Monday, November 8, 2010

Wanna Move Away?

Here's a paragraph I found surfing the net:

"I Know from a lecture about energy needed to travel at the speed of light and found:
E=(Gamma)Mo(Mass In A Stationary Postiton)C2 (Constant/Speed Of Light)

Now according to this formula there cannot be an answer for 99.999999...%< as Gamma 
Gamma=√1-v2 (squared) V Is the index form of the speed of light 99%=0.99

this 'supposedly' proves there cannot be a speed greater than or equal to 100% of the speed of light.

could someone prove this wrong..."

Let's suppose one cannot travel faster than speed of light but can travel "At" speed of light for the purpose of this speculation.

Here's the scenario:

Master Vader, after having won the Ultimate Championship of Golf on Earth, takes off in the Ultra Luxury Space Ship Lady Gaga at the speed of light towards Intergalactic Jedi Golf Federation Hall of Fame in Delta Quadrant.

Half way through the journey he notices Kendomaster returning from exile in a Compact Space Ship Volt at barely attained speed of light towards Earth.

Before Vader could say "hello" both space ships pass each other and are travelling at opposite directions. 

"That Kendomaster....he must not know the Ultimate Championship of Golf is over. Always late. Poor chap," thought Master Vader.

Now. Both Master Vader's Ultra Luxury Space Ship Lady Gaga and Kendomaster's Compact Space Ship Volt are travelling at the speed of light. However, since they are travelling at precisely opposite direction each ship is traveling 2x the speed of light away from each other.

Applying Einstein's Theory of Relativity, speed of a moving object must be measured from a point relative to it's previous position to be exact. But that measured speed only applies to the moving object itself and not to any other object outside of it.

From Kendomaster's point of view Vader is moving away from him at 2x the speed of light. And vice versa.

To answer the quesion, "Can you travel faster than the speed of light?", the answer is no according to the equation. However, you can be traveling away from another object at 2x the speed of light if the other object is also traveling at speed of light in opposite direction. 

So the ultimate rule in space travel seems to be that no two objects can move away from each other faster than 2x the speed of light, relative or not. 

Is this true?