Monday, December 31, 2018

No Time

Matter can be converted into energy
As Einstein has proved

Which means in theory
Energy can be converted into matter

But what about time
What is time but a measure of
Point A to point B

A byproduct of matter
And energy

No matter
No energy
No time

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Regarding Many Things

Another year goes by
Like the airplane
That passes over your head

And another year of wasted
Attempts to convince Christians
That God's views are wrong

Regarding many things
From the perspective of

The grand display of foolishness
The degree of arrogance
The proud human soul

In the face of death
That is sure to come
Soon or later

Not realizing the fact
That the opinion of a tree
Is irrelevant in the face of an ax

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

As A Consolation

If there is one good outcome
That is evident from all chaos and
Confusion in Trump White House

Is that whatever is happening
In your own place of occupation
Does not seem all that terrible

Compared to the ugly drama
That is ensuing in Washington
And yet to surface in DC Metro

In fact it may very well
Pale in comparison

For whatever it may be worth
As a consolation

Monday, December 10, 2018

Beyond Your Control

As far as misconceptions go
None is more misguided than
Thinking that each individual
Is in control of his or her destiny

The future that lies ahead
The schools one will attend
Occupations and jobs attained
Health and longevity of life

So many will try
And try they must as none
Will win the race without
Preparation and hard work

But so many will fail
To attain what they hoped
Not because of lack of effort
Nor lack of accomplishments

But the door did not open
The opportunity did not come by
Just did not happen perhaps
At the wrong time and place

Like so many professional
NBA players each with exceptional
Abilities to reach even that far
Not winning a championship

None can take credit
For what has been given
That may seem absolutely
Credit worthy to self

Without taking into account
That even with the best
Of the best in fishing pole
Line and bait

The end result is
Beyond your control

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

And For Some People

In mathematics
A negative multiplied by
Another negative
Results in a positive

And for some people
This formula apparently
Is applied to their daily activities

So that one bad deed
After another is performed
Thinking the result will be positive

Without realizing that
With every negative deed performed
They are not really multiplying

But adding

That One Bad Apple

The problem is not

That one bad apple
Can ruin the whole bunch

But the corollary to
The above that states

There is always one
In a bunch

Sunday, November 18, 2018

If You Love Your Enemy

It is hard to love your enemy
The one who is trying hard
To destroy and harm you
The one who feels pleasure
In seeing you suffer

But that is what you must do
As a Christian
Follower of Jesus Christ
For the one who is trying desperately
To destroy and hurt you

Is the one who will ultimately be
Destroyed and hurt for eternity
In hell separated from God
In utter darkness and loneliness
Forever and ever

So pray you must such that
Salvation may be granted
Even unto them by grace
By the power of Holy Spirit
Leading them to repentance

If you love your enemy

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Lonely Helpless

There are those who cook
And those who eat

There are those who make music
And those who listen

There are those who paint
And those who perceive

There are those who write
And those who read

The former creates
And the latter enjoys

But there are those who
Always seek to destroy

Constantly pursuing evil
For the sake of warped logic

Based on self importance
And righteousness

Those who cannot even for one iota
Tolerate good fortune of others

Lacking humility
Devoid of wisdom

A lonely helpless
Lost soul

Saturday, November 3, 2018

At The Crossroad

Free will is simply
The ability for you
To either go left or right
At the crossroad

In any particular situation
One encounters in life
As many situations there are
As crossroads are in the world

Not all however
Are faced with same 
Particular crossroads in life
Maybe similar but not quite the same

Therein lies the limitations
Of free will

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Salt As Sugar

Democracy is only
As good as
The people who vote

Like the dish is only
As good as
The chef who prepares it

The only difference being
The chef will never
Mistake salt for sugar

Whereas the people
Will continuously define
Salt as sugar
And sugar as salt

Sunday, October 21, 2018

When In Fact

It is amazing
How some medical doctors
Despite having same degree
M. D. 

