Sunday, October 24, 2021

Of A Christian

It would be nice
To be able to do something
Anything if possible
So that the outcome after death
Whatever that may be

Can be dictated by
Your actions while alive
Ending up somewhere good
After death
Eternal life in heaven perhaps

The reason why so many
Reject Christianity
Since there is really nothing 
You can do to change 
The outcome

Other than to admit that
You are a sinner by default
And accept Jesus as someone
Who is son of God who
Died for your sins instead

After asking for forgiveness
For your sins
Which is all that is truly
What it takes to get to heaven
Just simple admission and faith

But the intelligent will not have it
Since they have to find their own way

The proud will not have it
Since they will never admit to being sinners

The intelligent will not have it
Since it is too simple

The proud will not have it
Since they are not considered VIP

So that the combination of 
Being intelligent and proud
Is damned to begin with
Precisely the reason why
They go about searching 

For that right recipe 
Perfect logic
Only they can understand
To feel proud to be 
So intelligent to have found 

The way to preserve their pride
And intelligence 
While maintaining control
Of the destiny which is unknown 
Hoping to change the destiny

Whatever that may be
Having faith in their own intellect
Or the intellect of other men
Here today gone tomorrow
Or long gone already

To nowhere remotely close
Not even microscopically resembling
Their imaginary destination 
Drawn up by their proud intellect

From the point of view
Of a Christian

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Tell me
Why do you have such a 
Skewed view of the world
Always not satisfied 

Well I will tell you
When the world is skewed 
The only way to look at it 
And perceive it as straight 
Is to also skew your head 

So if the world is 15 degrees
Off to one side then
You tilt your head 15 degrees
Off to the same side
And the world will look right

But since the world is skewed 
And I am not
Nor willing to tilt my head 
One way or the other
Of course the world remains


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hunky Dory Statements

They say we have freedom of speech
As long as we don't say anything 
That is offensive against anyone 
Or anything

Like ethnicity, culture, religion
Gender or lack of it or however it is
Even life style or fashion
Or animals 
Anything under the sun

Somewhere or someone
Can be offended by anything
Like saying the sky is blue
Maybe offensive to the colorblind
Rightfully so or not

Which leaves the freedom of speech
Limited to everything else
Non offensive and pleasant
Hunky dory statements
As if the world is hunky dory

And for those who cannot
Abide by these stipulations 
Enforced on freedom of speech
There is always the other option
Not a freedom but the right

The right to remain silent
Since anything you say can
And will be used against  you
Whatever he said or she said
Without statute of limitation

So there you have it
Brilliant combination of 
Freedom and right as a citizen
Freedom to say anything with consequence
Or remain silent to avoid trouble

Brilliant display of hypocrisy
For those who demand freedom
Yet will put you in jail for speaking out
Not wanting to hear anything
That is not approved by them