Sunday, December 11, 2022

And The Rest

People die of wars

People die of diseases

People die of accidents

People die of drugs

People die of violent crimes

People die of nonviolent murders

People die of natural disasters

People die of starvation

People die of thirst

People die of heatstroke

People die of hypothermia

People die of suicide

And the rest

The rest of us who feel lucky

To avoid all the above

Die of old age

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

You Are Hired

So why do you think you deserve this post?

    Oh, I've done this and that blah blah blah

So why do you think you are qualified?

    I believe in this and that blah blah blah

So why do you want to be this new person?

    I will do this and that blah blah blah

And the questions not asked but answered truthfully

Do you have the ability to engage? 


Do you have ability to forgive? 


Do you intend to use your post for self gain?


Do you intend to use your title for revenge?


Do you want the job for the glamor of the title?


Do you care about anyone else but yourself?


Do you want this new post?


How much do you want it?

    That is my ultimate goal in life

Do you think you can do it?

    The title will certainly look good on me

Do you think you can do it? 

    Of course I can

Ok then

You are hired


Thursday, November 24, 2022

No One Respects Them

A fool thinks respect

Is earned 

Thereby working so hard

To attain the title

Make a lot of money

Own expensive items

Attain power

Thinking that is how 

Respect is earned

Since that is what fools think

Not understanding that

The only way to earn respect

Is by giving respect

To those from whom 

The respect is desired

And even more not realizing

That no one 

No matter what the title

How much money

How much power

And how much goods you own

Will give you more respect

Than the respect you show them

No matter how lowly

How poor

How weak

Or without possessions 

That person may be

So that fools keep on

Going around parading 

That title around their necks

Showing off the riches

Exercising their powers

Disrespecting everyone  in their way

Wondering why 

No one respects them

Saturday, October 15, 2022

A Professional Karen

What is the difference
Between a regular 
Nonprofessional Karen
A professional Karen

Nonprofessional Karen
Shows racism in every
And all situations 
Regardless of who the
Opponent is

Whereas professional Karen
Is ok with minorities 
Can tolerate everyone
And act almost normal
Even pretend to show respect
Towards the minority

As long as the said
Minority does not
Outrank her

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

And None Of Them

Most people think
They are smarter than
They actually are

Rich people think
They are not so rich
Compared to richer people 

Beautiful people think
They are more admired
Than people actually do

People with titles
Think they have more power
Than they actually have

And none of them
Are less arrogant 
Than they actually are

Monday, August 29, 2022

The Grand Finale

The laws are clear
Instructions are clear
The necessity of laws
Importance instructions

Are absolutely clear
When it comes to everything
In the society
For it to function 

But when it comes to 
Laws and instructions
Pertaining to human mind
Nothing is more detested

By human beings
Godless people
Who demand absolute
Blank canvas

However you choose
Whatever you want
Anything is permitted
As long as majority of people

Godless people
Vote to make it into a law
Anything that satisfied their need

The right to be free
To do whatever
Without being told what
Or how to live

But it is just too bad that
No one can live forever
To see in real life
The grand finale

Tic Toc Tic Toc

People live their lives
As if it will never end

Or is it that
They know the end is inevitable

But chooses to not think about it
Believing there is nothing

You or anyone
Can do about it

Tic toc tic toc
One second after another

Heading closer and closer
To the end

Despite having heard
Of the gospel

About Jesus Christ
And life everlasting

So many have and will
Reject such "nonsense"

Rather choosing to rely
On their own intellect

The intellect that cannot 
Foretell one second into the future

So proud of their own thought process
Having faith in their superior mind

Like a man sitting on a hill
Happy and secure

Until the earthquakes hits
And ground opens up

In due time
If not today

Then surely in the future
Tic toc tic toc

The Polar Opposite

The lost gospel

Every verse 
Every word
Data crunched

The word of God
The Bible
Used for PhD thesis
For Masters and Doctors 

Just as in the days of 
Jesus Christ 
The biblical scholars
Dressed in fine robes

While Jesus spoke directly
To uneducated
And socially despised

The gospel of Christ
Is hidden now in the midst 
Of intellectual display
Among the most proud

