Sunday, September 18, 2011

Myself Not Notwithstanding

When I was young
I thought adults were so mature and wise
Now that I am an adult
And having interacted with other adults
Realize that adults are as clueless
As the ant about to be squashed
You name it and you got it
Any and all types of adults
Of philosophies, personalities, relationships, shapes, sizes
Bunch of clowns
The ones that think they are so great
Are the funniest
Crack ups
Everyone in their own glory for their glory
Ahh....look at me everyone!
Who gives a shit
Yeah I am bitter
Because I expected more from adults
But now I see right through them
Everyone just scared shit out of their minds
Trying to appear as though they got the whole thing figured out
There is a reason why the bible says you have to be like children to enter heaven
Because adults are bunch of fakes, fraud, hypocrites
Myself not notwithstanding