Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Tree on the Hill

A tree on the hill
Overlooking the ocean
Providing shade and branches
For birds to rest
Weathering the storm
Enduring the bitter cold
Year after year
Until one day
The earthquake came
And swallowed up the tree
And the birds flew away

How similar is this fate
To all our ambitions


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So here's the ultimate mystery of the circle.
Pi = Circumference of any perfect circle divided by its diameter. Commonly known as 3.14.
But that's just an approximate value since the division goes on forever.
Current record is said to be 5 TRILLION decimal digits for Pi.

5 trillion! The value NEVER ends! You can spend your entire life dividing circumference of a circle by its diameter and your life will end before the calculation is over.

So simple is a circle.
Yet, human mathematics cannot calculate its dimensions in a finite number.

By mere existence of Pi proves that there is infinity.

Circle is closed loop. Diameter has beginning and end.
Just can't mathematically calculate it in a finite number.

So what does that mean?

Either the circle is a mystery, mathematics is flawed, or humans are just stupid.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


There are many good people
Who will never be recognized

There are many bad people
Who will never be punished

There are many good marriages
That will end up in a divorce

There are many bad marriages
That will endure to the end

There are many intelligent people
Whose potential will be wasted

There are many not so intelligent
Who will achieve success

Life is so unfair
Life is so unpredictable

But one thing is for sure
Foolishness has no boundaries


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wanna get there?

It is not where you want to go
But the road takes you there

So you take a U turn
Or a right turn
Or left

And the new road
Takes you
Where you do not want to go

So you take a U turn
Or a right turn
Or left

Do this over and over
And you end up

Where you were headed
The first time

But if there is only one road
That takes you
Where you wanna go

Then it does not matter
Which road you take

As long as you are not on that road
You will never get there

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Funny Thing

There are instructions
To do anything anyone
Has ever done
Or can do

To build
To destroy
To do anything

Instructions make it easy

But when it comes to
Living the life

Only few desires
To have or follow
Any instruction

No matter how
Chaotic Miserable
Or Clueless

Their lives are

Funny thing is though
Everyone is pursuing happiness

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Felt Striking

The goal of Onebirdie is
To promote freedom liberty and
The possibilities of life often
Not appreciated in daily stresses but
Felt striking the golf ball soaring
Through the open sky like
Onebirdie flying over
The ocean


Friday, October 21, 2011

The True Power

What separates us from animals

Some say it is our ability to love
Others say we have compassion
And others say it is only intelligence

But what truly makes us different
Is our possession of free will

Not the free will to pursue pleasure
Not the free will to attain power
Or the free will to amass wealth

But the free will to choose
A path that is self sacrificing
To choose others over oneself
Good over evil

The true power of free will
Lies not in doing what you want
But in not doing what you want

Unless what you want is good

Doing whatever you want
Makes us no different
From animals

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Like a Painting

Spring summer autumn winter
Every season has a beauty in itself
Appropriate for that season

Like the colors of leaves
In the autumn forest

And the warmth of rising sun
In the spring

But no matter how beautiful
A rose in the winter
Will not attract bees

Nor will tree without leaves
Provide shade in the summer

Without purpose
Everything is meaningless

Like a painting
In empty museum

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In Your Mind

The sky is blue
When there is no cloud

The waves are calm
When there is no wind

But the turbulent mind
Cannot be calmed

Anxious feeling
Cannot be relaxed

When there is no peace
In your mind

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Myself Not Notwithstanding

When I was young
I thought adults were so mature and wise
Now that I am an adult
And having interacted with other adults
Realize that adults are as clueless
As the ant about to be squashed
You name it and you got it
Any and all types of adults
Of philosophies, personalities, relationships, shapes, sizes
Bunch of clowns
The ones that think they are so great
Are the funniest
Crack ups
Everyone in their own glory for their glory
Ahh....look at me everyone!
Who gives a shit
Yeah I am bitter
Because I expected more from adults
But now I see right through them
Everyone just scared shit out of their minds
Trying to appear as though they got the whole thing figured out
There is a reason why the bible says you have to be like children to enter heaven
Because adults are bunch of fakes, fraud, hypocrites
Myself not notwithstanding

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Five Minutes

Five minutes to go
Until the show starts

Five minutes to go
Until the shop opens

Five minutes to go
Until Happy New Year

Five minutes to go
Until there is no more

Five minutes

Really? But truly...

