Monday, January 23, 2017

In Retrospect

As far as predictable action goes
Pertaining to human behavior
There is none that is more pervasive
Than one step behind phenomenon

Always one step behind
The inevitable struggle
For most if not all individuals
Regardless of any trait

Invariably leading one to say
I should have done this or
If only I have done that
I cannot believe I did this or that

Which leads one to ask
Why didn't you do this or that?
To which the answer goes
I thought this or that was right

Which it obviously is not
In retrospect
Hindsight being 20/20
Not knowing the future outcome

But more often than not
Almost all outcomes
Could have resulted in alternate ending
A more acceptable or desired outcome

Had one made absolutely certain
Without any possibility of otherwise
Of attaining the desired outcome
Leaving no shred of doubt

Killing a fly with a grenade
Certainly unreasonable action
And most will agree it is neurotic
But the fly would be dead

There really is no reason
To lament having missed the boat
There really is no one to blame
But yourself

Certainly not after
The election is over