Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year

As the sun rises from the east
As the rain drops from thy sky
As the ocean waves hit the shores

Another year passes
Another revolution around the sun
Another new year to celebrate

All wishing happy new year
All wishing to be happy
All wishing for another one after

For some it will be the first
For some it will be the last
For some it will be neither

But for all who have made it 
But for all who persevered
But for all counting down the seconds

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Suddenly Becomes Good

Tip of the iceberg
People often say referring
To the apparent issues at hand

Yet seldom do they care
What actually lies
Beneath the tip

How big 
How deep
How dark

As long as the tip is
Shiny and glorious or
Just not causing much problem

Afraid to look under
Afraid to expose
Afraid to fix

What lies beneath the tip
In case there is something
That needs actual fixing

Not because they don't want to
Not because they don't agree
Not because there is no resource

But because it requires work
It requires courage
It requires making tough decisions

So the tip just floats along
Hiding the big ugly

And when the tip is apparently
Bad to the naked eye
All that underneath holding it up

Suddenly becomes good

Saturday, November 27, 2021

And Climbing

Everyone wants to grow
It seems
To be better 
To mature
To understand 

Not the kids
But adults who are 
Already fully grown
Keeps on wanting to grow
When asked about why

They do certain things
Pursue a lofty goal
Or travel around the world
For example
And invariably the answer is

To grow and better oneself
Mentally and spiritually 
These fully grown adults
All heading towards the exit
Inevitable end of life

Wanting to grow 
An excuse and justification
To do whatever which is nothing
But activities to occupy time
Too much time maybe 

To live with some purpose
Serving as distraction from 
Facing what truly lies ahead
Like a man climbing a mountain
That has no summit

But keeps on climbing 
And climbing
And climbing
And climbing
Until time's up

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A Thousand Times

A million here
A million there

It used to be such
That a million was regarded

As a huge sum of money
And it still would be 

Were it not for everyday
Mention in the media of

A billion here and
A billion there

To a point where a million
Seems like a chump change

Tens of billions
Hundreds of billions

And now even a trillion
A trillion

Which is beyond the ordinary
Human mind's comprehension

Like the endless universe
Countless stars

A thousand billion
Each billion comprised of

A thousand million
Each million comprised of

A thousand thousand
Each thousand comprised of

A thousand dollars
Where it all begins

A thousand times 
A thousand times

A thousand times
A thousand

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Of A Christian

It would be nice
To be able to do something
Anything if possible
So that the outcome after death
Whatever that may be

Can be dictated by
Your actions while alive
Ending up somewhere good
After death
Eternal life in heaven perhaps

The reason why so many
Reject Christianity
Since there is really nothing 
You can do to change 
The outcome

Other than to admit that
You are a sinner by default
And accept Jesus as someone
Who is son of God who
Died for your sins instead

After asking for forgiveness
For your sins
Which is all that is truly
What it takes to get to heaven
Just simple admission and faith

But the intelligent will not have it
Since they have to find their own way

The proud will not have it
Since they will never admit to being sinners

The intelligent will not have it
Since it is too simple

The proud will not have it
Since they are not considered VIP

So that the combination of 
Being intelligent and proud
Is damned to begin with
Precisely the reason why
They go about searching 

For that right recipe 
Perfect logic
Only they can understand
To feel proud to be 
So intelligent to have found 

The way to preserve their pride
And intelligence 
While maintaining control
Of the destiny which is unknown 
Hoping to change the destiny

Whatever that may be
Having faith in their own intellect
Or the intellect of other men
Here today gone tomorrow
Or long gone already

To nowhere remotely close
Not even microscopically resembling
Their imaginary destination 
Drawn up by their proud intellect

From the point of view
Of a Christian

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Tell me
Why do you have such a 
Skewed view of the world
Always not satisfied 

Well I will tell you
When the world is skewed 
The only way to look at it 
And perceive it as straight 
Is to also skew your head 

So if the world is 15 degrees
Off to one side then
You tilt your head 15 degrees
Off to the same side
And the world will look right

But since the world is skewed 
And I am not
Nor willing to tilt my head 
One way or the other
Of course the world remains


