Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Naked Emperor

Money money money
It is all about money

Never enough
Always wanting more

Mistaking wealth as respect
Mistaking money as power
Confused and

So yesterday there was this news....

So I know nothing about art
And do not know who Barnett Newman is
But since I am not blind
I see the blue painted canvas
With white stripe down the middle

For someone to pay close to 44 million dollars
The utter joke of human behavior
A farce
Just like the story of Naked Emperor
Now that story I remember
From childhood days

But never thought about it
Or understood fully
Until now...

One phrase that hit home
"collective ignorance of an obvious fact..." 
Was truly in play for art sale above

Granted the value of a lot of things
Is not dependent on the item itself
But the origin or significance of such item

Like the signed book by a famous author
Old antique piece of furniture
Or baseball that won the world series

Obviously this painting of blue with white stripe
Is valued for not the actual painting itself
But for its significance 

It is a value placed and dictated 
By human nature's 
Desire to own an item no one else has

It is pure vanity
Stemmed from greed
To own
To have
To keep it in one's possession
To declare to the world
That you have paid more than anyone else

Going once
Sold to the bidder for 43.8 million dollars

What an accomplishment of pure vanity
It is really an embarrassment
And shame