a diamond

But just an ordinary rock?
No one would pay for it
But if there was someone who would pay
$10000 or more for your backyard rock
You would take the money
And wonder whether it was worth more

No one is looking after your bank account
Except yourself

Maximum profit
That's the bottom line

So next time you hear a merchant say
"I will give you a discount"
Don't even think about saying
"Thank you"

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Two Time Frames

To elaborate on prior statement "You can slow down the speed at which you age" and make it more clear to understand first it needs to be said that the statement is not directly accurate. How can someone slow down the rate at which the body ages? There are two ways to achieve the result. Think of a car on the freeway. How can a particular vehicle travel slower than other cars? One way is to literally slow down and let other cars pass you. The other way is for other cars to speed up. They are both the same thing from different perspective.

Now let's suppose every human lives exactly 100 years. The biological clock of 100 years timed by earth's rotation around the sun. The pursuit of human beings have been to live longer and with that naturally people think of slowing down their body from aging. But what if everyone lives 100 years but some live to be 200? How can that be? Think of a car that only can role on the ground for 100 miles but ends up 200 miles from the origin. The odometer records 100 miles. But when measuring the distance it is 200 miles. How can that be? The only way is for the car to stop and be carried to a further distance. It can be done in countless ways in terms of when, how much, and how often. For every one mile the car drives it is carried one mile further for example.

Applying the same analogy for humans, in order for someone to live to be 200 years old that person does not need to slow down the speed of aging (although that's exactly how it would seem from a 3rd person perspective) but actually increase the speed at which he or she travels through time. Basically time traveling.

The key is to do this without being aware of having traveled through time in order to feel as though the person actually lived for 200 years. (200 years is only for example). If someone lived for 200 years but is only aware of 100 years of actual life it would be meaningless. So how can someone live 100 years but end up 200 years old remembering every year of his life? (except the very early childhood of course). 100% increase maybe too much but for the sake of this scenario it is easier to understand.

Within 24 hour period there are many minutes, or seconds, that each individual cannot account for or remember. Let's say you are sitting in a car waiting for red light to turn to green, waiting in the grocery store, or just sitting in the couch looking out the window. These are idle times. Even if you skipped a second here or there it wouldn't make much difference in your life nor would you feel as though you are missing any time. The goal would be to skip over these idle times as much as possible without wasting your own biological clock or disturbing your contiguous awareness of time flow. The ideal way would be to do it in smaller increments. Shorter time periods skipped over.

But what if the time period became shorter and shorter and continuous? 1/10th of a second followed by skip of 1/10th, then 1/100th followed by 1/100th, and so on and nonstop. Eventually your biological clock and physical clock would coincide and flow together. Your biological clock flowing at half speed of physical clock but in actuality you are time traveling at twice the speed of physical clock. In essence you have slowed down the speed at which you age.

Two time frames can coexist in one reality.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Time Frame

The other day there was Nova special program on Star Trek. The show covered subjects like space travel and limitations to speed due to massive energy requirement. All was very interesting and seemed like plausible explanation for why space travel would be almost impossible for humans. Then the scientists in the show made some statements that quite didn't make sense and in fact was self contradictory.
It was time dilation.
Basically what they stated is that if someone travels near speed of light what seemed like a month of travel for the person in the spaceship would return to Earth thousands of years later at Earth time. Ok. Now there are two point of references in this scenario. Person on the Earth and person on the spaceship. Mathematically I suppose this was proved and each point of reference would see the passage of time according to the statement. Assuming the mathematics is correct. I mean, if the mathematics is universal truth independent of human existence.

The problem is this.
Scientists have measured the distance of various stars in the universe from less than 10 to more than 100,000 light years away. Let's suppose humans have built a ship to travel to a place 2 light years away at speed of light. After launch the person on the earth would assume the ship have arrived at the destination after two years. And after another two years on the earth the ship will return. If that does not hold true then the actual measurement of the distance would be false. Wouldn't it? Or should scientists assume the ship will not return for thousands of years and forget about the whole launch.

From the point of view on the spaceship the whole travel could seem like few days instead of two years. Sort of like being in a live slow motion without being in the cryofreeze. It's not that the person on the space ship took less time or the people on Earth aged faster. As an object approaches speed of light the passage of time for that object approaches zero.

What that means is that if someone travels at speed of light the only time passed for that person is the time it took to accelerate into speed of light and decelerate to stop from speed of light. Of course all the while from Earth's point of view the spaceship is traveling and aging. From the spaceship point of view the crew would have amnesia of the time it took to travel from point A to point B once it achieved speed of light. It would be instantaneous from spaceship point of reference since no time would have passed in that frame of reference.

So what does that mean? It means that at speed of light you can travel instantaneously from point A to point B except that everyone outside of your point of reference would not stop time with you.

