Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Dare The President

Is Big Mac a failure
Because it has too much fat?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From going to bed hungry

The rich can pay more
To get less calories

Is Ford Fiesta a failure
Because it is cheap and powerless?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From hopping on the bus

The rich can pay more
To drive in luxury

Is Obamacare a failure
Because it is too cheap?
Because less people are insured?
Because preexisting conditions are excluded?

Then what is the reason
For fervent desire for repeal?
Too expensive they say
For some minority segment
Who always had insurance

Too expensive for the rich
Who would rather let the kid
Go hungry without food
Than take a bite out of their T-bone

Woh how dare he they say
Take a chunk out of my juicy pork
And give to the poor
How dare the president
Of The United States of America