Believe somehow that
Their license from the state
Is gold plated with special 
Privileges to be an idiot

Not knowing that no one
Especially other doctors
Will respect them any more
Than the respect they receive

So they go on and on
With their narcissistic attitude 
Putting others down
Believing their status on top
Of the pedestal is secure

When in fact
Everyone including their gardeners
Consider them fools
Worth less than a piece of gum
Stuck under their shoes

Including The Truth

Some say the root of all
Evil is love of money
And no one can deny that
Love of money is the root
For a lot of evil

But what about those
Who have so much money
And money is no longer an objective
Like so many rich people
Filthy rich people in this world

Are they all saints?
Quite the contrary as most
Really really rich folks
Don't even believe in God
And they do truly bad things
In the sight of God

Then what is the root
Of all evil?
It is no doubt the devil
Who makes man to seek
Money fame and power
Above all things

Including the Truth

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Will Seem Farfetched

There you have it

The new supreme court justice 

Like it or not

For life

A hard fought confirmation 

Like a man running for President 

Except there's only one nomination 

Which almost guarantees a showdown 

Had there been two or three

None of this embarrassing fiasco

Would have occurred to this degree

As there must be others equally qualified 

Even the office of the President 

Has two candidates 

Why not Supreme Court Justice 

So that sexual misconduct by both 

Will seem farfetched 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Adds More Value

It is not the knowledge
That makes one proud

But believing that knowledge
However much one possesses

Adds more value
To human life

Monday, August 27, 2018

They Are Wise

Wisdom can be spoken
But few are wise
Enough to listen

Wisdom can be read
But few are wise
Enough to understand

Wisdom can be taught
But few are wise
Enough to learn 

As only fools think
They are wise
Enough to be fools

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

You Search

People search for happiness
The word search indicating
That they don't have it

Others try to find happiness
The word find implying
That its whereabouts is unknown

But no matter how hard
You search
Or try to find

Happiness will not be obtained
Drifting farther away
The harder you search

As it is human fallacy
To always seek and desire
What they don't have

No matter how much money
Power fame or companion possessed
Always not satisfied or fulfilled

Millionaires comparing to billionaires
Presidents comparing to kings
Gold wishing to be diamond

Not realizing

Happiness is not attained
By looking at what is not there
But by looking at what is already there

Already found

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Kingdom Of Heaven

It is for certain now
Now that years have gone by
From childhood
To adulthood
Into middle age

Without a doubt
Having encountered many
Adults from all walks of life
Either in real life
Or in print

The only difference 
Between a child and adult
Is nothing more than mere
Years of breadths taken
And outward appearance

Minus the accumulated sin

In a lot of ways a child 
Being much more mature
More forgiving
More loving
Without holding a grudge

As once He has proclaimed
The kingdom of heaven
Belongs to such as these

But for the rest of us
There really is no hope
Without the saving grace
Of Jesus Christ

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Everyone can climb
At least half way up
The Mt Everest

Or run a marathon
At least half marathon
Or even a quarter

In fact anyone
Can do anything
Without being great at it

Martial arts
Playing an instrument
Coin collecting
Bird watching
Star gazing
Hula hooping
Anything at all

So many things out there
Countless things
To try and do without being good

Yet not attempted
Nor have the desire to

Unlike reading a book
Or watching TV
Two things most people 
Rather do


Because it takes the least
Amount of energy
And work

Work = Force x Distance

Monday, August 6, 2018

To Do Less

It only takes 5 minutes
Or less most of the time

To clean the room
Fold laundry

Or even  learn a new
Word everyday

Five minutes or less
To do ten push-ups or sit-ups
Or run around the block

Read a chapter
Write in the journal
Wipe down the table

But when it comes to
Doing any manual labor
Or mental exercise

Five minutes is just too much
Too long of a time
To expend the energy

For too many people
Rich or poor
Lazy or not

Rather opting to seat
For hours watching
TV or a movie

Constantly seeking
To do less
And less work

Saturday, July 14, 2018

It Is No Wonder Then

Ever wonder why
The world is so difficult
For so many people?

