Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year

There you have it
The long and treacherous
With so much death
And political strife

Who would have thought
A year with such a clear 
Pattern of a number
Thousands equal to tens 
Hundreds equal to ones
A pattern that will not occur

For another hundred years 
And the one before
At 1919
Considered one of the worst
In American history
Perhaps signifying 

The history will repeat
Itself at 2121
After this generation 
Old enough to understand
Have all but passed away

But for now those of us
Who have endured through
This year of pandemic
Still alive and welcoming 
The new year with hope

May the new year
Bring much awaited joy
And tranquility

Happy New Year

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ten Times Over

There really is no need
For anyone to get angry
To those who are unjust
Evil in nature
And brought harm to you

If you are a Christian
A believer in Christ
Because God will surely
Take vengeance 
On your behalf

Unless you pray
On their behalf so that
God not take vengeance
Much easier said than done
Much easier

So if you cannot pray
But if you are not angry
Just be patient
As surely the sun rises tomorrow
God will show His wrath 

To all those who rely on self
Revel in doing evil
And bring injustice to others
Like an ant crushed under a brick
So will their pride and spirit

Ten times over
From generation to the next
Until the fear of the Lord
Is seared into their heart
Forever and ever


The Last Like

It used to be that
Keeping up with the Joneses
Only applied to families
In the neighborhood
At least walking distance away

But now with Facebook
And Instagram
It is no longer confined 
To families or nearby people
Not even in the same city

All trying to outdo each other
Or to showcase their lives
Activities possessions relationships
The world being the stage
Hoping as many eyes if not all

Will see what they are doing
Where and when with whom
Or with what they have
Posing smiling wearing or not
In awe of their beauty or glamour

Wanted envied admired
To feel alive
Lights camera action pose
Click send click send
The feel of accomplishment

Satisfaction of having presented
The moment of your life
Each "like" boosting that satisfaction
Anxious to get more likes
Oh how good that feels to be liked

Yes I am alive
I am liked
How great that I am
Envied by all

The meaning of life
Reduced down to social media
Vanity no longer confined to Hollywood
But to everyone who owns a smartphone
Especially those who worship themselves

Hoping others will worship them
Everyone becoming a god or goddess
Except no self proclaimed god or goddess
Have the power to stand up against
The test of time

One wrinkle after another
One white hair after another
One day month year after another
One by one fading away 
From the limelight of social media

Some walking off
Others pushed off
The grand stage of youth
Yet others clinging on for dear life
Until it becomes embarrassing 

One way or another
All to leave the last pose
Last capture of the moment
The last Instagram post
The last like

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is Whether All This

There is some confusion out there
It seems based on all this news and talk
About who is and is not LGBTQ 
Who came out of the closet 
Now he is she and she is he

Not quite sure whether the public 
Really understands what is going on
Or even the kids growing up
Wondering what the heck is all this

Well to be clear it is not that complicated
As most scientists will undoubtedly agree
There are only two barring rare chromosomal anomaly
Possibilities of human reproduction
The human genome that make up 99.99 percent
Of human kind

XX or XY
All human beings in this world
Either have XX or XY chromosomes
In every cell in their body
Except the eggs and sperm
In which case has only one of the pair

Like mentioned previously
There are rare cases of XXY and XYY
And even more rare occurrences of XXXY
But they are not the cause or origin of
All this hype and social cultural revolution
Pertaining to LGBTQ

There is really no way in the world
That anyone can change the genetic makeup 
Of any individual like in some scifi movies
There is no sex chromosome transplant
To change XX to XY or XY to XX
In the entire body with billions of cells

XY or XX
That is the genetic code
Unchangeable bar code instruction
For human physical biological development
Which everyone is familiar with

Now the problem arises 
As it is apparent based on the above fact
When the psychological component of the body
Does not coincide or correspond to
Traditionally accepted one might say
Physical appearance of the body

So that XY or XX
Believes they are actually not psychologically
XY or XX
But rather the opposite despite their physical
Or genetic appearance
A state of mind body mismatch

This is actually a well known condition
Referred as transsexual if they undergo
A physical alteration
Or transgender if one is comfortable
With present physical appearance unaltered
And when such a man or woman
Meaning XY or XX
Before their physical transformation or alteration
Pursues same XY or XX for relationship
They are not acting in the sense of being attracted
To the same gender as in gays and lesbians 
But more like a heterosexual person
Being attracted to opposite sex

