Sunday, November 21, 2010

Like a Tree

樹欲靜而風不止 [수욕정이풍부지]   
나무는 조용히 있고자 하나 바람이 불어 흔들리고 
Tree desires to remain calm but because of wind it sways

子欲養而親不待 [
자식이 어버이께 효도하고자 하나 기다리지 않는다
Child wants to show filial piety but parents will not wait

The two phrases above nicely illustrate the opposing struggles in life.

The first indicates situations where one wishes not to be part of, but has no choice but to get involved due to outside factors which one has no control over. Examples include a country being invaded by another, any type of accident, cancer, or even your spouse or significant other leaving you. 

The second indicates situations where one wishes to be part of but cannot due to outside factors that prevent such participation. Examples other than the one given above include desire to travel around the world but has no money, wish to get married but cannot find the mate, desire for fame and fortune but has no opportunity, or desire to stay young. 

In order to gain satisfaction in life one must successfully navigate through the two opposing struggles by accepting the situations as they come without giving rise to too much resistance or resentment. These are struggles everyone face regardless of status, power, wealth, or health. 

You, like a tree, must be able to sway with the wind or else it will break you. 

                                                                                    - Shinpro