It all depends on how you look at it
They say

The only thing that looks the same
From every angle is a ball

Everything else depends
On where you stand

You ask 100 people about anything
And they all have their own opinion

Most people have a lot of them
And will defend them
And justify them

Everyone's entitled to their opinion
They say

But in reality
Everyone thinks their opinion
Is the right one

Otherwise it wouldn't be their own

What it all boils down to
Is that no one's got the
Foggiest idea

Really? But truly
It's a comedy

Sunday, September 4, 2011


It is as clear as the stars
That shine through cloudless desert sky

It is as indisputable as how hot the lava is
That flow out of the mountain

It is as unmistakable as the lion
That stares at your face

How utterly clueless, hopeless, and lost

Not even slightly aware

Not even remotely in touch

Just living day to day

Delusional is just grand

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Knight in the Shining Armor

The Knight in the shining armor
Is not looking for the princess

The princess is also not looking
For the Knight in the shining armor

But the princess is waiting
For the Knight to show up

Waiting and waiting

Finally a Knight in the shining armor does appear
But since he is not looking for the princess
He passes by

The princess however does nothing
Since the Knight in the shining armor
Cannot be forced to love the princess

So many Knights come and go
But the Knight in the shining armor never stops

One day a Knight in a dull armor appears
And stops to confess his love for the princess

The princess having lost hope but longing for love
Accepts the Knight in the dull armor

And after years of propinquity and contact
The dull armor it once was

Became as bright as
The Knight in the Shining Armor

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Onebirdie is a subsidiary of
Intergalactic Jedi Golf Federation

The purpose of this organization
Is to promote golf as a way to find peace
And balance in everyday struggles of life

To play, relax, and enjoy the open fairway
That all golfers must go through
Like the wide open space and time
That encircles us in our journey to the end

There is no other sport quite like the game of golf
Like there is no other life quite like the one you live

So let the game take over
Where life leaves off

One birdie
At a time


Thursday, July 7, 2011

That Is The Hard Part

One way to stay young
Is to let the time pass by you
Letting others age while you don't

Like driving slowest on the freeway
But eventually getting there

How do you do it?

You can slow down the rate
At which your body ages

By believing you can

That is the hard part

You will keep on aging
Like you always believed you would

C'est la vie!

It's Nonsense!

There are two types of people

Those with Facebook
And those with not

Facebook haves
Want to be found

Facebook have nots
Want to hide

But the haves
Will never be found

And the have nots
Will never be hidden

Either way
It's nonsense

Friday, June 24, 2011

Right from Wrong

Legalizing or illegalizing

Has nothing to do with

Right from wrong

Government can legalize anything

If enough people voted for it

Abortion? Smoking? Prostitution?

How about polygamy? or Stealing?

Or perhaps killing? oh wait....

That is legal for capital punishment

The problem lies

In thinking that anything that is legal

Is justification that it is right

Far from the truth

Because blind is leading the blind

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Excluding Crime

The way I see it
People really don't care
They just like to talk about it

And a lot actually enjoy talking
About other people's mishaps

And that is exactly
What many people are
Afraid of

Not the act itself but
The reaction that it will generate

The truth is however
Talkers are envious
Of the doers

The more outrageous
The more envious

Excluding crime of course

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What do you want?

Why do people want what they don't have?
Because they cannot want what they already have

But what if they already have it but don't know it?
Then they would be chasing after something
They will never attain

Wouldn't that be a wasted life?

Realizing at the end
That what they were looking for all their life
Was within them always

But it makes you wonder

May be they just don't want to ever admit
That they already have what they are looking for

Perhaps afraid that once they find it
They have no purpose in life

Always wanting....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From the Fear

What is real freedom?

Real freedom is not
Only being physically free

But being free
From the fear

Of losing freedom


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are You Crazy?

The difference between
A crazy person
And not so crazy

Is that the former
Does not know
While the latter does know
How crazy he or she is

So if you think you are crazy
You are probably not
But if you don't think you are
You may be

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I Want - Part II

Some people do what they want
Others do what others want
While others do what they don't want

On the other hand
Some people do what they think is right
Others do what others expect
While others don't care what others think

Then there are people
Who doesn't know what to do
Can't make up their mind
Letting others decide for them

Selfish, selfless, passive, aggressive
Indecisive or confused?

