Saturday, January 28, 2017

And There Lies The Irony

A good driver
Can steer even a most
Underpowered tin can
Through winding slope
Of treacherous mountain

But a bad driver
Will crash even the most
Sophisticated luxury automobile
Driving around town

A good chef
Can produce a fabulous dish
Using limited ingredients
With limited appliances

A bad chef
Will make even the most
Choice meats and vegetables
Using finest ingredients and tools
Into something inedible

And democracy?
Can good or even perfect democracy
Ensure the best and finest outcome
Despite limited candidates?

Far be it from the truth
All it can ensure
Is to make people get
What people want

And what people want
Is not always
What people should have

But in this case of Clinton vs Trump
People did not get
What people wanted

And there lies the irony
Of imperfect democracy

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Painful To Watch

It is true
What they say
That it takes two
To tango


And it is fun sometimes
To watch a good tango
Like a good movie
Beginning to the end

Scent of a Woman

But in this case
Of Trump vs Media
It certainly is
Painful to watch

Crying out loud

Monday, January 23, 2017

Where It Started

It is a well established fact
Proven by experiments
That gravitational force also
Bends the path of light beam

Which means there really is
Nothing in this universe
That is seen exactly
Where it lies

The further away an object
The further away it is perceived to be
From its exact location
However minuscule

As countless stars
And galaxies are in the universe
Bending light this way and that
Eventually ending up

Where it started
With infinity of time
The beginning of time

In Retrospect

As far as predictable action goes
Pertaining to human behavior
There is none that is more pervasive
Than one step behind phenomenon

Always one step behind
The inevitable struggle
For most if not all individuals
Regardless of any trait

Invariably leading one to say
I should have done this or
If only I have done that
I cannot believe I did this or that

Which leads one to ask
Why didn't you do this or that?
To which the answer goes
I thought this or that was right

Which it obviously is not
In retrospect
Hindsight being 20/20
Not knowing the future outcome

But more often than not
Almost all outcomes
Could have resulted in alternate ending
A more acceptable or desired outcome

Had one made absolutely certain
Without any possibility of otherwise
Of attaining the desired outcome
Leaving no shred of doubt

Killing a fly with a grenade
Certainly unreasonable action
And most will agree it is neurotic
But the fly would be dead

There really is no reason
To lament having missed the boat
There really is no one to blame
But yourself

Certainly not after
The election is over

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Government

People spend a lot of time
Too much time
Arguing about everything
And anything

As long as there are two
People on this planet
They will argue
No doubt about it

And some will contend
That even if left alone
That individual will argue
With oneself

I e
Crazy people
Or not crazy at all
Just indecisive

No matter who is arguing
With who or about what
There really is no end
To any argument

As long as there is no proof
Irrefutable proof
Undeniable fact
That supports one side

Although even that will not
Be enough since they will continue
To argue about the authenticity
And validity of that proof

The whole point
Of the argument being
Nothing more than justification
Serving as conscientious rationalization

For believing whatever
That they are arguing about
To act accordingly based on their belief
For anyone who has power to act

The government

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Dare The President

Is Big Mac a failure
Because it has too much fat?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From going to bed hungry

The rich can pay more
To get less calories

Is Ford Fiesta a failure
Because it is cheap and powerless?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From hopping on the bus

The rich can pay more
To drive in luxury

Is Obamacare a failure
Because it is too cheap?
Because less people are insured?
Because preexisting conditions are excluded?

Then what is the reason
For fervent desire for repeal?
Too expensive they say
For some minority segment
Who always had insurance

Too expensive for the rich
Who would rather let the kid
Go hungry without food
Than take a bite out of their T-bone

Woh how dare he they say
Take a chunk out of my juicy pork
And give to the poor
How dare the president
Of The United States of America