Sunday, December 31, 2017

To See The Truth

Another year goes by
Like a gust of wind
No matter how good
No matter how bad
Rich or poor
Educated or uneducated
Pretty or ugly
Strong or weak
Tall or short
Fit or unfit

No matter what race
No matter what gender
Happy or sad
Angry or calm
Nice or unpleasant
Humble or arrogant
Honest or dishonest

Faithful or unfaithful
Wise or foolish
Saved or unsaved

No matter what anything
The year goes by
Then another
And another

Without pause
Without delay
Without rewind
Without fast forward

Until it is time
To see the truth

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Doing Exact Opposite

Who can fathom the wisdom of God
Who made the Earth and the Heaven
All living creatures
And man and woman

How can anyone lengthen a day
Or even one minute
Of their allotted time on this Earth
And take the credit for its length

What good is faith
If it cannot move mountains
Or walk on water
Heal the sick

Loud is the proclamation
Of faith and love
Only where there is no challenge
To their faith or love

Hatred overshadowing love
Greed overshadowing generosity
Arrogance overshadowing humility
Doubt overshadowing faith

Not knowing their God
Is also the God of their neighbor
Doing exact opposite
Of what was told

Matthew 16:25

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Only Point In Time

When a person is young
The mind ages faster
Than actual physical age
And call it mature

When a person is old
The body ages faster
Than the mind 
And call it immature

At some point in between
The age of the body
And the age of the mind
Coincides before crossing over

Exactly at which point
This occurs varies 
From person to person
Young to old

Depending on how mature
Or immature that person is
Relative to how physically young
Or old that person is in age

The only point in time
Where the body and the mind
Is in harmony

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Free From The Chains

The sooner you realize
No one really gives shit
About what you wear
Where you live
Or what you have

Other than showing
Perfunctory short lasting
Ooh aah or wow
That bears as much meaning
As a rock sitting on a hill
Albeit perhaps
With fleeting satisfaction

The sooner you will stop
Trying to impress others
Living life for other people
And start living life
Without wasting so much
Time, money, and energy

Free from the chains
Of vanity
Or conspicuity

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Cast The First Stone

So it begins
One after another
Like the domino
Falling onto the next one
Then the one after
On and on until
The last domino has fallen

Obviously no one cares
When it comes to retribution
Other than to punish whoever
Is on deck whose secrets are
Promulgated while their own
Secrets are guarded and hidden

No one daring to remember
What Jesus said
That the one who has no sin
Cast the first stone

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

But Lo And Behold

There is proper way
Of doing almost all things
Like the triple axle jump
Placing roof tiles
Taking appendix out
Climbing a mountain

Not because someone
Just decided to call it proper
But as a result of many many
Years of refinement
Having made countless mistakes
Leading to best result possible

Such that if one followed
Instructions of proper method
Same mistakes would not be made
Time certainly not wasted
And results would be satisfying

But lo and behold
More like no and lament
People do not follow such instructions
Have no desire to follow
Have no understanding why
And have no respect for proper ways
Blatantly disregarding such ways

Ending up with a disaster
Let alone perfections
Either having to live with
Less than satisfying outcomes
Or start all over again
Having wasted so much time

What is this but a human folly
The fruit of human arrogance
Hopeless human pride
And stubbornness

Monday, November 13, 2017

Or Hell

Looks can be deceiving
Beautiful on the outside
But ugly on the inside

Knowledge can be deceiving
Rendering one to feel smart
Yet lacking wisdom

Money can be deceiving
As the key for happiness
That it cannot buy

Love can be deceiving
That often leads to marriage
Ending up in divorce

Life can be deceiving
With inevitable death
Only to live again

Forever in heaven
Or hell

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

May Life Go On

Who can know the secrets
The beginning of universe
And its end

Life realized
And no more
Without warning

So fragile its time
So short its length
To be foreshortened

May life go on
Forever in heaven
For those who have

Lost it too soon

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Until That Day

It is better to not do
What is bad for you

Than to not do
What is good for you

But it is easier to not do
What is good for you

Than to not do
What is bad for you

Which is to say

It is easier to do
What is bad for you

Than to do
What is good for you

If such was not the case
The whole world would be
A better place to live

As humans naturally gravitate
To do what is easier

But such is the case for now
And the world is evil

Until that day
When evil does not exist

And only the good
Occupies human mind

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

As If They Found A Duck

The real problem in this world
Is not that people just don't get along
Or some people are just evil
Too much greed anger jealousy 
And all the negative emotions and traits

Sure they certainly do play a big role
In how people interact 
But most of them are the byproducts
Of underlying main issue