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hunky Dory Statements

They say we have freedom of speech
As long as we don't say anything 
That is offensive against anyone 
Or anything

Like ethnicity, culture, religion
Gender or lack of it or however it is
Even life style or fashion
Or animals 
Anything under the sun

Somewhere or someone
Can be offended by anything
Like saying the sky is blue
Maybe offensive to the colorblind
Rightfully so or not

Which leaves the freedom of speech
Limited to everything else
Non offensive and pleasant
Hunky dory statements
As if the world is hunky dory

And for those who cannot
Abide by these stipulations 
Enforced on freedom of speech
There is always the other option
Not a freedom but the right

The right to remain silent
Since anything you say can
And will be used against  you
Whatever he said or she said
Without statute of limitation

So there you have it
Brilliant combination of 
Freedom and right as a citizen
Freedom to say anything with consequence
Or remain silent to avoid trouble

Brilliant display of hypocrisy
For those who demand freedom
Yet will put you in jail for speaking out
Not wanting to hear anything
That is not approved by them 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Time Equals Pure Energy

So people are still searching for that 
Elusive entity that occupies the space
And have come up with various possibilities
That has yet to be proven without doubt

Yet what space actually is made of
Or composed of in any part of the universe
Anywhere except black hole 
Where there is nothing but black

Is quite obvious right before your eyes
If you stand in any point in space
Look anywhere and see the stars
And move around any which way 

You still see the stars
Countless stars and galaxies
All emanating visible light 
And invisible waves

All photons or waves or both 
Does not matter exact nature
Other than the known fact that
It is a form of energy

Move one inch or foot or mile
Anywhere in the universe
As long as you can see light
It is these photons of energy

That fills the space
Pure energy without mass
Never devoid of substance
Or a perfect vacuum 

Since motion cannot exist
Without time
And photon without motion
Time equals pure energy

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Bling Bling Baby

It is supposed to be
About getting to the top
The final destination say
Like the top of Mt Everest
Or reaching the finish line

But with the end not verified
Now it is all about who
What or how 
The venue or the style by which 
One heads towards the goal

Forget about reaching the goal
The style is what matters most 
Like the outfit
The equipment
The training center

Out of focus
Selling the dream
To propagate the style
Bling bling baby

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What The Hell

There are some who declare
After having seen the world 
Based on careful analysis and reasoning
Or deep philosophical thought

That there actually must be 
Indeed God who created the whole universe
Since nothing else can explain
The magnificence of everything that is real

In fact there are a lot of people 
Who claim that there must be God
Based on their analysis of the world

As if that conclusion alone
Or finally believing in God 
Will somehow open the doors to heaven
For them to waltz in

Not realizing at the gate 
After they say "I believe in God"
Or even add "Who is all powerful"
And the gate keeper will reply

"That's nice. So what do you want?"
And they will say, "I want to enter into heaven"
Then gate keeper will say, "No"
And they will ask, "Why not?"

GK: Even the devils believe in God
Man: What must I do then?
GK: It's too late for you I'm afraid
Man: What the hell

GK: The hell that is your destination

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Thereby Self Promoting

The problem is not that
There are no smart people 
In this world

But that there are those
Who think they are smart
Or smarter than others

And at the same time
Believe that there are people 
Even smarter than they are

Causing in their mind to place
Those who they consider less smart
In the dumb category

And those who they consider 
More smart than they are
Worthy of their admiration 

Perhaps worthy of their devotion
And even worship since they surpass
Their own insurmountable smartness

It is no wonder then why
Even some really smart people
Follow a fool or an idiot

Who they believe is
Smarter than they are
Thereby self promoting

Their level of smartness

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

So Lost

So many mountains to climb
So many trails to hike
So many cities to visit
So many movies to watch

So much money in the bank
So much asset outside the bank
So much time to spare
So much food to eat

So many and
So much of everything
So much so yet
So much worthless

So meaningless
So sad
So lost
So it ends

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Void Of Time

There really is not much time
To live on this planet 
For all human kind
Even if one were to live
Close to a thousand years
As recorded in the Old Testament