But what happens when such a person
With mind body mismatch
Actually pursues the opposite phenotypic gender
A woman trapped in man's body
Pursuing a woman
Or a man trapped in woman's body
Pursuing a man

In such a case it would seem natural
On the outside as a heterosexual couple
While in actuality it would be a transsexual
Or transgender
Who is also a gay or lesbian
In which case the heterosexual partner
Upon finding out the truth
Will not accept that as a fact
As physical appearance will overshadow 
Any concept of being with a same sex partner

Until the transgender or transsexual
Actually undergoes physical transformation
To appear as a man or woman
In which case it would be hard for a heterosexual partner
To go on with the relationship
Since he or she is not gay or lesbian
In much the same way a gay or lesbian
Will not engage in a relationship with
Opposite physical gender
No matter how much they say inside
They are the opposite same sex

Or perhaps it is a misconception
To think that a gay man
Will not have relationship with a woman
Even though she says inside she is a man
Or a lesbian woman
Will not have a relationship with a man
Even though he says inside he is a woman

In this world of people saying
Do not judge a book by its cover
Promoting acceptance of all physical 
Sexual variations and religious beliefs
Is outward appearance that important
That a man or woman transsexual
Have to undergo or feel the need to undergo
Outward physical transformation 
To feel like a man or a woman?

A man dressing like a woman
A woman dressing like a man
Now is not even reserved for transvestites
But heterosexuals who promote blurring the lines
Yet all this effort to alter physical appearance
To fit in with the society
Gender identity
While it is absolutely understandable  
Brave and psychologically true

Goes against the very movement
Of the society and culture of LGBTQ
That promotes and fights for equality
And acceptance
Of all human beings regardless of sexual orientation
Race color physical limitations or appearance
And religious beliefs
While on one hand trying to blur the definition
Of outward appearance to a gender 
While on the other hand trying to achieve
The very idea of physical distinction

Who cares at the end of the day
End of the life
Whether one was XX or XY
Appearing as XX or XY or the opposite
Being attracted to same or opposite
Trapped inside as opposite
Or just dress like the opposite

Since the society has blurred the lines 
Of what is right from wrong
Heading to a state of nothing is wrong
No up or down right or left
Everything under the sun is acceptable
To the state of absolute self guidance

Who cares indeed
What one is inside or outside
As long as you are either XX or XY
That cannot be changed
The only one who will care 
At the end of the day
End of life
After this life is over

Is God
And the only thing that matters
Is whether all this
All that person has achieved 
Has done in this life
Somehow by mercy and grace
Is saved
And made right with God

Monday, November 30, 2020

May Pass Over You

Let the blood of Jesus Christ
The Holy Lamb Son of God

Be stained at the door posts
Of your sinful heart

So that this Covid-19
The virus of death

May pass over you

Friday, November 27, 2020

That Ever Lay Claim On It

You can collect a lot of things
Being a collector is easy
Unless what you collect is expensive
But you can collect rocks

Or T shirts
Whatever that is solid 


Yes some of these
Are extremely expensive
And only the rich can obtain
The unobtainable by the poor

And the more you have
The more you want
No matter what the cost
To become the owner

To feel the satisfaction
Of possessing the rare object
That not many or even none other
Has in their possession

To feel special
To satisfy the need to have
To own
To cherish

Without limits
More and more
Labeling as professional collector 
To feel even more legitimate

Piling up the boxes
Storage spaces
Being the owner of that special
Rare something

The object of desire
Controlling the behavior 
Of the very person that desires it
Until all the objects

No matter how trivial or precious
In any vault or storage box
Outlasts every single owner 
That ever lay claim on it

Covid Or Not

What a year it has been
Who could have foreseen this
Quarantined nation
Wearing masks

So much closures
Social distancing

The whole world in fact
Digitally connected 
Socially without bounds
Party and pleasure seeking world

Shut down
Stay away
Or party on and die

Remarkable how much one
Loves to feel self empowered
Feel so special 
And sit on top of pedestal

All powerless
Brought down to their knees
Not one more gently
In the face of death 

All choosing life
Over death
Premature death
Guaranteed death

Not realizing that
Death unexpected
Can strike at any moment

Covid or not

Thursday, November 19, 2020

All Deserving Of An Oscar

If there is one thing you
Can take away from watching
President Trump or other
Undeniably old politicians and others