There are the I I I people
Then there are I am so great people
And also the look at me people

Plus the that is unfair people
And I am better than you people
How dare you people

Mr or Ms know it all people
I am so proud people
Self righteous people

Arrogant people
Always condescending people
Your grass cannot be greener people

I am in control people
Do as I say people
I am always right people

You must be stupid people
I feel threatened people
I hate you people

I will pay you back people
You will pay for this people
I hope you die people

It is no wonder then
Why the world is so difficult
For so many people

Friday, July 13, 2018

Conservation of Energy

The mere belief in
Conservation of energy
Is proof in itself
That the entire universe

And whatever was before
The beginning of universe
With all of the energy in existence
Including time itself

Could not have had
The beginning
As nothing could have
Just emerged from nothing

Which means time and energy
Has no beginning or ending
Only the mere presence
Of God the I Am

That can explain
The existence of now
And the known life
And universe

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hold Of The Mind

When it comes to being optimistic
There is a fine line that separates
Optimism from wishful thinking

And often the latter takes
Hold of the mind
Of a man or a woman

Taking them to a lofty
Fantasy land where
All things are at its best

A state of delusion

The Number One Seller

You really have to hand it to reality
When it comes to drama
Not Hollywood
Not books
Or drunken imagination

Sober reality
Will knock anyone's socks off
Prompting people to say
You just can't write this stuff

Raising the question
Why should anyone read a novel
Or write one for that matter
When every excitement
Scenario beyond imagination
Is right there on the internet

Fresh daily happenings
All day and all night
With ceaseless drama

Such that if someone
Wrote a novel with
No drama whatsoever 

It would become
The number one seller
On NYTimes bestseller list
As the best fiction

Sunday, June 17, 2018

To The Dry Desert

People say
You can lead a horse
To the water
But you cannot make it drink

Christians say
You can lead a horse
To the water
And God can make it drink

God says
You can lead a horse
To the dry desert
And I can make it drink

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Hidden In The Shadows

Like a farmer waiting for harvest
Without having sown a single seed
Why would Christians in this country
Be persecuted
When no one proclaims 
In public the word of God

Gathering only in designated places
Being careful not to offend anyone
Not mentioning sins and repentance
Free to worship without imposing

Why would there ever be persecutions 
Of Christians in this country
When the country is heading towards
The days of Sodom and Gomorrah
And the Christians are silent

Hidden in the shadows
Perhaps waiting for Jonah

Friday, May 18, 2018

Without Foresight Or Wisdom

People talk about
Good education
Good schools
The importance of reading
And studying

Some read ceaselessly
Countless pay top dollar
To get into and go to
Top universities
For some a life long dream
To go to Ivy League

Indeed a commendable
And proud achievement
To become a doctor
A lawyer or any professional
Career that usually garners
Top income

But no matter how great
An education
How prestigious the alma mater
Or famous in his or her field

No matter how high the test score
Library of books read
Equations solved
Inventions created

No matter how outstanding
An individual is in every respect
With fifty pages of resume

A fool will remain a fool
Without wisdom that
Cannot be attained or bought
With all that hard work
And money

Or else how can one explain
So many well educated
Rich and famous people
Do so many foolish things

Without foresight or wisdom

Only a fool would be so proud
And act as though
Because he drives a car
He is a racecar driver

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Real Truth Lies In

People seem to have
Obsession with luxury
Pursuing luxury
Selling luxury
Seeking satisfaction
With luxury

But what exactly is luxury
That has many people hooked
Addicted to and dependent on

If one has everything
Necessary to live
Then anything beyond necessity
Be considered luxury

Not to be confused with privilege
As flying is not luxury but a privilege
While flying first class is luxury

Like driving a car may be necessity
While leather upholstery is not
Thus be considered a luxury

A bigger house
More expensive car
Brand name clothes
All luxury beyond necessity

Which is to say
Subtracting all that is necessary
From any one's possessions
All that which remains
Is unnecessary

Serving no purpose
Other than false sense
Fleeting moment
Of satisfaction and happiness

For that delusion
People pay thousands
Tens of thousands
Even millions

To acquire luxury
Forever in pursuit
Like an addict seeking
Next high

But the soul seeking luxury
Cannot be satisfied
As the soul that is spiritual
Cannot be filled with materials

But only with the assurance
Of life everlasting
Through death and resurrection
Of Jesus Christ

By repentance of  our sins
Asking of forgiveness
And accepting Jesus Christ
As Lord and Savior

Only then can a man
Woman or child
Live in true luxury
Of knowing that even

When some say all man dies
But not every man really lives

The real truth lies in
That all man dies
But not every man goes to heaven

Sunday, April 29, 2018

And Not Repeating The Word

God is holy
And His holiness does not depend on
Us saying He is holy

God is awesome 
And His awesomeness does not depend on
Us saying He is awesome

God is supreme
And His supremacy does not depend on
Us saying He is supreme

God is all powerful
And His omnipotence does not depend on
Us saying He is all powerful

