Monday, November 30, 2020

May Pass Over You

Let the blood of Jesus Christ
The Holy Lamb Son of God

Be stained at the door posts
Of your sinful heart

So that this Covid-19
The virus of death

May pass over you

Friday, November 27, 2020

That Ever Lay Claim On It

You can collect a lot of things
Being a collector is easy
Unless what you collect is expensive
But you can collect rocks

Or T shirts
Whatever that is solid 


Yes some of these
Are extremely expensive
And only the rich can obtain
The unobtainable by the poor

And the more you have
The more you want
No matter what the cost
To become the owner

To feel the satisfaction
Of possessing the rare object
That not many or even none other
Has in their possession

To feel special
To satisfy the need to have
To own
To cherish

Without limits
More and more
Labeling as professional collector 
To feel even more legitimate

Piling up the boxes
Storage spaces
Being the owner of that special
Rare something

The object of desire
Controlling the behavior 
Of the very person that desires it
Until all the objects

No matter how trivial or precious
In any vault or storage box
Outlasts every single owner 
That ever lay claim on it

Covid Or Not

What a year it has been
Who could have foreseen this
Quarantined nation
Wearing masks

So much closures
Social distancing

The whole world in fact
Digitally connected 
Socially without bounds
Party and pleasure seeking world

Shut down
Stay away
Or party on and die

Remarkable how much one
Loves to feel self empowered
Feel so special 
And sit on top of pedestal

All powerless
Brought down to their knees
Not one more gently
In the face of death 

All choosing life
Over death
Premature death
Guaranteed death

Not realizing that
Death unexpected
Can strike at any moment

Covid or not

Thursday, November 19, 2020

All Deserving Of An Oscar

If there is one thing you
Can take away from watching
President Trump or other
Undeniably old politicians and others

Is that age really has nothing
To do with one's ability to differentiate
Reality from fiction or delusion
Let alone being replete with wisdom

Age being only a measure
Of how old you are
How physically worn out
Nothing more

In fact the older one gets
The more foolish one becomes
As the mind of a child
Trapped in the aging body

Tries desperately to act mature
To sound mature
To feel secure in their own 
Misunderstandings of life

Few succeeding in this endeavor
Most faking their understanding
Some just mimicking others
But all relying on their own faith

On whatever they deem worthwhile
To put their faith to
Which in most part is ludicrous
Flat earth for example

Making grandiose statements
Reveling in self admiration
Hoping to get some oohs and aahs
Perhaps an applaud as well

Clap clap clap
All deserving of an Oscar

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Absolute Humility

For Christians it is written
And it is understood
At least by what they preach
And what they write

That you cannot work yourself
Doing so much charitable work
Good work helping people
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot buy the ticket
Give so much money
Perhaps all of it although none will
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot reason 
Intellectually come to faith
Understand the truth by logic
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot own and preach
The gospel and truth
Perhaps bringing others to faith
To gain entrance to heaven

Pouring money

All good for the Kingdom
Glorifying God yet
None that will open up to them
The gates of heaven

As none of the above
Leads to the state of
Absolute humility
But to arrogance 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Joe Biden

A day longed 
Longed for so long

2020 November 7th
The day the People

Of The United States
Of America

Declared to the world
That we have chosen

The New President
And Vice President

Joe Biden 
And Kamala Harris

A new hope
A new pride

For the democracy
And this country