Tough life
But that's life

Whatever the reason
No one seems to have found
One good reason

What I Want

If I can only do
What I want to do

And not do
What I don't want

The final outcome
Will depend on
What I want

So what I want
Must be good
Or else

I dare not want
What will lead me to

Friday, April 29, 2011

The X-factor in Golf Swing!

There is one fundamental thing no one really talks much about in attaining consistent perfect golf swing. Know what that is?


This is one thing you have absolute control that can absolutely throw off your swing if you don't do it the same way every and each time you swing your golf club.

Most of us just assume that breathing will occur subconsciously and naturally while we swing the golf club, but there are so many things that can go wrong.

For example, you can breathe faster, hold your breadth, exhale during back swing, breathe shallow, breathe too deep, breathe with your mouth open or closed, or just plain breathe with no consistency at all!

If you hit a perfect golf shot and remembered everything about the swing but forgot how you breathed, you will not be able to reproduce it. Breathing has to be consistent and must be the initiator of your swing.

Here's the basic Jedi Golforce Technique of Breathing developed by IJGF:

1) Make your stance as usual to address the ball for a shot.

2) Do your preshot routine as usual, whatever that may be. Breathe normally.

3) As you initiate your back swing breathe in slowly through your nose or mouth all the way to the top of the swing. Knowing how much to breathe in is tricky part but about 75% of maximum capacity. Don't breathe in as much as you can since that will restrict your rotation. And don't breathe in too little since that will decrease your power.

The key is to breathe in at a constant rate that will continue until your back swing is at the top at which point your lungs are filled with air and chest cavity expanded to generate maximum muscle tension.

Do not breathe in too fast so that breathing stops before reaching top of your back swing.
And do not breathe too slow so that only half of your lungs are filled at the top of your swing. You will be surprised how breathing and back swing can coincide perfectly to achieve maximum comfortable tension at the top.

4) During the down swing just let your body PUSH the air out naturally through your partially opened mouth. The thoracic cavity will decrease in volume and this helps your muscles to contract faster generating faster swing speed.

DO NOT hold your breath during forward swing!

Applying same breathing technique will drastically boost your confidence. It will also allow you to maintain constant tempo of your back swing with increased power and speed of your forward swing.

Being conscious of your breathing will also remind you whether you are nervous, tense, or tired. It will help you relax and reproduce that perfect shot each and every time.

Good luck, and may the golforce be with you!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jedi Masters

The day of Jedi Master
Apprehension grew faster

Darth Maul tried to meditate
But his mind could not concentrate

Yoda went to the range
But found his swing strange

Kendomaster was all confident
But his pars were all accident

Han Solo was the defending champ
But wished he was at a bootcamp

Darth Vader stood laughing
Knowing they were all lacking


Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter Two: The Nature of the Force

Due to unforeseen circumstances from lack of having a genuine force the next chapter of the Jedigolf Saga is still in the works. Needless to say, the Star Wars chronicles generated a mass hysteria the likes of which has never been witnessed by anyone on Earth. The new arrivals from the Faraway Galaxy became an instant overnight celebrities. "May the force be with you!" became everyday greetings even among the Star Fleet officers including Mr. Scott.

Of course Mr. Spock could not logically comprehend the phrase nor did he understand the true nature of the "force". So intrigued by the "force" that he initiated a task force (no pun intended) to research this new form of energy, to reveal its secrets, and - to his credit as a true Star Fleet officer - prevent the "force" being used as a weapon against the Start Fleet.

Such paranoid notion was shared by other high ranking officers and immediate quarantine of the newly arrived aliens commenced with month long debriefing and experiments. The new arrivals cooperated with the condition that no inhumane experiments will be performed and they be treated with utmost comfort and courtesy.

Start Fleet has long abandoned forceful extraction of information and instead adopted a new non-forceful brain reading technology somewhat resembling the Vulcan mind meld. It was not all accurate and the jury is still out on whether it was ethical even with consent. Some believed it was violation of human mind and no one should have access to it besides the one who owns it, but others believed mind and body are separate and reading what's in one's brain does not violate the mind.

