Wednesday, July 17, 2013


There you have it America
The verdict is in
And it is not guilty

Not guilty

Not because he is truly innocent
But because the law of the land
The law which was authored by the people
For the people
Makes this person innocent

Now you can go to Florida
With a gun in your back pocket
Provoke someone to hit you
And take some hits to your face
And shoot that person dead

The jury has spoken

And they were so heartbroken
To deliver the verdict
That they all cried
Yes, cried

Oh how sad it must have been
To let the person who gunned down the boy
To go free
When it was their job to get it right
Not analyze
Not scrutinize
Not play lawyer
But just deliver the verdict
Based on facts that are indisputable

But no
They scrutinized
Dissected and put the facts under microscope
To find one reason not to convict
And they succeeded
Oh how sad it must have been

And they thought Trayvon said
No....hold it.
It says H.E.L.F.
Never mind