Friday, March 18, 2016

To Utopian Society

Democracy is fair
Much better than communism
Or anarchism

There is no better way
To satisfy and govern millions
Of people living inside a country
Giving power to the people

But it has one fundamental flaw
Perhaps dependent on the perspective
From which some may say it is
Not a flaw but rightful self determination

However it maybe perceived
The assumption that human beings
En masse will inherently self propagate
To utopian society

Or not even to that extent
But just make progress over time
No matter how slowly
To achieve that end

Is an assumption that
At best is only a hope
And at worst
A wishful thinking

Friday, March 4, 2016

When Providence Delivers

The problem is that
No one knows what
The other person is thinking
Even if they tell each other
All hours of the day

As one could be lying
But more often what they say
Is not quite what they are thinking
As most thoughts are
Out of touch with subconscious
Leaving the opponent guessing

Presuming the best if optimist
Presuming the worst if pessimist
No matter how close their relationship
Ought to have been worth something

All bets are off
All relationships worthless
Loyalty courtesy friendship out the window
And the only one standing
Stands wondering
Until that day

When providence delivers