Without the help of the Vulcans the Federation would never have approved the use of such technology. Much credit goes to Mr. Spock who logically explained the separatedness of mind and body and how Vulcan "mind meld" has enormously helped the security of his home planet. Dr. McCoy fruitlessly tried to convince the Federation that Vulcans did not have a mind but he could not logically prove it so that was that. Vulcans not showing any offense to his claim did not help his case either.

The experiments commenced and immediately ran into the problem of proving who did and did not have the force.

"I told you I don't have the force!", said Han Solo.

"How do I know you are not just pretending?" said Mr. Ryan who was in charge of this part of the process. "How can I prove that you don't have the force?"

"Did you watch the documentaries we brought?" asked Han.

"No, I didn't. I didn't have time. They've been working me like a dog here and it's hard to find the time", said Mr. Ryan. "But I heard they were very entertaining."

"You watch that first and ask me if I have the force", said Han Solo shaking his head.

"Or we can just use the lie detector", said Mr. Ryan who thought that would be a good idea. "Not that I can't trust you. It's just that I have no reason to trust you and we need some form of documentation that you are telling the truth."

"Sure, go ahead", said Han wishing to just get it over with.

Mr. Ryan brought out a device and was about to place Han's hand on it when the thought occurred to him to say, "How do I know that your 'force' cannot make this machine to say you are telling the truth?"

"What?", exclaimed Han, "Are you kidding me? The force doesn't work on the computer!"

"But how do I know that?"

"It just doesn't!"

"Why not?"

"What da! I don't know why not. Even if I had the force I wouldn't know why not", said Han frustrated.

"Then how can I know you are telling the truth?" asked Mr. Ryan staring intently at Han.

"Are the Earthlings all suspicious and paranoid like yourself?"

"Not all, but all of us here at FIA, Federation Intelligence Agency, are", said Mr. Ryan as calmly as possible with air of pride. "I wouldn't say paranoid. It's the effort to leave no doubt behind. I try to do my job with perfection."

"Great. I'm glad that's not my problem", said Han.

After thinking for a while Mr. Ryan finally said, "I'm going to have to have Mr. Spock do a mind meld with you so we can establish the validity of this lie detector."

"Mind what?" said Han bewildered, "Look here buddy, I'm not melding my mind with anyone. Especially not with an alien with pointy ears!"

"Would you be more comfortable with a female Vulcan?" said Mr. Ryan sensing this guy was somewhat similar to Captain Kirk with his wandering eyes during his stay at the facility.

"If you really must, yes. I would rather prefer a female," said Han not really knowing what to expect but feeling curious to find out.

"You know Vulcans have sex using their fingers," said Mr. Ryan trying to arouse his interest but quickly added, "only fingers and not involving any other body parts."

" exciting. Don't tell me that's how they conjugate for procreation," said Han losing interest fast.

"Of course not. They have to do it the old fashion way to reproduce but other than that they only engage in finger touching....or whatever they call it. Somehow their ancestors have figured out a way to achieve same satisfaction without engaging in full bodily contact. I wouldn't know but that's what they say," said Mr. Ryan not showing any excitement.

"Well, that's not going to work on me so I guess I'll just have to use my charm don't I?" said Han always up for a challenge.

"You go ahead and let me know how it goes," said Mr. Ryan fully aware that no male human has ever seduced a Vulcan women. But then again, he thought, this guy is not from here....

Leutenant Kisha walked into the research lab and introduced herself in a usual Vulcan way, "Leutenant Kisha reporting as ordered by Captain Kirk to assist you".

She sure was one fine Vulcan female with long slender body, voluptuous chest, figure eight curves somewhat hidden by her uniform, and long black hair with strait bangs barely above her eyes. Her green eyes were daring for any man to stare with dark eyebrows and lashes perfectly groomed. Her pointy ears and nose accentuated the sexiness of her outlook with strong undercurrent of intelligence.

Han immediately stood up and introduced himself, "I'm captain Solo of the Millenium Falcon, the fastest ship in the galaxy". He regretted saying the second half but it was too late.

"Your statement is ignorant and baseless since there has been no measurement of your ship's speed in our records and you have no idea how fast the federation ships can travel," said Leutenant Kisha not at all impressed with this alien.