That is misunderstanding
Rationalized conclusions
Having faith in false premises
Based on each and everyone's bias
Resulting from their own life experiences

Such that upon seeing a black man
Or a white man 
Or Asian
Or any other ethnic group for that matter

All sorts of conclusions are drawn
Never given a clean slate 
Despite not knowing a single fact
Or history regarding said individual 

Not having shared one conversation
Presuming to know enough 
To disrespect
And expect their erroneous fantasy

Taken aback when faced 
With reality that is not 
Congruent to their expectations

As if they found a duck
In the chicken coup

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The True Hypocrisy

Everything in the universe
Under the laws of physics
So they say

Except one
The human mind

No matter how much
Or how arduously
The laws of physics are applied

Not in million years will it
Be able to produce the equation
Of compassion

Yet ever in search for
One binding theory
To explain the existence

All the while that
Which demands such a theory
Is not subject to logic

The true hypocrisy
And ultimate futility
Of the human arrogance

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Of The Russian Meddling

As far as one who is not in politics
But old enough to vote
And read the breaking news
Surfing the internet
Can recall without much effort

The tape about groping woman
Marking rental applications based on race
Claims of inauguration crowd size
Shoving another leader at G20
Firing director of FBI
Tweeter storms
Fake news claims
Charlottesville blame on both sides
Now Arizona rally showdown

And many more such a person
Who is not in politics
Cannot recall

It would not be out of the question
By now that even the Russians
If they had not already colluded with Trump
Would wish they had done it
To provide evidence to end
This misery in the white house

Before the whole situation
Truly gets out of hand
In which case the only saving grace
However ironic it may be
Is the collusion evidence
To get Team Trump out
Of the Russian meddling

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Worthy Of A Victory Lap

Yes he has done it
The leader of DPRK
After decades of trying
Finally garnered a response
Worthy of a victory lap
From mighty leader of America
None other than Donald Trump

Fire and fury

Now you can comfortably say
Only Trump can engage Kim
Like only Nixon can go to China

Sanctions or not
This dynamic duo 
Is sure to be passed down
In the history of the world
As the most unsophisticated
The most unrefined
WTF leaders

Who should not waste time
In engaging in war of words
But rather spend all their free time
In couples therapy

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Matter Only Of Time

If a year goes by like a month
A month goes by like a week
And a week goes by like a day

Then you need to stop
And slow the passage of time

So a day goes by like a week
A week goes by like a month
And a month goes by like a year

A matter only of time
And awareness

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Time For Election

There it goes
The Skinny Repeal
Down the drain
After all the promises
To repeal Obama Care

The zeal nothing to do
With the care itself
But everything to do
With the prefix Obama


Act 547
Take 843


Act 2061
Take 1744


That's a wrap
Time for election

Dumb Fool

One of the hallmarks
Of a dumb arrogant fool
No matter what their profession
Level of education
Or status

Is to think that they can
Command respect
While not respecting others

Dumb fool

Being A Control Freak

It all boils down to
Everybody's innate desire
To exert control
That creates havoc
In everyday life

Boyfriends trying to control girlfriends
Girlfriends trying to control boyfriends
Husbands trying to control wives
Wives trying to control husbands
Bosses trying to control employees
Teachers trying to control students
Preachers trying to control congregation
Parents trying to control children
President trying to control congress
Congress trying to control president
Media trying to control news
Public trying to control media

Even the restaurants are trying to control
What the customers eat
Car manufacturers
What you drive
What you wear

Everyone trying to control
Everyone denying
Being a control freak

Saturday, July 8, 2017

And Ground To Walk On

Poor man on the street
Although not having much
Other than roof over his head
Clothes to keep warm
Food to evade hunger
Gives thanks for everything above
Including free air to breathe
And ground to walk on

Rich man on the street
Although having so much
On top of mega mansion
Designer clothes
Gourmet food filled pantry
Gives thanks for nothing
Let alone the purified air
And ground to walk on

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Basic Human Intelligence

Fast tracking GOP healthcare bill
Is like a guy wearing orange pants
Walking fast through the courtyard
Thinking that by fast tracking
No one will notice his orange pants

Foolishness akin to
A guy lifting his butt in the car
Thinking it will lighten up the load

To their chagrin
Enlightening them to the fact that
No matter how fast you track your pants
Or how high the butt is off the car seat

You cannot defy the laws of physics
The basic human intelligence

Nice try

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

As 3D Waves

People think of waves
As 2 dimensional
Like the waves on the ocean
Traveling on the surface
Of two dimensional plane

But sound and light waves
Travel in 3 dimensional space
And their waves must be
Three dimensional

Like the pearl beads
On the necklace
With volume

That is why light behaves
Like both waves
And particles

Each volume of space
Serving as particles
Traveling through space
As 3D waves

Which Is An Issue

No one will argue
With the notion that
Nobody is perfect

Some will say
But not perfect

And they use that notion
To justify many occasions
Of imperfect situations

Excuse of some sort
Fool proof rationalization

On the other hand
Not everyone will accept
The notion that
They all have issues

Either big or small
Aware or unaware
Believe it or not

Since no one is perfect
Whatever that makes one imperfect
Is an issue regardless
Of how issue free they feel

So how easy is it to say
Nobody is perfect
But not so easy to say
I have issues?