Is that age really has nothing
To do with one's ability to differentiate
Reality from fiction or delusion
Let alone being replete with wisdom

Age being only a measure
Of how old you are
How physically worn out
Nothing more

In fact the older one gets
The more foolish one becomes
As the mind of a child
Trapped in the aging body

Tries desperately to act mature
To sound mature
To feel secure in their own 
Misunderstandings of life

Few succeeding in this endeavor
Most faking their understanding
Some just mimicking others
But all relying on their own faith

On whatever they deem worthwhile
To put their faith to
Which in most part is ludicrous
Flat earth for example

Making grandiose statements
Reveling in self admiration
Hoping to get some oohs and aahs
Perhaps an applaud as well

Clap clap clap
All deserving of an Oscar

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Absolute Humility

For Christians it is written
And it is understood
At least by what they preach
And what they write

That you cannot work yourself
Doing so much charitable work
Good work helping people
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot buy the ticket
Give so much money
Perhaps all of it although none will
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot reason 
Intellectually come to faith
Understand the truth by logic
To gain entrance to heaven

That you cannot own and preach
The gospel and truth
Perhaps bringing others to faith
To gain entrance to heaven

Pouring money

All good for the Kingdom
Glorifying God yet
None that will open up to them
The gates of heaven

As none of the above
Leads to the state of
Absolute humility
But to arrogance 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Joe Biden

A day longed 
Longed for so long

2020 November 7th
The day the People

Of The United States
Of America

Declared to the world
That we have chosen

The New President
And Vice President

Joe Biden 
And Kamala Harris

A new hope
A new pride

For the democracy
And this country

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Rubik's Code

Solving the Rubik's Cube

Salute to those who can and who did

Without any instructions

But for the rest of us less gifted

Solution is on Youtube


U = Top ‘ = counter clockwise U and F

L = Left ‘ = rotate back R and L

R = Right

F = Front

U’L’U’LUFUF’   ----- middle color going L

UR’URU’F’U’F ----- middle color going R

FUR’U’RF’     ------ cross

R’UURU’R’U’R ----- cross plates

UR’U’L’URU’L   ----- corner placing

RU’R’U ---- turning corners

What Is Too Hard

Most things are not hard

Not too complicated

Once you understand 

The unknown subject

Which is not too hard

Not too complicated

To learn

What is too hard

And too complicated

Is the lack of desire

The motivation and drive

Without lack of time or energy

To learn the unknown

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Less I Have

You cannot have it all

But that is what many want

It seems

To have it all

All the winning stocks

All the brand name shoes

Every beautiful woman

Every handsome man

All the famous paintings

Exotic cars

To have it all

To do it all

Climb every mountain

Visit every city

Taste every food

Everything life has to offer

In pursuit to have it all

To be at the top

To possess 

To accomplish

To achieve 

All all all

Mine mine mine

To feel greatness of myself

To be proud of myself

Not realizing

The more I want

The less I have

And the more I have

The more I want


Monday, October 19, 2020

The Sinking Ship

When you buy a stock
It goes down

When you sell a stock
It goes up

If you don't buy a stock
You don't lose any money

If you don't sell a stock
You don't lose any money

But don't make any money either

So in order to not lose any money
Don't buy and don't sell

Since not buying can't make money
You have no choice but to buy

And in order to not lose money
You cannot sell

Unless you wanna take the profit
But never for a loss

Just don't buy into
The sinking ship

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

To Show The Right Hand

Right hand always knows 

What left hand is doing

Not because the right hand

Is so curious as to

What the left hand is doing

But because the left hand is

Always so eager and aching

To show the right hand

What it is up to

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Forever And Ever

The basic principle of physics
The first law of thermodynamics
States that in a closed system
The total amount of energy cannot
Be created nor destroyed
But only change in form
Like energy converting into matter
Or vise versa 
As apparent in the famous equation
E = MC^2

The equation that proves
And proven to be true in creating 
Nuclear bombs converting matter
Into enormous energy
Also proves that the entire existence
Of energy in this universe

Cannot have a beginning 
Or ending
But just a change in form
However different that may have been
Before the creation

Thus whatever that was before
Has no beginning
And whatever that will be after
Has no ending
Forever and ever
In existence

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Worth The Price

As far as hobbies are concerned
Nothing seems more intriguing 
Than the act of collecting

