Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Billy Graham

How can you tell whether
Something is out of whack
Not quite what it is intended to be
Out of focus

Like someone who loves golf
Spending hours and hours learning
Practicing and perfecting
To become an excellent golfer
Now caring more about the accolades
Spotlight and attention
Than the joy of playing the game

Like someone who loves to cook
Going to culinary school
Studying years to become a chef
Only to care more about critiques
And reputation
Than the joy of cooking for others

Sadducees and pharisees of old
In every nook and cranny
Then and now the same
All about the appearance
Deeds and works

To have had a great preacher
Perhaps the most sincere and humble
Ambassador of Jesus Christ
Who cared not about anything
But the salvation of your soul
Is a blessing to all who heard

May you rest in peace
Billy Graham