It also means that two different frame of reference may have two different speed of time without contradicting physical laws. That means each individual on Earth can age at different speed by virtue of having different frame of reference.

You can slow down the speed at which you age.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Naked Emperor

Money money money
It is all about money

Never enough
Always wanting more

Mistaking wealth as respect
Mistaking money as power
Confused and

So yesterday there was this news....

So I know nothing about art
And do not know who Barnett Newman is
But since I am not blind
I see the blue painted canvas
With white stripe down the middle

For someone to pay close to 44 million dollars
The utter joke of human behavior
A farce
Just like the story of Naked Emperor
Now that story I remember
From childhood days

But never thought about it
Or understood fully
Until now...

One phrase that hit home
"collective ignorance of an obvious fact..." 
Was truly in play for art sale above

Granted the value of a lot of things
Is not dependent on the item itself
But the origin or significance of such item

Like the signed book by a famous author
Old antique piece of furniture
Or baseball that won the world series

Obviously this painting of blue with white stripe
Is valued for not the actual painting itself
But for its significance 

It is a value placed and dictated 
By human nature's 
Desire to own an item no one else has

It is pure vanity
Stemmed from greed
To own
To have
To keep it in one's possession
To declare to the world
That you have paid more than anyone else

Going once
Sold to the bidder for 43.8 million dollars

What an accomplishment of pure vanity
It is really an embarrassment
And shame

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Time flies but
It has no wings

Or it may be that you
Are flying through time

Either way it is too fast
For most people

But how ironic is it that
When you are actually flying

The hours just do not
Pass by fast enough

Depending on your

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Then I Can

I am not blind
Yet I cannot see

I am not deaf
Yet I cannot hear

I am not stupid
Yet I cannot understand

I am not dead
Yet I cannot live

No I cannot
I cannot do anything

Until I can see
Although I am blind

Until I can hear
Although I am deaf

Until I can understand
Although I am stupid

Until I can live
Although I am dead

Then I can
I can do anything

Thursday, April 18, 2013

When Guns No Longer

Who can take away
The power of the hurricane
The heat of the fire
Or the light of the sun

Who can stop the rain
Falling from the sky
Or the tsunami
Crashing onto the shore

Who can persuade men
Having tasted the power
Of holding a gun
To give it up

It is too late
To stop the water
Once the dam is broken

But it will come to an end
When the path of destruction
Has taken its course

When guns no longer
Can kill

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

As Days Get Long

I listen to the sound
The sound of the wind
Blowing through the tree

I see the tree
The tree on the ground
Shaken by the wind

And the leaves fall
When the time comes
When the days get short
And temperatures drop

But the tree stands
Throughout bitter cold
Weathering the storm

Until the sun comes up
And days get long
To start over again

To continue to grow
Without being chopped up
For firewood

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fruitful and Rain

Only an orange tree
Can beget orange

Only water
Can be rain


Only woman 
Can be a mother

And only man
Can be a father

If orange tree had a choice
Would it choose to be fruitless?

If water had a choice
Would it choose not to be rain?

Only man
And only woman

Chooses not to be 
Fruitful and rain

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Space & Time

The most interesting part
About golf
Is that it requires
So much space
And so much time
In this universe where
Space and time
Is all we have

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lost in Broad Daylight

Not to be so doom and gloom all the time
But current technology offering instant news as it happens
From tornadoes to bank robbery to Hollywood gossip
It is very difficult or almost impossible
To avoid reading about all sorts of doom and gloom

The percentage is unclear
But most of the stories on the news are of negative nature
Disaster, murder, suicide, crime, gossip
Some type of negativity in one form or another

Occasionally you read about someone or something
Of a good nature
Like returning a bag full of money
Getting a large tip
Saving someone's life
But really....no one gets excited

And it is becoming very obvious
Most of the news that hits the web and TV
Are concerning adults
Mostly young adults to middle age
Sure there are kids and teenagers who make the airwaves
But compared to adults making the news
Kids are few and far in between

So what we can conclude is
That adults make up most of the confused
And psychologically fucked up bunch of people
Doing all sorts of drugs and activities
Believing all sorts of random stories and cults
Creating their own shit philosophy in life

Suppose that is the result of trying to find order
In their confused state of the mind
If all else fails
The lucky ones end up in the hospital
And the worst case scenario

Brain is nothing more than
Highly sophisticated biological super computer
Scientists say we only use ten percent of the brain capacity
Just think of what the brain has to do
Controlling every bodily function
Processing vision, sound, touch, smell, taste
All the while performing all sorts of movements of the body
Let alone the spiritual and emotional aspects of the human mind

When would a man made computer deliver a pizza
On a bicycle
Weaving through rush-hour traffic
Holding onto one handle bar?
Not in 100 years