Yes a thousand years
Is quite a long time to live
But one hundred
Now that is what most people
Hope to live  now days
For those who want to live long

And yes
That may seem a long time
But if a year goes by like a month
It amounts to what may seem 
Only about a decade of life
Slowly but surely

Tik tok tik tok
And for those who are
Fortunate enough to have a job
Make decent money
And only work part of the day
All that extra time outside of work

Is spent on sleeping
Eating or engaged in some type 
Of hobby or pleasure
Some more than others
Depending on the time available
But much of the time remaining

Is spent doing nothing
But stimulating the senses
While awake
Taste, sight, sound, and touch
Perhaps not so much scent
Wasting precious time

Doing nothing
Other than to fill
The void of time

Monday, August 9, 2021

But Idiot Nonetheless

What people don't seem to get
And this is across all levels
Of education from none to PhD
And across all financial status
From dirt poor to filthy rich

Regardless of IQ 
From below average to super genius
No matter how famous
How physically fit
Or grand the title

What people don't get
Is that every single one
Even the greatest mind in history
Is an idiot compared to 
All that is unknown to man

In this universe with limitless
Knowledge and information
But not even going beyond Earth
When compared to all the knowledge
Accumulated on this planet alone

Not one intelligent individual 
No matter how fast or how efficiently
Information is processed
Problem solved
New knowledge discovered

All are idiots
Some just less idiot
Than the rest
But idiot nonetheless

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hoping For Nothing

There is genuine lack of understanding
No matter how brilliant a mind is
How much education one has received
Or regarded as a genius

That intelligence has absolutely
Positively and undeniably
Nothing to do
With wisdom 

Such that an uneducated janitor
May be one thousand times
Perhaps ten thousand times
Wiser than a Nobel Laureate 

But such is the mind of a fool
Who can solve quantum equations
At the forefront of science
Yet unable to understand wisdom

Unable to accept that which cannot 
Be understood by human thought
Trying to discern life 
By thinking

Until death comes knocking 
Dying without understanding
Relying on what their intelligent mind
Or other so called smart people

Have concluded without proof
To the end unable to admit
That they know nothing
About life 

Hoping for nothing
Yet fearful of something
That something they have rejected
All their life

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

A Dodgeball Team

A dodgeball player
Always in pursuit
To throw the ball
Hit the opponent
Dodge the ball
Or catch it

No matter on which
Side of the court
Dodging left and right
Targeting the opponent
Rejoicing on the successful
Hit to the opponent

At least in the game
You get to go out an relax
After you get hit

But in real life?
What happens when you join
A work force
A big or small company
And it turns out you
Just joined a dodgeball team

Either a sole member team
Or a team made up of many
Nonetheless a dodgeball team
Fighting to stay alive
To keep the job for instance
Or just to avoid getting hit

No safe side
Either on this team
Or that team
Balls flying at you
And if you stay in the middle
Dodging balls from both sides

Truly f'ed up situation
In constant state of lookout
And you wonder how on earth
Instead of unified gymnastics team
Thought you were joining
You became part of 
A dodgeball team

Monday, July 19, 2021

Into Gold

There are many losers
Many types of losers
Not in the literal sense
As everyone loses something
At some point
Or many points 
In their lives

But there are losers
In a figurative sense
Those who are losers
Despite the success
Whether it be in money
Power fame or prestige

Losers nonetheless
Not because of their achievements
But because despite all the
No amount of money
Power fame or prestige

Can turn the nuclear waste
Into gold

Monday, June 28, 2021

Is Not The Answer

There is a difference 
Between wanting something
Versus needing something

But many people mistake
Wanting something as
Something they need

So that there is justification
For wanting something
No matter how expensive

As a necessity 
In order to achieve 

But since what they want
Is not really what they need
The purported justification 

For wanting something
Is nothing but delusion 
So that once they get it

The delusion fades away
And reality sets in revealing
What they always wanted

And now they have
Is not the answer

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Makes More Sense

If the laws of physics are true
That energy cannot be created
Nor destroyed but only
Change in its form as stated by
The law of conservation of energy

Then how in the world 
Did all the energy and mass
In this universe 
Everything in this universe
Came to be in existence?