"You are right. But I bet you it is the fastest," said Han. "Where I come from there is no other ship that can outrun it. I made special adjustments myself to run at 120% of hyperspace."

"Again, that technology is unknown to us. We use what's called warp speed," said Kisha curious to find out what hyperspace is all about. "I hope you will explain how hyperspace works later but for now we have to settle this issue of whether you have the force or not."

They sat across facing each other and Leutenant Kisha placed her right fingers in the usual Vulcan way over Han's face slowly palpating the bones. Han immediately felt total loss of control of his self will and was unable to speak.

"We are ready to commence," said Kisha looking at Mr. Ryan sitting close by with the lie detector in hand. He placed Han's left hand on the device.

"Do you have the force?" asked Mr. Ryan once more.

"No, I do not," said Han.

"Can the 'force' manipulate the computer?" asked Mr. Ryan.

"I do not know," said Han wishing he could say no but somehow unable to say it.

"How many of you have the force?" asked Mr. Ryan but Han remained silent.

"Can you be more specific?" said Leutenant Kisha.

"How many of you in your current company have the force?", repeated Mr. Ryan realizing his mistake.

"Only three."

"Who are they?"

"Yoda, Luke, and Princess Leia."

The investigation lasted an entire week with everyone on board the Millenium Falcon undergoing series of psychological and physical tests. The 'force' as the new arrivals referred to their power caused confusion with computer programming so it was referred as Jediforce for the time being. Master Yoda claimed that the 'force' used in human physics calculations are the same type of force used in Jedis but could not come up with a formula that proved such relationship. Mathematics was never his strong subject.

"Not help you I can," said Yoda. "Formula, discover you must. On your own." Investigators were annoyed by his lack of understanding of the physics but glad the 'Jediforce' is not man made. They utilized all the computers in the Federation campus but could not find the relationship between 'force' and biology.

At the end the Federation decided not to prove with calculation its relationship with the physical universe but just to explain what it is and is not, what it can and cannot do.

The initial report was generated and submitted for review.


It is a form of energy possessed by an individual.
Form of energy is unclassified.
Form of energy is unmeasurable at this time.
How it is generated is unknown.
Why only some individuals have it and others do not is also unknown.
An individual who has mastered the use of the force is called a 'Jedi'.
A Jedi can use the force to move objects without being in physical contact with the object being moved.
A Jedi can manipulate another individual's mind using the force to say or do a specific task.
The strength of the force differs from one Jedi to another. Why this is unknown.
The strength of the force is inversely proportional to distance and directly proportional to the surface area of the object being forced upon. The formula to represent the strength of the force is as follows:

Ff = (Fo/distance squared) x surface area

Final force (Ff) equals Force at origin (Fo) divided by the square of the distance away from the object multiplied by the surface area of the object being moved.

Therefore, the strength of the force dissipates quickly with increasing distance and with decreasing surface area. Small object far away is much harder to move than a large object.

Observation: Force is always accompanied by a movement of the hand or finger of the Jedi towards the direction of the force being applied. If movement is not possible they must close the eyes.

Mind manipulation can only occur in close proximity within two feet.
Some species in the universe are immune to mind manipulation by the force. Humans are not one of them.

End of Report.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Social Paradox

Facebook Instagram Twitter
Snapchat Youtube video

So close yet so far
So far yet so close

This is the Social Paradox of
The Lonely Generation

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Stop the Wind

Be still my soul
There is nothing you can do
To stop the wind

Breathe the free air
And face the sun

Enjoy the warm rays
That shine upon you


Life is short
Hang in there

Eternity awaits you

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Only Few

Some people pretend to be happy

Others think they are happy

While others want to be happy

And there are those who should be happy but not

And those who have no reason to be unhappy but are

Which leaves only the remaining few

Who truly feel happy

Only few

Only for a while

Are you happy now?

A Great Faith

Have you ever been to north pole?
Yet you believe that it's there

Have you ever been on a plane?
Because you believe it won't crash

Have you ever dined at a restaurant?
Because you believe the food is safe

Your entire life is based on beliefs
A demonstration of faith

And some people live
Their entire lives

Believing that there
Is no God

That also requires
A great faith

Perhaps greater

Thursday, March 10, 2011

No doubt about that

The more I live
The more I experience
The more I see
The more I realize
That I live in
A "Dog eat Dog" world

No doubt about that

The problem is

I am not

A dog

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

To the place beyond....

