Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How Do They Feel?

How much money does it take
For a man to feel rich?

Hundred thousand dollars?
A  man with only $100 in his account
Would probably think so
But a man with a million wouldn't

One million dollars?
A man with a thousand in his name
Would probably think so
But a man with 100 million wouldn't

Hundred million dollars?
A man with only one million
Would probably think so
But a man with a billion wouldn't

But what about the man
With 100 thousand
A million
Or 100 million?

How do they feel?
Not rich enough

Monday, July 27, 2015

So Is 6 But Not 7

What comes first
The physical world
And everything in it

Or mathematics
And laws of physics?

Can the world exist
Without mathematics to explain
All its interactions?
Undoubtedly yes

Can all the mathematics
And laws of physics exist
Without the world?
In theory

But mathematics is nothing more
Than agreed upon universal language
Among humans
To explain the world

Using numeric 0 to 9
Universally used by all
On this planet

Suppose we decided to squeeze in
One more number in there
Call it tao
Zero one two three four five
Tao six seven eight nine

What difference would it make
Except having to recalibrate
Adjust all the standards
And equations...?

But wait
With such a system
11 no longer becomes a prime number
Since 2 x tao now equals eleven
10 is now a prime
So is 6 but not 7
And 1, 3, and 5 remains prime

Why are there only 10 digits?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

To Be

Too much information
Is an understatement
For the sheer amount of data
Poured into our brains

From shocking news
To mundane worthless
And everything in between
Information overload

Everyone glued to
Spending more time staring
At small digital display

Longing for the sense
Of connection
Being in touch


Be longing

An earnest desire

To be

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And Waiting

What is rain
But a transport of water
From ocean to land

So much rain at some places
So little rain at others
Praying for less
Praying for more

All left powerless
To bring a single drop
On the dry land

Absolutely dependent
Unquestionably helpless
Just waiting and waiting
For that rain to drop
Or stop

Just waiting
And waiting
And waiting



Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Enterprise

The Horizons
After nine years in space
And three billion miles away

Finally flying by Pluto
Still not out beyond
Our own solar system

Nine years that is
At 2015 AD

Considering the facts
The Enterprise
Zipping out of our solar system
In less than 5 hours
On impulse power

Is truly remarkable

At least our imagination
Is not so restraining
To say the least

Monday, July 13, 2015

Without Paradox

Freedom of religion
It is a great privilege
And cherished right

Except it is not entirely
Without paradox

Like the freedom to
Climb any mountain
To reach the highest peak

Thursday, July 9, 2015


As much as there are
Tragedies in this world
There are as much if not more

One fiasco after another
Now with cameras everywhere
Digitally connected
Almost real time fiasco
With one click of a mouse

It is quite certain humans
Have always been funny
Doing ridiculous things
Saying ridiculous things
Wearing ridiculous things

But now the stage has become
Much much more grand
Global in fact
That getting instant fame
From doing something spectacularly
Farcical has become a fad of sorts

But truly
It needs no scripting
Or planning of any kind
Since the funniest comedies
Happen in real life

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Human Kind

A million dollars
No not just one million
Ten million dollars
Not that either
Multiples of ten million
Sounds about right

Million here million there
Throwing these numbers around
Like someone's shoe size

Suppose it is peanuts
Compared to billions
Thrown around like a can of tuna
In the corporate mergers and buyouts

And what used to be discrete
News written on paper
Is now in your face
Inescapable avalanche

Ooooohhh Ahhhhh
Millions and millions
Billions and billions
Who or what is paying who or what
Ooooohhh Ahhhhh

Capitalism at its best
Survival of the fittest
All the while talking about
The human kind
As if we are all in this together

We sure are
In our own little world