Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who Lost The Jury

So the trial goes on and on
Trying to figure out the truth
Asking questions
Getting answers
Assuming the answers are true
Then judging whether the truth deserves a punishment
Based on existing laws

But it always seems like
Someone is not telling the truth
Somehow or somewhere the truth got lost
And everyone involved in the trial
Is struggling to find it

But the real trouble of the matter is
That once every little bits of truth came out
If there is no indisputable proof
It just boils down to who is more convincing

And there lies the problem of jury trial
Almost anyone can be convinced
One way or the other
By carefully arranging the words
In a seemingly simple but complex maze
So that by the time the jury is done listening
They are completely lost
Unable to counter the conclusion
Unable to think on their own
Completely sold

At the end
All the truth is out the window
And the only thing that matters
Is who lost the jury