Strange is how people
Born, live, and die
Not knowing why, how, or when
Just day to day
Living because alive
But not wishing to die
That innate drive to be happy
Searching for the unknown
And time passes
And passes
Until they too
Pass away

To the place beyond.....

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just a Little More

Was cold yesterday
Like the winter long forgotten
Memories of the past
Playing 'til dusk

The feeling of warmth
Rays of the sun
Shining on my face

Just a little more
'Til the sun sets

Thursday, February 10, 2011


If I could sing a song
That could crumble the walls of a fortress

If I could jump high
Enough to leap over the Eiffel Tower

If I could fly
Like the eagle over desert sky

If I could.....

Then what


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just Because

Just because you want
Does not justify you should

Just because you can't
Does not justify you must

Just because you can
Does not justify you did

Because life is not
All about you

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Man Running

One birdie flying
High over the mountain
Tries to catch the sun
But darkness overtakes her

One man running
Fast through life
Tries to slow down
But time overtakes him

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter One: The Encounter

It wasn't a smooth transition for any Jedi to go from being guardian of the intergalactic peace to becoming a Jedigolfer. No self respecting Jedi would have ever imagined such a transition during the days of intergalactic wars and peacekeeping. However, once the Dark Lord of the evil empire have fallen and dark force eliminated (as far as they can sense) the Jedis quickly lost favor from the majority non-Jedis of their world and were sent off to the deep space mission to search and destroy the few remaining Jedis of the dark side. Of course they were ordered to not return until they've searched the whole galaxy. Basically a life time exile from their world.

Eventually the Jedis were lost in space, in their own galaxy, and lost hope and purpose of being. In this dire situation the ship piloted by Han Solo with his Jedi companions hyperspaced right into a worm hole and ended up in the far corner of the Milkyway galaxy where captain Kirk happened to be wandering about searching for new life and new civilization.

It was a pure coincidence that the two ships almost collided....or more like a pure luck they avoided collision. Mr Sulu had no idea there was a ship that was about to side swipe the Enterprise until it came out of the worm hole in hyperspace. He had only a half a second to punch the breaks before the Millenium Falcon sailed right infront of them only 500 meters beyond. Later Luke tried to take all the credit for avoiding collision by stating his force stopped the Enterprise before colliding into their ship. Mr. Sulu never accepted that explanation and Star Fleet eventually gave him the commendation for superb driving skill.

Anyway, the two crews exchanged pleasantries and began to explore the fascinations of the newly encountered aliens and their culture.