Regardless of whatever form 
The energy might have been 
Nothing could have just 
Popped out of thin air
Like in creation by God

Which means by the laws of physics
Everything in this universe
The total energy it represents
Was always in existence
With no beginning or ending

Which is what the Bible proclaims
God to be always was is and will be
No beginning or ending
Equivalent to total energy 
Of this universe

So God and total energy
Is one and the same
And everything in this universe
Is logically from God
Created by God

Or is it easier to just believe
That all the energy in this universe
Has no beginning or ending
And we just happen to be part
Of that infinity time line?

The very notion that
Nothing can be created 
Defies the reality of our existence
Thus proving that only creation
By change in the form of energy

Creation by God
God who is infinite and total 
Makes more sense

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Golden Calf

The more I live 
The more I see
The more I hear
The utter nonsense 
The sheer meaninglessness 
Of all the deeds done
And spoken by none other
Than fully grown adults 
In search for meaning
And purpose in life
Just as those in 
The days of Moses
Who worshipped 
The golden calf

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Proud To Be American

What is up with these police

Pepper spraying

Chocking someone to death

Shooting in the back

Shooting a young man

Trigger happy

Proud law enforcer

Just eager to shoot somebody

And it is almost always 

A black man

Shot by a white man or woman

Not a twenty year old white man

Shot by a black man or woman

Or a white man dies

After being choked by the knee

Of a black officer

Just inexplicable

Blatant show of racism

All the while acting so noble

Talking so noble

Feeling so noble

Yet being so ignoble

Including all who stay silent

Like that guy who shut the door

Watching Asian woman get beaten

Just let it happen attitude

Not my business attitude

Glad it is not me attitude

There it is again attitude

Just going about their business

Nonchalant about the whole thing

That is the real problem 

Where nothing matter except self

Care about nothing but self

Independence to the max

Proud to be American

Just not with the neighbor


Saturday, March 20, 2021

The History Of Life

Inherent problem with current 
Financial system is that
The more money you have
More interest it generates

So that a person with 1 million
In the savings account
Makes a lot more than
Someone with 1000 in the bank

Not just in the bank
But stocks and anything else
More money invested 
Generating more money 

The process by which
Rich becomes richer and richer
And the poor just strives to survive
Even if some managed to invest

Money being nothing more 
Than numbers digitally recorded
In some remote hard drive
Just data updated every now and then

Name of owner next to number
Passed down the generations 
One generation to the next
Perpetual billionaires

Having rights to that number
Shown on the screen
One million
One hundred million

Many with billions
Perhaps a trillion
So much money incomprehensible
Like the vastness of space

And then there are the poor
Homeless cold and hungry
Tired and weary
Sad and hopeless

Yet God loves them as much
If not more than the wealthy
For God loves those who are humble
Those who are low in spirit

The days of the rich and poor
All coming to an end
Having come into this world empty handed
Going out empty handed

Not being able to take one penny
All left behind
The only thing that is taken 
The history of life

Monday, March 15, 2021

If There Is A Way

Like the smoke
Seeping out of a box

Like the water
Flowing through the cracks

If there is a way 
There is a scam

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Of God's Existence

If you can prove 
Logically and scientifically
Beyond any doubt 
The existence of God
Then everyone would believe it
Unless they refute the proof

Like proving ice is cold
By putting your hand on it
No one would dispute
That ice is indeed cold

Then religion would require
No faith
Except the faith
That God is good
That He has created all things

Which all who demanded proof
Of God's existence
Now would demand the proof
Of His goodness and omnipotence
As if they are entitled for such proof

And suppose God did provide
All the proof of His creation
His goodness and power
Then what

Now is He worthy of your obedience
Worthy of your worship
And devotion? 
Because you are so special? 
Someone who cannot even tell
One minute into the future
Here today with death awaiting

God has done all He can
More than what anyone could have asked for
Laid the bridge by dying on the cross
So that you can come across to heaven
Only if you had the faith of the bridge

Because the only thing that anyone 
Can offer to God that He does not have
Is your faith
Your absolute humility
And faith without proof

That is deemed worthy
Of your eternal life 
In heaven
Not hell


Friday, February 19, 2021

This Very Moment

What day is the most
Important day of your life?