Like the coins for some
Stamps for others
Any object tangible or intangible

Shoes watches cars
Purses pots and pens
Even rocks for that matter

Some paying millions 
For a painting of blue canvas
With white stripe down the middle

Hundred millions for a rare artifact
Or nothing for a strange looking rock
Just based on the need to have it

The desire to have something different
Not content with what you have
Being the driving force

Which applies not only to inanimate objects
But also to human relations apparently
Wanting this person and that person

Paying huge price to have one
Over the other 
Seldom turning out to be

Worth the price

Only One

What is this about retirement
That everyone is looking forward to
Like Christmas to a child

Saving saving and saving more
For retirement or
Urging people to save for the same

A destination of no work
Time for relaxation and play
Living off the savings

The reason for which a person
Spent so much time studying
Working while young

For that golden retirement
At 65 or few years earlier 
To live another 20 or 30 years

A master plan and guide
The meaning of life
For many people 

A spectacular plan
Just like someone driving
A Tesla with fully charged battery

Driving into the sunset
With just that one fully charged 
Pack of battery

Only one

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Never Too Late

It is just amazing
Truly remarkable
How utterly lost 
Have no idea what 

All these adults 
Based on what they say
What they do
Or by mere history

Absolutely clueless
Talking gibberish
Proclaiming this and that
Making up conclusions

About life and everything
Social moral economic
Whatever that needs explanations
To satisfy their need to explain

Just talking nonsense
As though it is some wisdom
Begotten from their experience
Preaching to other lost souls

All to end up at the end
Not having slightest idea
The meaning of life
Going to the grave

No less confused
No less terrified
No less vindicated
Or satisfied

But as long as you
Are still breathing and conscious
It is not too late
Never too late

As long as you are
Still alive and conscious

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Generating Income

People watch movies
Read books
Play golf
Climb mountains
Go fishing

And pretty much everything
Besides working to make money
People do repeatedly

Scuba diving
Wood working

You name it and people do it
And many have obsession for it
Spending hours and hours
Of their limited number of hours
On this planet

And how can any one of them 
Doing the things not related to work
Not feel somehow
So lucky to be able to 
Occupy the times of their lives
With activities of pleasure

Yet so many 
Usually those who have so much 
Time and money to do the things 
Not related to generating income
Are the ones who are constantly

Searching for happiness
By doing the activities
That are not related to 
Generating income


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Missing The Moment

When you look at the sunset
Beautiful sunset over the ocean

You are awed at the shear beauty
Magnificence of it all

Not thinking about the how
Or why or what sequence of events

Just enjoying the view
Without intellectualizing it

Which should and must be
How we approach God

Since although sunsets
Can be explained and understood

We cannot dare to think
Or be so bold as to believe

That one can intellectualize God
And understand Him

Missing the moment
The chance to accept

The presence

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Covid still going strong
No end in site
Young and old alike
Except children for some reason
Thank God

Everyone chiming in
To say something about life
Acknowledging the reality
Yet unwilling to concede
Perhaps too fearful to face

Death that is inevitable
A certainty indisputable
Fate of human kind
And all living things
Too proud to admit

Too proud to believe
There is power beyond
Life beyond death
In Jesus Christ
Choosing rather to face

Death alone
Without insurance
Without peace
Without hope

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Fear Of God

People fear many things
Like a plane crash

They also fear poverty 
Losing their job
Losing their fame
And popularity 

Yet when it comes to
Doing a bad deed
Causing pain and suffering 
To others who are at their mercy
Performing injustice 

Rationalizing injustice 
Justifying injustice 
Convincing others to do the same
There is one thing lacking
That enables them to do so

The fear of God

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Part Of The Brain

It is without question
The hand
Innervated by peripheral nerves
Originating from spinal nucleus
Within the spinal cord
Connected to the brain
To a certain motor neuron
In the motor cortex
When initiated 
Will move the hand

Like any other part of the body
That one can move
This way or that

Which begs the question
Where is the part of the brain
That commands a particular motor neuron
To fire the neuron
To initiate the movement

Or start talking
Or running
Or whatever

What part of the brain
Is commanding the brain?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

For George Floyd

Covid pneumonia
Steadily marching on

No cure in sight
Vaccine years away

Social distancing

Slowly opening up
From shelter in place

As protests go on
For George Floyd

And race goes on
For the White House



At the mercy of God

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Not round
Not oval
But square

