Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Relaxed Happy Travel

Everyone seems to be rushed 
Rushed to do so many things
Maybe because everyone knows
That time is running out

But the kids 
The driven kids
Under high expectations
Surrounded by others of the same

Rushed to take classes
Rushed to go to college
Rushed to graduate
Rushed to get a job

All the while chasing 
The ever elusive target
Of success measured by
Other rushed people

Without knowing what 
Success truly is
Other than universally agreed
Amassing of large wealth

Spending entire life 
Rushing to go from 
Point A to point B
Within a finite life

Like a person on Amtrak
Anxious to go from East to West
Obsessed with destination
Missing all the beauty in between

Not realizing
It is not the destination
But relaxed happy travel
That defines the success