Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Is And Has Been

Once I saw the morning sky
That was clear and blue
And thought the day was
Going to be bright

Then I saw at mid morning
Dark clouds over the hills
And expected rain
Which sure enough came

After the rain the sky cleared
To show again the blue sky
And this time I thought
The day will be bright

Only as long as
God willed it to be so
Without presumption beyond
What is and has been

And I thank the Lord
For all that has been
And will be
According to His plan

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Golfer Would Say

People often confuse many things
To conclude erroneously 

Like how as one ages 
One mentally matures
When in reality
People just get old
Maintaining their immaturity
Socially and mentally
Not all 
But majority of them

In this regard more true
Among highly educated
More accomplished
Not necessarily more intelligent
But more driven with 
Anal retentive personality
Who spent much of their lives
Behind the desk in academia

To come out at the end 
With a doctorate degree of any field
Compounding the problem
By which somehow the doctorate degree
Entitles them to believe that they are
More knowledgeable in any aspect of life
Not merely in their own field of study
But also with higher integrity character and 
Understanding of life

Far be it from the truth
At least the thieves know they are thieves
Being honest crooks with integrity
But so many educated and learned
Many of them professionals in the society
Are crooks who would die before admitting
That they are crooks with no integrity 
Let alone honesty or dignity

Utilizing whatever undignified method 
Dishonorable twisted way of rationalization
Or action at their disposal 
To climb the ladder 
To achieve further 
To accomplish more
To continue their life long journey
As that is all they know how to live
Leaving the path of destruction
All the while not aware of their misdeeds
On the contrary feeling self righteous
Self admiring

To that a mountain climber would say
A fisherman would say
A golfer would say
A runner would say
Anyone with self respect would say
It is not what you have accomplished
But how 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Whether The Planner Is Evil

There is a way
To tell whether a plan
Is devised by an evil man
Or a good man

Plan made by an evil man
Expects evil counteraction
And the result of that counteraction
Will benefit someone else
Besides the intended beneficiary

Whereas a plan made by a good man
Expects a good counteraction
And the result of that counteraction
Will benefit the very person
The plan was designed for

So when an evil man executes a plan
And counteraction is not evil but good
It results in unexpected consequences
And vice versa
Foiling their ultimate desired results

To see whether a plan is evil or good
Apply both evil and good counteraction
And see who or what will be the outcome

Which will tell you
Whether the planner is evil
Or good

Meanwhile The Donkey

Believe it or not
Some people bring a donkey
And try to convince people
That it is really a horse

And there are some
Who despite initial doubts
Succumb to their ardent persuasion
And believe it is really a horse

Which makes you wonder
Whether the person who actually
Brought the donkey is confused
And believes it is really a horse

Or that person is trying
To sell donkey as a horse
For ulterior motive
Most likely a scam of some sort

And the person being convinced
May have finally agreed
That it is truly a horse
Because he truly believes it is

Or may just have agreed
Upon realizing there is no alternative
To convince the other guy
And wanted to end the argument

Meanwhile the donkey
Standing by as a donkey
As it always has been
Wonders WTF is going on

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Yet No Fear Of God

It is too unfortunate
That no one fears God
With each minute passing by
Getting closer to that day
Perhaps tomorrow
Or next year
Or at the ripe old age

Ultimately going the way
Of everyone that walked the earth
Except two or three they say
Not exactly sure
But certainly you will not
Be one of them

Yet no fear of God
Not even an afterthought
Enters the mind of a fool
Who carries out the plans
Of the evil one
Voluntarily at that

Rousing the anger of God
Who is slow to anger
But woe to those who do
For He will bring calamity
Upon their household
And their soul

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

At 75

People love to blame others
Point fingers
To everyone and everything
Except their own self

Such that upon seeing a car
Zipping by at 200 miles per hour
That is after seeing the same car
At 150 miles per hour
Before that same car
At 100 miles per hour
And prior to that
85 miles per hour

And having done nothing
To put a stop to it
At 50 mph speed zone
Now seeing the car
At 200 miles per hour
Says to oneself
Enough is enough
That driver is going to jail

And arrests the driver
Puts him in jail
And feel they have done
Their fiduciary duty

As the employer of the driver
The owner of the car
While the driver sits in jail
Wondering only if they
Had stopped me

At 75

With Painted Stripes

One of the most foolish
Things that people do
Often demonstrated by
Those who would otherwise
Appear intelligent and accomplished
But ultimately lacks wisdom

Is acting on the belief
Making decisions based on
Their foolish philosophy
That tells them
Just slap on the Mercedes
Emblem on a Honda Civic

And call it Mercedes
Present it as Mercedes
Drive it like a Mercedes

Like a horse
With painted stripes
Calling itself a zebra

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Either For Or Against

A man with green hair
And red pants
Applies for a job

And company A says
This man is bold
Ahead of current times
He is hired

While company B says
This man is too bold
Not in line with current trend
He is not hired

Except that company A
And company B 
Are not two different companies
But the same

The only difference being
A is when facing a man 
They want to hire
And B is when facing a man
They don't want to hire

Such that every single time
They can hire anyone
They choose to hire
Always finding the reasons

Either for or against
Based on what
Whatever that may be