"So can you tell me where you are from? From which galaxy?" asked captain Kirk with the usual smirk on his face looking intently into Princess Leia.
"We are from the galaxy far far away," said Luke who was standing beside her.
"I see," responded Kirk wondering whether this guy in the long black robe was trying to be funny or just secretive about their home world. It didn't seem as though they were threatened by the Enterprise crew so he decided to press on.
"That much I can figure by the way you appeared from the worm hole. Can you be more specific? Like does it have a name?" asked Kirk trying to be as polite as possible, again throwing a flirtatious glance at Princess Leia.
"Like I said. We are from the galaxy far far away," said Luke for the second time. But added, "our galaxy is called Far Far Away Galaxy."
"Fascinating," murmured Spock as he turned half way towards Kirk and Sulu who was standing by for a little huddle. "It's a galaxy I've never heard of or in any of the computer records in the Federation. It is most definitely a galaxy far far away."
Yoda, who was observing the whole interaction sensed impending disastrous misunderstanding and decided he must help to save their reputation from being unoriginal.
"Come up with name we have not," said Yoda. "No part in naming the galaxy we have."
"Fascinating," said Spock with one eyebrow going up subconsciously. He almost asked do you always talk this way but thought that would be rude in case he suffered a stroke.
"Look, we have nothing to do with the name of our galaxy and have no idea where it is since we don't know where we are at this moment. Without knowing where we are how can we tell you where we are from?" asked Leia with a touch of frustration.
Kirk thought she was beautiful and very glad that such beauty exists in a far away galaxy. And intelligent too, he thought. He immediately tried to cover up his mistake in asking a stupid question. "I thought you were from the galaxy we know. Sorry for my ignorance in other possibilities. Our galaxy is called Milkyway...." and as he spoke thought that this title for the galaxy sounded as stupid as the other one.
"Milkyway!" shouted Han Solo. "Why, is there a lot of milk being produced in this galaxy?" and giggled as chewbacca gave a loud roar of approval.
"No, there is no great amount of milk being produced in this galaxy and we have no part in naming our glalaxy," said Chekov ready to start a fight getting up out of his chair.
"Calm down Chekov," said Kirk. "We all need to be more understanding and try to figure out how we can send them back home."
"Back home?" shouted Leia as she got up to face Kirk. "Who said we wanted to go back home? We have been exiled from our own world and have been wondering through the space for five years before we fell into the worm hole and ended up here!" She wanted to explain in detail what happened but thought that would take too much time and just decided to say, "And we are not criminals."
"That is very unfortunate. Do you really not want to go back to your home world?" asked Kirk hoping that she would stay for sure.
"No, not unless they welcome us back with open arms," said Leia with a sigh of despair.
"Then you are welcome to stay on Earth, our home planet, as intergalactic guests as long as you wish," said Kirk.
Thus the Federation welcomed the newly arrived Jedis into their world under the clause of political asylum intergalactic guest status. Leia and her companions were escorted back to Earth and were given full citizen ship rights with the condition that they reveal all the knowledge regarding themselves and their home world.
"Everything?" asked Leia. "Yes, everything," said Kirk, as the two were walking down the stairs of Alien Immigration Office Building at Federation headquarters.
"And they put me in charge of finding out all about your culture.....and especially about the 'force' that some of you claim to have," said Kirk not having any idea what that was all about but very  curious indeed.
"Well, I would like to help you as much as possible and have a great idea," said Leia.
"I'm all ears," said Kirk.
"We have chronicled our history into six documentaries titled 'Star Wars'. You can start by watching all six of them and it would be a good start," said Leia excited to share the history.
"Thank you very much. That would be an excellent start. I will broadcast it globally via....satellite," said Kirk wondering how long each episode was. To return the favor he stipulated that the new arrivals watch the Federation documentaries called 'Star Trek'.... all eleven of them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Clock of Infinite Asymmetry Paradox: Answer

If the clock above has infinite asymmetry, then how is it possible after 12 hours it comes back to its starting position? 

The answer is simple. The question may at first seem paradoxical but it is a flawed question. The fact that the clock can come back to its original position has nothing to do with mathematical ability to divide the clock into infinite asymmetry. The former is reality and the latter is philosophy. Anything can be divided to infinity but that does not change the reality of it having a fixed dimension. 

So is there no paradox? The paradox lies in the fact that there is no mathematical formula that can bring the clock back to its original position after 12 hours with ALL the numbers (possible asymmetry) in between accounted for since there is infinite asymmetry. 

Another way to look at this paradox is as follows: 

1) If the clock is made with formulation to account for all the possible asymmetry in 12 hours it will never come back to its original starting position since there are infinite asymmetry.
2) If there is any forward motion of the big hand of the clock, however minuscule it may be, the clock will come back to its starting position even if it took billion years. 
3) Without any forward motion the clock cannot attain even one asymmetry. 

So it seems the clock can neither stand still or move forward with any possible calculation derived by current human mathematics to account for all the possible asymmetry. 

Are the clocks as we have it on the wall defying our current available mathematics? No. One thing that mathematics does not take into account is TIME. Nothing in the universe is same at two different points in time. The clock 12 hours ago is not the same as the clock 12 hours later although it may look the same. Time has passed. Unless an object can instantaneously coexist at two different points in time it is impossible for anything in the universe to be identical. This maybe conceptual but it is also reality. In order for anything to stand still time has to stop. 

Can anything stand still with flow of time? If all the atoms with electrons, protons, and subparticles of an object were made to stop in motion then the time would have stopped for that object as far as that object is concerned. Can this be achieved by applying absolute cold? Draining all the kinetic energy of electrons and subparticles?

If that is the case it would not be inconceivable to think that Time = Energy.