Thursday, November 19, 2020

All Deserving Of An Oscar

If there is one thing you
Can take away from watching
President Trump or other
Undeniably old politicians and others

Is that age really has nothing
To do with one's ability to differentiate
Reality from fiction or delusion
Let alone being replete with wisdom

Age being only a measure
Of how old you are
How physically worn out
Nothing more

In fact the older one gets
The more foolish one becomes
As the mind of a child
Trapped in the aging body

Tries desperately to act mature
To sound mature
To feel secure in their own 
Misunderstandings of life

Few succeeding in this endeavor
Most faking their understanding
Some just mimicking others
But all relying on their own faith

On whatever they deem worthwhile
To put their faith to
Which in most part is ludicrous
Flat earth for example

Making grandiose statements
Reveling in self admiration
Hoping to get some oohs and aahs
Perhaps an applaud as well

Clap clap clap
All deserving of an Oscar