Demanding exact change
Driving at speed limit
Following rules to the dot
Pursuing perfection

Despite their face
Not being perfect
Their persona
Far from perfect

Unconsciously aware
Of so many self imperfections
The pursuit of perfection
Perhaps is to compensate

So that the degree of squareness
Is inversely proportional
To the degree of self confidence
Of how perfect they truly are

Regardless of how many
Imperfections they possess

Until Too Late

Opportunities seldom present itself
Not enshrouded from plain sight
Often hidden behind the obvious
What is apparent on the surface

Such that when disaster strikes
Or bad deed of any kind
To blame and punish
Is number one priority

While the opportunity
To improve and prevent
Such disaster or bad deed
Goes unnoticed

Until too late

Thursday, May 14, 2020

And Wrath

All things come to an end
No matter how bad
No matter how angry
Time always wins

Taking away the lives
Of all who are evil
And also good
The final justice

But some are too eager
Too impatient
To let time take its course
And let God be the judge

Each day too long
To wait for the final judgement
But for those who wait
They will see God's mercy

To those who are good
And wrath
To whose who are evil
And unjust

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Cast Away

Time will come
When even when wanted
They cannot see

Yet now
When they can see
They are cast away

Eager to forget
To hasten the inevitable
Impatient to wait

Like a crumpled receipt
Old worn out tire
Broken jar

As such is the way
Of foolish children
To their aged

But time will come
When they too
Are aged

And cast away
Surely will be for certain
Like the sun rising in the east

Cast away
Like a trash

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

In April

Oh what a March
To be remembered
In the year 2020

Covid-19 pandemic
Slowly but surely
Spreading like wildfire

Death in every corner
World coming to a halt
Grasping for air

May God be merciful
Bring peace and tranquility
To this sinful world

In April

Sunday, March 29, 2020

In The Midst Of Chaos

What will it take
For the world to repent

World wars?
Natural disasters?

Is there anyone
Like the prophet

Who can proclaim
Point out the wrongs

And demand repentance
From this world

It will only be futile

Since world will not repent
Even if Jonah were to return

So the only way to salvation
Is by the blood

Of Jesus Christ
Who died for our sins

And whosoever believes in Him
Will be saved

Find peace and tranquility
In the midst of chaos

Saturday, March 7, 2020

And The Fear Of Death

Corona virus
Who would have guessed
Foreseen such a hysteria and panic
Global anxiety
For the possibility of premature death

One thing is clear
No one wants to die early
Although everyone knows
Death is certain

Eating the right food
Exercising regularly
Doing everything in his or her
Own power hoping to extend the life

Yet the death comes knocking
Via the unseen microscopic virus
Threatening the length of life
He or she hopes to achieve
As long as possible

So fearful of the fate
That is to come for sure
Not if but when
Hoping just not tomorrow

Not knowing the fact that
No matter how hard one tries
To extend the life on this earth
The days are numbered
It is for certain

Corona virus or not
It is not the fear of death
But what comes after
The uncertainty of after death
That drives a man or a woman

To cling to this life
For dear life hanging on to
The face mask
And the fear of death

Friday, February 28, 2020

Of The Fish Tank

There is only so much
A fool can do
Since he or she can do nothing
That is beyond their foolish thoughts
Like a goldfish in fish tank
Swimming in confined waters

It may seem pretty
It may seem grand
From the eyes of goldfish
Looking out from the fish tank
Perhaps feeling admired

But from those outside
Looking in
It cannot be more sad
To look at the gold fish
To look at the fool

Trapped in the confines
Of the fish tank
Of their foolishness
No matter from which angle

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hardly Resembling

Let's suppose Jesus was Christ
God in the form of flesh and blood
The King of Kings
Who came and died for our sins
So we can be saved from eternal damnation

That is the gospel 
Preached around the world
Salvation by grace
Not by works
That we are all sinners

But what gets lost in translation
More often than not
Not by gospel spoken or written
But by what is lacking in demeanor
By what is not portrayed and emphasized

Is the fact that Jesus
Was born in a barn
Grew up as a carpenter
And while he preached as adult

Had no home
No horse or donkey to ride on
Spent most of his time with those
Considered low class and sinners
And no financial wealth

In effect
God was truly humble
In the perspective of humans
In this society
Not showing an ounce of pride