Because being imperfect
Is out of their control
But having issues
Is not

Which is an issue
More or less psychological

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Rubik's Cube

Here is the hierarchy of all things
That is known and to be discovered

The Rubik's Cube

Those who made it without knowing how to solve it

Those who never thought of making it but
Figured out how to solve it on their own

Those who never thought of making it
And have no idea how to solve it

Those who learnt how to solve it
Taught by those who figured it out on their own

Those who learnt to solve it
Taught by those who learnt from others

Those who despite teaching cannot learn it

Those who absolutely have no interest in learning

Those who absolutely have no interest in teaching

Those who learnt from others
But seek all the credit

Those who figured it out on their own
But seek no credit

Those who know how to solve it
And understand why

Those who know how to solve it
But have no understanding why

Pretty much sums up
The whole Rubik's Cube situation

Or any knowledge for that matter

Thursday, June 1, 2017


If there is anything that
Can bring about the changes to
An uncompromising tradition

Is to have the results of
That uncompromising tradition be
So utterly and stupendously disastrous

It leaves no other option but
To change the process by which
That result is obtained

Such that instead of just being
Born in the States to be
The sole criteria for POTUS

Perhaps implementation of
A qualification exam such as
Presidential Aptitude Test

Can ensure the future generations will
Not waste time in
Wondering the meaning of


Wednesday, May 17, 2017


There are many truths
That are indisputable

Like we will all die
Eventually soon or later

That sun is hot
Ice is cold
Gravity will pull you down

Etc etc

Among them is one more
This Trump presidency
And his White House

Now Putin jumping in
To secure his role
In the upcoming movie
Sure to be worthy of an Oscar

Is a fiasco
A farce
Comic central


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The White House

When real life is
Funnier than movies
More thrilling than fiction
Plot more thicker and
Full of suspense

It is time to quit
Acting in Hollywood
Pack your bags
And go to Washington

The White House
To be more exact

Monday, April 24, 2017

Delusional May Be

Strangely as men get older
They become more stubborn
Unable to change
In all aspects of life
And personality

On top of holding onto
All sorts of ideas
And notions about life
And everything in it

Hence the salutation
Mister aka Master
To address every man
Who has an opinion on all things

Master of everything
Delusional may be
Except two things they cannot
Life and death

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Find North

You really cannot see
The hair grow on your head
By watching it all day
But it does grow continuously

And after a month
It surely has grown
And after a year
You don't look the same

Such is how the society
The whole world
And its people
Changes over time

Not from good to better
Certainly not from godless
To godly
Or immoral to moral

But all the opposite
Becoming more confused by the day
Mistaking evil for good
Good for evil

Like a compass that cannot
Find North
Taking comfort in knowing
Almost everyone is on board

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


A log floating down the river
Has no choice but to go
Wherever the river takes it 


A man living through time
Has no choice but to go
Wherever the time takes him

After death

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Dark Matter

Mass and energy is interchangeable
Famously formulated by Albert Einstein
E = MC^2 or M = E/C^2
Which basically says
Tremendous amount of energy
Can be gotten from a small mass
Or is required to form a small mass

Which makes sense conceptually
Dividing solid mass continually
In half until it reaches a state of
Either proton or electron
Dividing that in half to muons
And whatever else they call it

Eventually left with no mass
To divide except state of pure
Energy or charge
Dividing that further in half
To lesser and lesser energy

Dispersed throughout the universe
Into infinite space
Filled with pure energy
Infinitesimally small
The Dark Matter

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

And The Lucky Few

Does it really matter
What anyone says
Or does 
However or whatever 

If they are not on that one
Only one bridge
That connects from here to eternity
All destined for oblivion 

Might as well party up
Live like there is no tomorrow
Which in fact
Is the predominant dogma

As if it makes life worthwhile
Having lived to the max
Sights sounds taste and pleasure
To face the end without regrets

An absolutely foolish
Totally wasteful endeavor
Not having found the bridge
From here to eternity


And there are those 
Who find it having searched
Who search but cannot find
Who does not search at all
And who find it
Without searching

