Sunday, May 30, 2021

Makes More Sense

If the laws of physics are true
That energy cannot be created
Nor destroyed but only
Change in its form as stated by
The law of conservation of energy

Then how in the world 
Did all the energy and mass
In this universe 
Everything in this universe
Came to be in existence?

Regardless of whatever form 
The energy might have been 
Nothing could have just 
Popped out of thin air
Like in creation by God

Which means by the laws of physics
Everything in this universe
The total energy it represents
Was always in existence
With no beginning or ending

Which is what the Bible proclaims
God to be always was is and will be
No beginning or ending
Equivalent to total energy 
Of this universe

So God and total energy
Is one and the same
And everything in this universe
Is logically from God
Created by God

Or is it easier to just believe
That all the energy in this universe
Has no beginning or ending
And we just happen to be part
Of that infinity time line?

The very notion that
Nothing can be created 
Defies the reality of our existence
Thus proving that only creation
By change in the form of energy

Creation by God
God who is infinite and total 
Makes more sense