Of being God
Because He loved each and everyone
Genuinely hoping that we all enter
Heaven and live eternally in joy

His humility is insurmountable
By no one in this world
Since no one can be greater than God
Not even close

But sad as it may be
What actually happens in this world
Especially in the religious realm
The degree of humility one exudes

Is inversely proportional
To the self perceived status
In the hierarchy of the church
So that those on the top

Perhaps not at all
Thinks they are any less or equal
To those on the bottom

According to their own self esteem
And ego
Hardly resembling
Jesus about whom they preach

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What If

What if rules the world
Everyone trying their best
To prepare for what if
Exploiting the fear of what if

Selling and buying products
Based on what if this
Or that happens

Like a car accident
What if it happens
So buy the insurance

What if an earthquake occurs
Earthquake insurance

What if I get sick
Medical insurance

What if I die
Life insurance

This of course is somewhat misleading
As the dead don't come back alive
So the insurance is for the living

But they call it life insurance
So the living can go on living
Possibly in better financial situation

But while alive
Not many people seem to care
About the certain what if

After death
There really is heaven and hell
And judgement

And what if Christianity
Jesus Christ
Is really the truth

Despite all the what ifs in the world
That may or may not happen
Which usually doesn't happen

The one thing that is sure to happen
The end of life and death
Many are playing Russian Roulette

Until it is too late
And what if turns out to be
What truly is

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let Tears Fall

How can one explain
Why the mountain is so high
Ocean so deep
From where the wind came
And to where it is going

How do you measure
Greatness of a man certainly
Not by what he has achieved
Not by his lack of failures
Nor by his wealth

But by the genuine sadness
Of his passing even
To those who have never known him
Or ever played the game of basketball
Heart stricken by grief


Who never could or tried
To hide the fact that
Despite all his achievements
He is
Human after all

Will truly be missed by many
None more than family and friends
Remembered by generations to come
As a man who was not only a champion
But someone who genuinely

Tried his best to be good
And was good
Genuine and humble
Human being

Kobe Bryant
And his precious daughter
And all others on board
Gone too soon
Too unexpectedly

May God be with him
And his family
And all the passengers
And their families
On this sad day

Let tears fall

Friday, January 17, 2020

Magically Vanishes Into Thin Air

Trying to solve the unsolvable
The society keeps on pursuing
To find that perfect diet program
That allows you to lose weight
While eating all you want

Just change what you eat
Not how much
Or how often
Eat this over that and so on
And exercise

Protein diet
Fat diet
Carb diet
Binge diet
But don't stop eating

Somehow or other it seems
The laws of physics do not apply
When it comes to losing weight
So that the energy consumed
Magically vanishes into thin air

Determined not to advertise
The one fact that is the key
To solving the weight gain problem
Which is decreasing the desire to eat
Promoting eating less

But no restaurant tells you
Please order half
No advertisement tells you
The food is not delicious
The portion is too much
That you don't need it

It is all about buy buy buy
Order more
Eat more
Try it and you'll love it
And come back for more

And they are the same people
Behind the diet programs
That tell you don't stop eating
But just change what you eat
Like their own protein drink

It truly is an uphill battle
For those who love to eat
But unless the desire to eat goes away
No matter what diet program
No matter what exercise program
There really is no way

To defy the laws of physics

Thursday, January 16, 2020

About That Person

This whole situation is
How should a Vulcan describe it
Very fascinating

How some adults
Going well into or beyond
The middle age or past it
Become more and more
Self unaware

Like the naked emperor
Oblivious to reality
Out of touch with reality
Lacking reality check
Failing reality check

Except since almost all
Around them is the same way
What is abnormal becomes the norm
And what used to be the norm
Becomes abnormal

Soon to be nothing abnormal
Except those who think
There is something abnormal
About that person

Monday, January 6, 2020

The End

Why do people climb mountains
To get to the top?
That cannot be the reason
It is merely an end point

Why do people go fishing
To catch the fish?
That cannot be the reason
Fishes are a plenty at the markets

Then why do people
Climb mountains
Go fishing
Explore the jungle

Spend entire lives
Doing research
Pursuing some activity
Over and over and over
Akin to addiction to drugs

It is not to reach the summit
Nor catch a fish
But to have a purpose in life
Be it momentarily
Until next mountain or fishing trip
Or next round of golf

The never ending endeavor
To maintain purpose in being
As life without purpose
Is meaningless

The end