Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ah....Forget It

It is mind boggling to see
How some people have sincere desire

To get to point D from point A without
First going through points B and C

Like wanting to get to the top of mountain
But don't want to hike

Or how they want to become a doctor
But they don't want to go to school

Or want to earn a lot of money
But don't want to work

And want to live in a clean house
But don't want to clean

It just will not work that way
Wanting something for nothing

But they sure will tell you
How much they wish such and such

But don't want to go through the process
As if their inability to skip points B and C

Is good enough excuse to give up D
Like someone at the base of the mountain

Upon seeing the summit saying
Ah....forget it

And walking away before
Even taking one step forward

Stupid Past Moments

People love to laugh at other people
Whenever someone does something
Really stupid or embarrassing
They love to point it out and laugh

The main impulse to laughter being
Expression of their happiness in witnessing
Someone else doing something stupid
That they themselves have done in the past

Or something similarly stupid
But no one knows about
At least not anyone they know
And will keep it that way

So at seeing someone doing something
Really stupid and embarrassing
Most people react by laughter
A direct expression of their happiness

In essence being able to finally
Let go of their embarrassing
Stupid past moments
And move on

Friday, December 20, 2019

The True AI

These days a week does not go by
Without hearing something related to
Artificial Intelligence

How it is going to change the way
All things are done
From transportation to medicine

AI is referred to as some higher being
Another grand achievement
Independent thinking machine

When it actually is nothing more
Than bunch of codes and algorithms
Incapable of doing anything beyond
What it is written in the code

But people talk of it as if this AI
Can think for itself
Formulate and create new information
Like a human in the machine form

Just ludicrous
AI this AI that AI AI
Like the new dish chef created
Will start serving customers

Like C3PO or R2D2
Too many sci-fi movies perhaps

With the definition of intelligence
Brought down to mere codes and algorithms
Lacking emotion
The ability to dream and appreciate

To hope and love and long for
The beauty and affection

But then again
What are humans of modern society
With artificial love and affection
With constant calculation

What are we but
The true AI

Thursday, December 19, 2019

And Passing By What Is Real

Not many things truly are
What it appears to be on the outside

Even the diamond
Maybe a Cubic Zirconia

Gold bar
Perhaps gold plated

An appetizing dish
May not be so fresh

But few ever considers
Even contemplates the possibility

That what lies inside may
Truly be much better than outside

Like a dirty diamond
Hiding the genuine identity

What appears gold plated
Is truly solid gold

And the dish that is inconspicuous
Is indeed delicious

Almost all drawn to the fake 
That appears real

And passing by what is real
Judging it is not

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

To The Promised Land

What is life of a man
But a journey out of Egypt
To the promised land
But not allowed to enter

Having strayed off the map
To die in the desert wandering
While the next generation
The newborn generation
Enters the promised land

What is life of a Christian
But a journey out of Egypt
To the promised land
And enters

Being born again
By the grace of God

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Tiny Black Hole

So many small people
In this world

Not physically small
Not small in their bank account
Not small in fame or popularity

Nor in power
Or social or academic status

Not small in any regard
In terms of accomplishment

But so small tiny minuscule
In the way they think and behave

To protect ever so large but fragile
Ego balancing on the beam

So small indeed
A tiny black hole

Sunday, December 15, 2019


A person all alone in the world
Feels lonely 

A person in the city of million people
Feels lonely

Whether married or single
With friends or not

After all that which masks
The loneliness wears off

Drugs sex endless party
Whatever the temporary distraction

This feeling of loneliness 
Innate in all human beings

Will be inescapable until
One discovers and accepts

The One
Who will never leave you 


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Yet Neither One Of Them

Is life not fair
A double edged sword
That cannot satisfy
The man that wields it

Man driving a Ferrari passing by
A man waiting for the bus

Woman struggling to evade hunger
While another struggles to lose weight

One man living in 5000sq feet penthouse
Two families living in 2000sq feet condo

The poor knows about the rich
And the rich knows about the poor

In the same way that a man
Knows there are stars in the sky

Yet neither one of them
Feels any happier than the other