All vying for spotlight
All hoping to shed a new light
To take credit for understanding
What others have not

Blaming God
For the lack of miracles
Findings excuses
For their lack of faith

As if none would have sunk
As Peter did walking on water
With Jesus right next to him
All so confident of their faith

All greater than Peter
Yet lacking faith
And not knowing
Their lack of faith

The polar opposite
Of humility

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Beacon Of Hope

There are not many things

In life more uglier 

More dishonorable

Or shameful

Than those who rejoice

When something bad happens

To others

Not only when it happens

But wishes for it day and night

Planning and scheming 

To make certain of bad outcome

Not as part of competition 

For an office or title

But in real everyday life



Earnestly waiting

For that negative news

So far far away

From good

Character of sick human mind

Lost soul

Such people do not deserve sympathy

When something bad happens to them

Since sympathy belongs to those 

Who rejoice at site of good 

Those who help others to be better

Who can forgive 

And forget

Encouraging others

The beacon of hope

In the midst of chaos

Sunday, July 17, 2022

3 is not 5

I tell them
3 + 2 = 5

And they say
3 is not 5

And I say
I didn't say 3 is 5

And they say
That's right 

3 is not 5
And I say

3 + 2 = 5
And they say

3 is not 5
Is that not correct? 

And I say
You are right

3 is not 5
3 + 2 is 5

And they say
You are right

3 is not 5
And that is right

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Like it was said before
Everyone's a professor
All professing about life
How to live it
How to think it
How to feel about it

Not only about life
But everything in it
From money to poverty
Religion to politics
And food and merchandise
And everything else

All having PhDs 
In a subject or two or more
All professing about 
Whenever opportunity presents
Yapping away
Yet trying to appear humble

All graduated with
Doctorate or Masters degree
None with actual diploma

All doctors
And masters

Friday, May 27, 2022

So Proud

Absolute chaos
Confusion of the minds
No map 
No instruction
No direction
No purpose
Just pure self concluded
Philosophy of life
Made up beliefs
Or faith in other similar
Self generated dogma
Of absolute nonsense
Taking the place of unknown
Rather to believe in nonsense
Than to admit not knowing
All so proud to be
So proud

To Declare Victory

There is nothing more to say 
Other than the fact that everyone
Every single human being
Will either individually or collectively 
Come to a conclusion 
For any situation or observation
Making laws and framing the decision
With so many varying opinions 
And at the end left up to few individuals
The nine justices at supreme court
If it even reaches that far up the chain
Most of which will not
And be decided by the jury or a judge
If it is a legal matter
Or the governing body 
Such as the board members of a company
Or committees given such privilege
Of any organization with its bylaws 
So that however illogical or erroneous
The thought process might be
That may have lead to some profoundly 
Idiotic selfish self serving decision
Nothing will be changed unless one
Continuously challenges and proclaims
The wrongfulness of such decision
Perpetually opposing
Perpetually fighting
Proclaiming who is right and why
On and on and on
Until it becomes a matter of not
Who is right or who is wrong
But a matter of pride and ego
To declare victory

Thursday, May 5, 2022

On The Instrument Itself

A good musician
Not necessarily great
Or well known

Can produce fine music
Using not so fine
Or expensive instrument

In the same way
Any motivated 
Driven student

Can achieve the goal
Going to a not so fine
Or well known university

But somehow so much
Emphasis is on the school
On the instrument itself

To produce spectacular results
As if great instrument 
Will result in beautiful music

Or a great university
Will result in bright future
Putting the cart

Before the horse

Friday, April 29, 2022

You Can Be Successful

The art of fighting 
Without fighting
Bruce lee

The art of dieting 
Without dieting
Weight loss program

The art of working 
Without working
Smart but lazy

The art of dating
Without dating
Commitment phobe

The art of knowing
Without knowing

The art of spending
Without spending

The art of loving
Without loving

If you can master the arts
Of the above and more

You can be successful
At whatever you can do

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jesus Christ

Now that the world news
Goes around the world 
In the blink of an eye
Via social media and web

