Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lost in Broad Daylight

Not to be so doom and gloom all the time
But current technology offering instant news as it happens
From tornadoes to bank robbery to Hollywood gossip
It is very difficult or almost impossible
To avoid reading about all sorts of doom and gloom

The percentage is unclear
But most of the stories on the news are of negative nature
Disaster, murder, suicide, crime, gossip
Some type of negativity in one form or another

Occasionally you read about someone or something
Of a good nature
Like returning a bag full of money
Getting a large tip
Saving someone's life
But one gets excited

And it is becoming very obvious
Most of the news that hits the web and TV
Are concerning adults
Mostly young adults to middle age
Sure there are kids and teenagers who make the airwaves
But compared to adults making the news
Kids are few and far in between

So what we can conclude is
That adults make up most of the confused
And psychologically fucked up bunch of people
Doing all sorts of drugs and activities
Believing all sorts of random stories and cults
Creating their own shit philosophy in life

Suppose that is the result of trying to find order
In their confused state of the mind
If all else fails
The lucky ones end up in the hospital
And the worst case scenario

Brain is nothing more than
Highly sophisticated biological super computer
Scientists say we only use ten percent of the brain capacity
Just think of what the brain has to do
Controlling every bodily function
Processing vision, sound, touch, smell, taste
All the while performing all sorts of movements of the body
Let alone the spiritual and emotional aspects of the human mind

When would a man made computer deliver a pizza
On a bicycle
Weaving through rush-hour traffic
Holding onto one handle bar?
Not in 100 years

The point is
That humans are highly sophisticated biological
And spiritual beings
With super biological brain computer
Worthy to be the work of God
But that's another story at another time

The problem is that this computer we have
Is bombarded with all sorts of useless junk data
From the moment we are born
Infused with spam, junk, viral information
No up or down or sideways about it
Total junk crap information 24/7
Without anti-virus software installed
There really is no way any brain can filter out the spam
It's a miracle that most kids grow up to be functional in the society

Since brain becomes programmed by what society teaches
Assuming the parents or guardians make up the society
Most kids will become a fitting member
Like a vicious cycle

But undeniably becoming more and more
Clueless of what is right
Confusing what is normal as what is right
What is tolerated as what is right
Even questioning the validity of asking what is normal
Feeling cool to think all is all right
All accepting
Nothing is wrong

No wonder there are so many confused
And overloaded brains unable to handle the conflicting data
Resorting to drugs and violence

The society as a whole is in deep trouble
And there is really no way to avert the disaster
Being tolerant to all citizens regardless of religion, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation
And every other thing that makes one individual different from another
That is a good thing

But being tolerant has nothing to do with right from wrong
An individual has the right to believe his or her religion
But no one can demand that individual to believe a different religion
And punish them for not believing

As such
Every gay and lesbians should be given the right to marry
Enjoy the partnership and rights as offered to any other straight couple
But such marriage is from man and not from any known religion
No one can demand anyone to accept such marriage as right
If he or she believes it is wrong

Whether someone believes anything is wrong or right
Is based on his or her philosophy and religion
And it is the freedom of that individual to believe
Without demanding same belief from others who disagree

The trouble with society of today
The lost and confused society
Is that tolerance is not enough
It demands you to also acknowledge
As right that which is tolerated
Talk about having the cake and eating it too

Religion has long been abandoned by the government
And with it the moral compass and any hope of redemption
Went down the drain
Despite having "In God We Trust" in every bill and coin
The only thing now trusted is the constitution
As if it is a sacred document hand delivered by God himself

It is no wonder why there is so much crime
So much confusion
And so much misery

Lost in broad daylight