Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hunky Dory Statements

They say we have freedom of speech
As long as we don't say anything 
That is offensive against anyone 
Or anything

Like ethnicity, culture, religion
Gender or lack of it or however it is
Even life style or fashion
Or animals 
Anything under the sun

Somewhere or someone
Can be offended by anything
Like saying the sky is blue
Maybe offensive to the colorblind
Rightfully so or not

Which leaves the freedom of speech
Limited to everything else
Non offensive and pleasant
Hunky dory statements
As if the world is hunky dory

And for those who cannot
Abide by these stipulations 
Enforced on freedom of speech
There is always the other option
Not a freedom but the right

The right to remain silent
Since anything you say can
And will be used against  you
Whatever he said or she said
Without statute of limitation

So there you have it
Brilliant combination of 
Freedom and right as a citizen
Freedom to say anything with consequence
Or remain silent to avoid trouble

Brilliant display of hypocrisy
For those who demand freedom
Yet will put you in jail for speaking out
Not wanting to hear anything
That is not approved by them