Monday, July 22, 2013

Over The Darkness

How will you rest
Be free like a bird
Flying high in the sky

When your worries
Your anger
Your hatred

When your bitterness
Your resentment
Your fear

Weigh you down
Pull you down
And hold you to the ground

Let it go
Must let it go
Let it all go away

For you hold the key
The only key
That can unlock the cage

Then you can fly
Free from oppression
And soar into the sky

Light as a feather
Rising over the clouds
To see the Light

Over the Darkness

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


There you have it America
The verdict is in
And it is not guilty

Not guilty

Not because he is truly innocent
But because the law of the land
The law which was authored by the people
For the people
Makes this person innocent

Now you can go to Florida
With a gun in your back pocket
Provoke someone to hit you
And take some hits to your face
And shoot that person dead

The jury has spoken

And they were so heartbroken
To deliver the verdict
That they all cried
Yes, cried

Oh how sad it must have been
To let the person who gunned down the boy
To go free
When it was their job to get it right
Not analyze
Not scrutinize
Not play lawyer
But just deliver the verdict
Based on facts that are indisputable

But no
They scrutinized
Dissected and put the facts under microscope
To find one reason not to convict
And they succeeded
Oh how sad it must have been

And they thought Trayvon said
No....hold it.
It says H.E.L.F.
Never mind

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Inferiority Complex

There is something to be said
About doing things opposite
Of what everyone expects

It might generate
Some sense of uniqueness
Or perhaps
A sense of self righteousness
Or superiority?

To feel noble about oneself
To set apart from the crowd
An automatic knee jerk reaction
But fully calculated

And driven
By the insatiable desire
To overcome

The inferiority complex

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who Lost The Jury

So the trial goes on and on
Trying to figure out the truth
Asking questions
Getting answers
Assuming the answers are true
Then judging whether the truth deserves a punishment
Based on existing laws

But it always seems like
Someone is not telling the truth
Somehow or somewhere the truth got lost
And everyone involved in the trial
Is struggling to find it

But the real trouble of the matter is
That once every little bits of truth came out
If there is no indisputable proof
It just boils down to who is more convincing

And there lies the problem of jury trial
Almost anyone can be convinced
One way or the other
By carefully arranging the words
In a seemingly simple but complex maze
So that by the time the jury is done listening
They are completely lost
Unable to counter the conclusion
Unable to think on their own
Completely sold

At the end
All the truth is out the window
And the only thing that matters
Is who lost the jury

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Yes, numbers
That is all we have
To explain the universe
To understand
To make some sense out of the unknown
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add to that some functions
+ - / x derivatives squares roots
And whatever else mathematicians have come up with
But it does not matter what function
They are all there to move around numbers

And the physicists have been searching
Pondering and racking their brains
To find this "one unifying theme"
Hear of it?
Using what....the numbers

It is really amazing though
How far and how much humans have used these numbers
To build something so unnatural
Out of natural raw materials
Computer chips, cars, TVs, skyscrapers
Just amazing

But like any tool
There are limits of what it can do
You can arrange and manipulate numbers
However you want endlessly
And it will fail to explain
Things that are inexplicable

It is not that anything is inexplicable
In this world
But that some things are not explicable
Using numbers

But human beings are stubborn creatures
Or it may be that there is no other tool
And forever will keep moving numbers around
To find an answer
That cannot be found with numbers

A futile endeavor