The point is
That humans are highly sophisticated biological
And spiritual beings
With super biological brain computer
Worthy to be the work of God
But that's another story at another time

The problem is that this computer we have
Is bombarded with all sorts of useless junk data
From the moment we are born
Infused with spam, junk, viral information
No up or down or sideways about it
Total junk crap information 24/7
Without anti-virus software installed
There really is no way any brain can filter out the spam
It's a miracle that most kids grow up to be functional in the society

Since brain becomes programmed by what society teaches
Assuming the parents or guardians make up the society
Most kids will become a fitting member
Like a vicious cycle

But undeniably becoming more and more
Clueless of what is right
Confusing what is normal as what is right
What is tolerated as what is right
Even questioning the validity of asking what is normal
Feeling cool to think all is all right
All accepting
Nothing is wrong

No wonder there are so many confused
And overloaded brains unable to handle the conflicting data
Resorting to drugs and violence

The society as a whole is in deep trouble
And there is really no way to avert the disaster
Being tolerant to all citizens regardless of religion, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation
And every other thing that makes one individual different from another
That is a good thing

But being tolerant has nothing to do with right from wrong
An individual has the right to believe his or her religion
But no one can demand that individual to believe a different religion
And punish them for not believing

As such
Every gay and lesbians should be given the right to marry
Enjoy the partnership and rights as offered to any other straight couple
But such marriage is from man and not from any known religion
No one can demand anyone to accept such marriage as right
If he or she believes it is wrong

Whether someone believes anything is wrong or right
Is based on his or her philosophy and religion
And it is the freedom of that individual to believe
Without demanding same belief from others who disagree

The trouble with society of today
The lost and confused society
Is that tolerance is not enough
It demands you to also acknowledge
As right that which is tolerated
Talk about having the cake and eating it too

Religion has long been abandoned by the government
And with it the moral compass and any hope of redemption
Went down the drain
Despite having "In God We Trust" in every bill and coin
The only thing now trusted is the constitution
As if it is a sacred document hand delivered by God himself

It is no wonder why there is so much crime
So much confusion
And so much misery

Lost in broad daylight

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Complete Chaos

So here are the facts
More like truths rather than facts
Doesn't matter

It is human nature to understand
And for that purpose scientists
Have devoted their entire lives

Dissecting, gathering, calculating, testing
Spending countless hours in labs
Researching and writing papers

One proven fact leading to another
Going deeper and deeper to understand
To advance the knowledge

And undeniably
The modern society have benefited
From cars to medicine to computers
To everything current society has to offer
Only 20 years ago there was no such phrase as
Surfing the web

So what's the point?
That's exactly the point
It's all pointless

Let's suppose that humans have advanced so much
To the point of being able to do everything within technological means
Teleportation? Anti-gravity? Cold fusion? Whatever
And no more diseases due to cure all medicine
Even managed to delay aging so you can live 200 years

Let's even suppose that humans have banned together
No more fighting
Ended world hunger
And even developed robots and machines to do all the work
No more need for money

So now humans have all the time in the world
The only thing they have to do is sleep and eat
Do whatever they want to do
Basically like the rich people today

All the time in the world
But they are not the happy ones
Happiness has nothing to do with it

So people will drink more
Do more drugs
Party party party
Sex drugs and rock and roll

There will be genuine confusion
No purpose in life
Just alive

Grand finale
A complete chaos

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One Birdie At...

One Birdie At
Sun Dawn Looking
Over The Horizon To
Ponder The Possibility That
By Sunset Perhaps
Can Reach The Far End Jumps
Off The Branch Only
To Return Home To
His Nest

One Birdie At

Sunset Sleeping
In The Evening To
Dream The Fantasy That
One Day Finally
Have Reached The Far End Wakes
Up To The Wind Only
To Go Back To
His Dream

One Birdie At

Night Flying
Through The Dark Sky To
Reach The Far End That
After Years May Finally
Be Within Grasp Considers
Turning Back Only
To Fly Faster Towards
The Rising Sun

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Most Profitable Man in the World

He takes the commission when his broker makes a trade.
His American Express doesn't require payment......ever. 
He only owns credit cards with negative interest.


He gets refunds from IRS......for no reason.
When he buys a car it appreciates 100% as he drives off.
He once burned money just to experience how losing money feels like.

He is the most profitable man in the world....

"I don't always make money. But when I do, I'm certain I didn't work for it."
"Stay profitable my friend."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nothing In This World

Almost everyone wonders
Why certain things happen

Misfortunes in life
Like plane crash
Natural disasters
And killings

Especially when it happens
Unexpectedly to people
Who are happy
Living a comfortable life

And they wonder
Why God would let that happen
If God was present

Whether God really exists

But there is nothing that
Is more wondrous
In this world

Than why you are here
In the first place