The day you were born?
The day you achieved your goal?

The day in the future 
When you will accomplish something?

What day is the most
Valuable day of your life?

It is not yesterday which
Has passed and never to return

It is not tomorrow
Or any day in the future

Which has not yet arrived
And no guarantee you will be there

The most precious and important
Day of anyone's life

Is today here and now
This very moment 

That you are conscious 
And aware of your being alive

That is the most precious day
As every each day to come

To be today


Proud bunch of people
Planet proud

Rich people are proud
Because they are rich

Professors are proud 
Because they are professors

Doctors are proud 
Because they are doctors

Lawyers are proud
Because they are lawyers

Musicians are proud
Because they musicians

Artists are proud 
Because they are artists

White yellow black brown
And all the shades in between

Are proud because
They are who they are 

All the ethnic groups 
Proud of their ethnicity

All nationalities are proud
Because of their nationality

Religious leaders are proud
Because they are religious leaders

Activists of all fields are proud
For being activists 

Any and all forms of status
At all levels with different titles

All proud of their status
So proud of you me and everyone

Planet of proud people
Throwing accolades to one another

None more proud
Than those who perceive themselves

On top of the hierarchy
In whatever occupation or hobby

Bowing their head to no one
Perhaps only to God even if that much

But no one else
Not in million years

All so proud of themselves
Praising one another

You are great
No you are great

No you are greater
You are greatest

Thank you thank you
You are so kind

I am so humbled

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Luxury Brand Logo

Oil leak
Fixed for $300

Fuel injector failure
Replaced for $450

Engine light code
Very small evap leak

Watched YouTube
Fixed at home for $20

Engine light code
Thermostat failure

Watched YouTube
Fixed at home for $50

Anything else big or small
Can be fixed 

If not by self
Then at the auto mechanic

All which usually cost
Less than a new car

Even if all costs are combined
Always cheaper to fix

Burned out headlight
Replaced at home for $20

Of course this only applies
Calculation makes sense

With American cars
And most cars from Asia

But not European cars
Especially luxury brands

Where oil change alone
Can cost hundreds 

Which deprives the owner
Not only of their money

But also the unique satisfaction
That can only be experienced

From fixing your own car
Not paying someone to do it

Which most domestic car owners
Will say it is worth more than

The luxury brand logo

Thursday, January 28, 2021

In The Water Cup

It makes you wonder
If there is anyone in this world
Who can truly say
They are not a hypocrite

Being one way or another
Conservative or liberal
Religious or not
Educated or not

Since regardless of who 
Or what anyone is
None will not get offended
Sitting at a five star restaurant

Being served wine
In the water cup

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Ending As Beginning Biden

New President
Joe Biden Jr.
New Vice President
Kamala Harris

1202021 inauguration
And 12121 to 12921
First ten days of
Palindrome presidency

A fitting start
Destiny fulfilled
Beginning as ending Trump
Ending as beginning Biden

Friday, January 8, 2021

If The Riot Had Succeeded

Barely a week goes by
And bam there it is
Global news ala Trump

Riot in US Capitol 
Chaos and mayhem
Broken windows
Climbing walls

Four dead 
Die hard Trumpers
Literally gave their lives
For Trump

In this day and age
Where media travels in an instant
Globally around the world
Voice and video and all

The whole world engaged
In this embarrassing spectacle
A show of true unresolved
Racial tensions and hypocrisy

Not so much the result 
Of all who voted for Trump
Who were at least honest 
True to their convictions

And certainly not the result
Of all the democrats and others
Who voted against Trump
And tried to prevent such an outcome

But to everyone else
Who could not on their own 
By whatever standard they use
Decided to let it happen

Secretly wishing Trump as president
Giddy at the possibility
Unable to show it on the outside
Let alone actually vote for him

Just watching
And watch they did this riot
Perhaps with sense of disappointment
Maybe with some excitement

But more likely feeling proud
For not having voted for Trump
Now that his outcome is sour
But would have been proud anyway

If the riot had succeeded
Which it did not thank God
Again not because of their actions
But passive inaction