Monday, February 18, 2019

Only Broken Down

You cannot have it both ways
But some people try
To have the cake and eat it too

Like being hot
And cold
At the same time

Being arrogant
And humble
At the same time

Flipping a coin
And landing heads and tails
At the same time

Which just cannot happen
Physically impossible
By the laws of nature

Only broken down
By human nature
That defies logic


Doing everything
In any combination
At the same time

A state of total
And chaos

But Rather Not Let Go

It is no doubt hard
Very hard for some people
Or most people to
Let go of their possessions

Something that they cherish
Be it a painting
A classic automobile
Rare coin

Even a house rich in memories
Special gift from someone
Bank account full of cash

Difficult to let go
And some people refuse
To let go of all their possessions
Holding on to them for dear life

Until dear inevitable
Dear end of their time
Let go of them
With nothing

Not rather die than let go
But rather not let go
Until death do us part
To the bitter end

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Water Is Boiling

You just cannot assume anything
When it comes to communication

Like when you tell someone
The water is boiling

That particular someone will know
The water temperature is 100 degrees

Or if you say you are thirsty
People will give you water

But generally speaking
Assumptions abound everywhere

Based on what people see
And what they hear or experience

So that if you go up the mountain
And tell someone the water is boiling

That someone may assume
The water boils at 100 degrees

When in fact on this mountain
It boils at less than 100

Quite similar to how people
Apply assumptions everywhere

In any situation regardless of
The environment

Thinking water boils at 100
Anywhere and everywhere