Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What The Hell

There are some who declare
After having seen the world 
Based on careful analysis and reasoning
Or deep philosophical thought

That there actually must be 
Indeed God who created the whole universe
Since nothing else can explain
The magnificence of everything that is real

In fact there are a lot of people 
Who claim that there must be God
Based on their analysis of the world

As if that conclusion alone
Or finally believing in God 
Will somehow open the doors to heaven
For them to waltz in

Not realizing at the gate 
After they say "I believe in God"
Or even add "Who is all powerful"
And the gate keeper will reply

"That's nice. So what do you want?"
And they will say, "I want to enter into heaven"
Then gate keeper will say, "No"
And they will ask, "Why not?"

GK: Even the devils believe in God
Man: What must I do then?
GK: It's too late for you I'm afraid
Man: What the hell

GK: The hell that is your destination