Constantly updating 
Who did what how and where
Same story seldom lasting a day
Jaw dropping head shaking news

Outrageous vanity

And all other not so evil
But certainly not biblical  
Ideas and proclamations
Everything is ok without standard

You begin to understand
Why God had to start over 
By flooding the whole world 
Into planet of ocean

But having promised not 
To do it again 
He gave us a perpetual Arc
To find peace and start over

To escape death and live
In the midst of chaos 
And darkness
Jesus Christ

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Who Lacks Wisdom

Oscars 2022
Even in Hollywood
A man too proud 
Too high up on the cloud

On the world stage
Spotlight perhaps more focused
Than sufferings of Ukrainians
By the Russians

One man feeling disrespected
Will Smith the movie star
Strikes Chris Rock
The comedian

A grand display
Spectacular arrogance 
An irrevocable failure  
To show love and understanding

Yet in the name of love
Displaying the very violence
That revealed the true nature
To the entire world

The nature of a man
Who lacks wisdom
And understanding 
To turn the other cheek

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Eternal Suffering

With all that money
With all that power
And time running out

Maybe ten twenty 
Or thirty years max
Left to live on this planet

Why start a war
Killing thousands
Ten thousands

Innocent civilians
Soldiers with families
Friends and relatives

What on Earth does
Mr. Putin need before
He goes 6 feet under

What good is it
Like Jesus once said
If a man gains the whole world

But looses his own life
What good is it indeed
To die and take nothing

To live in eternal
Darkness and oblivion
Eternal suffering  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Mr. Putin

Everyone's got issues
That's for sure
And sister

Including that guy 
In Russia
Mr. Putin
And everyone else

On this planet
Regardless of ethnicity

Each and everyone
Needs some psychotherapy
Some more than others

A lot more

Thursday, February 17, 2022

And Eileen's Choice

Eileen Gu representing China
Is a choice
An inconsequential luxury
Of being a hapa American

Nathan Chen representing US
Is not a choice
But the only way possible
As a full ethnic Chinese American

Eileen Gu's half white genes
That biological blueprint
Can never be taken away
A genetic link to being American

Nathan Chen's only claim
To being American 
In the legal context
Is being born in the American soil

Whereas Eileen Gu's representation
Of China can be deemed respect
For her mother's half
Without ever endangering her American heritage

Nathan Chen's representation 
Of China would be considered un-American
Throwing away the only chance to prove
That he is in fact an American

Even representing US
With gold around his neck
Many would consider him
Less American than Eileen Gu

Despite she representing China
Because she is half white
Genetically speaking
Regardless of how one portrays 

And Eileen's choice
To represent China
Is not so much gain for her
But absolute loss to America

The failure of American society
To embrace all ethnic groups
Including hapas
To feel proud to represent America

Just Another Day

Olympics in Beijing
Kamila Valieva doping scandal
Eileen Gu representing China
Nathan Chen representing US

Russians at the brink of invading Ukraine
One bitcoin at $40,000
Blockchain on the rise
NFTs producing millionaires

Omicron surge abating
Lingering Omicron deaths
Lingering anti-vaxxers 
EV revolution 

Just another day 
Another news
From the perspective of 
Colored spectacles

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

When You Are Not

It is hard to live
Like a rich person 
When you are poor

But it is even harder
To live like a poor person
When you are rich

It is hard to be humble
When you are not

But it is even harder
To be arrogant 
When you are not

Relaxed Happy Travel

Everyone seems to be rushed 
Rushed to do so many things
Maybe because everyone knows
That time is running out

But the kids 
The driven kids
Under high expectations
Surrounded by others of the same

Rushed to take classes
Rushed to go to college
Rushed to graduate
Rushed to get a job

All the while chasing 
The ever elusive target
Of success measured by
Other rushed people

Without knowing what 
Success truly is
Other than universally agreed
Amassing of large wealth

Spending entire life 
Rushing to go from 
Point A to point B
Within a finite life

Like a person on Amtrak
Anxious to go from East to West
Obsessed with destination
Missing all the beauty in between

Not realizing
It is not the destination
But relaxed happy travel
That defines the success