And the lucky few
Who live like there is no tomorrow
Will find it none the less
Having been found

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Higher And Greater

Mountains are high
High above the clouds
Highest on Earth

Ocean is great
Vast and wide
Larger than continents


All powerful
Natural disasters
Causing destruction

But there is something
Higher and greater
More destructive

The overwhelming
Delusion of grandeur
Pride of human beings

Who cannot see mere
One second into the future
Let alone the end that awaits

Monday, February 6, 2017

Blind As A Bat

If a star is billion light years away
And it blew up 999,999,000 years ago
There is no way to know that from Earth
For another 1000 years

At which time 1000 years later
People from Earth will realize
They have been looking at a star
For a thousand years

A star that didn't exist
For 999,999,000 years


In the vastness of space
With infinity of time
Every point in the universe
Is a point of isolation

Blind as a bat

Saturday, January 28, 2017

And There Lies The Irony

A good driver
Can steer even a most
Underpowered tin can
Through winding slope
Of treacherous mountain

But a bad driver
Will crash even the most
Sophisticated luxury automobile
Driving around town

A good chef
Can produce a fabulous dish
Using limited ingredients
With limited appliances

A bad chef
Will make even the most
Choice meats and vegetables
Using finest ingredients and tools
Into something inedible

And democracy?
Can good or even perfect democracy
Ensure the best and finest outcome
Despite limited candidates?

Far be it from the truth
All it can ensure
Is to make people get
What people want

And what people want
Is not always
What people should have

But in this case of Clinton vs Trump
People did not get
What people wanted

And there lies the irony
Of imperfect democracy

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Painful To Watch

It is true
What they say
That it takes two
To tango


And it is fun sometimes
To watch a good tango
Like a good movie
Beginning to the end

Scent of a Woman

But in this case
Of Trump vs Media
It certainly is
Painful to watch

Crying out loud

Monday, January 23, 2017

Where It Started

It is a well established fact
Proven by experiments
That gravitational force also
Bends the path of light beam

Which means there really is
Nothing in this universe
That is seen exactly
Where it lies

The further away an object
The further away it is perceived to be
From its exact location
However minuscule

As countless stars
And galaxies are in the universe
Bending light this way and that
Eventually ending up

Where it started
With infinity of time
The beginning of time

In Retrospect

As far as predictable action goes
Pertaining to human behavior
There is none that is more pervasive
Than one step behind phenomenon

Always one step behind
The inevitable struggle
For most if not all individuals
Regardless of any trait

Invariably leading one to say
I should have done this or
If only I have done that
I cannot believe I did this or that

Which leads one to ask
Why didn't you do this or that?
To which the answer goes
I thought this or that was right

Which it obviously is not
In retrospect
Hindsight being 20/20
Not knowing the future outcome

But more often than not
Almost all outcomes
Could have resulted in alternate ending
A more acceptable or desired outcome

Had one made absolutely certain
Without any possibility of otherwise
Of attaining the desired outcome
Leaving no shred of doubt

Killing a fly with a grenade
Certainly unreasonable action
And most will agree it is neurotic
But the fly would be dead

There really is no reason
To lament having missed the boat
There really is no one to blame
But yourself

Certainly not after
The election is over

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Government

People spend a lot of time
Too much time
Arguing about everything
And anything

As long as there are two
People on this planet
They will argue
No doubt about it

And some will contend
That even if left alone
That individual will argue
With oneself

I e
Crazy people
Or not crazy at all
Just indecisive

No matter who is arguing
With who or about what
There really is no end
To any argument

As long as there is no proof
Irrefutable proof
Undeniable fact
That supports one side

Although even that will not
Be enough since they will continue
To argue about the authenticity
And validity of that proof

The whole point
Of the argument being
Nothing more than justification
Serving as conscientious rationalization

For believing whatever
That they are arguing about
To act accordingly based on their belief
For anyone who has power to act

The government

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Dare The President

Is Big Mac a failure
Because it has too much fat?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From going to bed hungry

The rich can pay more
To get less calories

Is Ford Fiesta a failure
Because it is cheap and powerless?
It may not be for the rich
But it keeps many
From hopping on the bus

The rich can pay more
To drive in luxury

Is Obamacare a failure
Because it is too cheap?
Because less people are insured?
Because preexisting conditions are excluded?

Then what is the reason
For fervent desire for repeal?
Too expensive they say
For some minority segment
Who always had insurance

Too expensive for the rich
Who would rather let the kid
Go hungry without food
Than take a bite out of their T-bone

Woh how dare he they say
Take a chunk out of my juicy pork
And give to the poor
How dare the president
Of The United States of America