God is good
And His goodness does not depend on
Us saying He is good

Yet the Christians of modern era
Seem to spend majority of the time
Praising God for His
Holiness awesomeness supremacy
Power and goodness

While spending little if any
Time repenting 
For weekly daily or hourly
Sins that make them not holy

After that one incidence of acceptance
One admittance of guilt and sins
One asking for forgiveness
It is long forgotten and not repeated

As if God forgave all future sins
In advance with one repentance
Never to be repeated again
Yearly monthly weekly or hourly

Since no one likes to admit guilt
No one likes to say sorry
It boils down to just praise
Singing and dancing

Gospel lost from spotlight
To fit the needs of modern society
A small footnote in the corner
Avoiding and shuddering
And not repeating the word


Monday, April 9, 2018

For Eternity

Time flies some say
Life is short say others
Not that anyone can live
Faster than anyone else

Or have accurate knowledge
Of when they are going to die

But they do keep repeating
How life is short
And time flies

Because each day lived
Is one day closer
To the inevitable truth

That one day in the future
Will be the last day
Of their breath on this earth

But for those who have
Accepted Jesus
As Christ Lord and Savior
Will continue on living

For eternity
In heaven

Saturday, March 31, 2018

As True Success Lies

Some measure success
By how much money they have

Some measure success
By their children's achievements

Some measure success
By what position they hold

Some measure success
By winning Olympic gold medal

Some measure success
By how much they are respected

Some measure success
By having unbroken family

Some measure success
By being the most popular

Some measure success
By having good health

While others measure success
By winning a Nobel Prize

But no matter how much success
One achieves in their lifetime

No matter by which standard
That success is achieved

It is all worthless
In the face of death

As true success lies
In finding Jesus Christ

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Billy Graham

How can you tell whether
Something is out of whack
Not quite what it is intended to be
Out of focus

Like someone who loves golf
Spending hours and hours learning
Practicing and perfecting
To become an excellent golfer
Now caring more about the accolades
Spotlight and attention
Than the joy of playing the game

Like someone who loves to cook
Going to culinary school
Studying years to become a chef
Only to care more about critiques
And reputation
Than the joy of cooking for others

Sadducees and pharisees of old
In every nook and cranny
Then and now the same
All about the appearance
Deeds and works

To have had a great preacher
Perhaps the most sincere and humble
Ambassador of Jesus Christ
Who cared not about anything
But the salvation of your soul
Is a blessing to all who heard

May you rest in peace
Billy Graham

Thursday, March 1, 2018

From One To Another

The problem is that
No one knows exactly
What another person thinks
Even if someone tells them 
Since the two brains are not connected
Nor their consciousness

No connection other than
Limited singular audio and visual
Spoken and written communication
And less effective tactile smell and taste
As a way to convey a message 
From one to another

Which is a huge limitation 
Perhaps the most incongruous oddity
Considering how much human brain
Can process and calculate
A biological super computer

Yet this apparent deficiency
May be the only saving grace
From total self annihilation
Of human kind

Unlike the supercomputers of the future
Which will lack this limitation
And lead to self implosion 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Like The Sailing Vessel

I can live
As long as I am alive

But I cannot die
Unless my time is up

And my time is up
When I can no longer live

Like the sailing vessel
That cannot move

Unless the wind blows

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Towards Fellow Men

I have seen a rich man
I have seen a poor man

I have seen an angry man
I have seen a peaceful man

I have seen an educated man
I have seen uneducated

Knowledgeable man
Ignorant man

Happy man
Sad man

Many a times a greedy man
Sometimes a generous man

I have seen a religious man
I have seen a man with no religion

A wise man
A foolish man

Almost every possible adjective man
Versus the opposite

But I have yet to see
A man with genuine and honest
And truly sincere

Towards fellow men

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Like The Titanic

Every man and woman
To his and her own right
Conscious decisions and thoughts
Based on their own justification
Philosophy of life and death

Not all think their actions
Are right or not evil
But none will think
It is not justified
Based on whatever thought process
However warped it may be

Delusion of grandeur
Racial religious gender supremacism
Learned behavior

Every man and woman
To their own conclusions
Whatever floats their boat
Until it sinks
Like the Titanic