Monday, August 29, 2022

Tic Toc Tic Toc

People live their lives
As if it will never end

Or is it that
They know the end is inevitable

But chooses to not think about it
Believing there is nothing

You or anyone
Can do about it

Tic toc tic toc
One second after another

Heading closer and closer
To the end

Despite having heard
Of the gospel

About Jesus Christ
And life everlasting

So many have and will
Reject such "nonsense"

Rather choosing to rely
On their own intellect

The intellect that cannot 
Foretell one second into the future

So proud of their own thought process
Having faith in their superior mind

Like a man sitting on a hill
Happy and secure

Until the earthquakes hits
And ground opens up

In due time
If not today

Then surely in the future
Tic toc tic toc