Friday, July 18, 2014

C'est la vie

One way or another
A bouncing ball 
Going down the stairs 
Is going to hit the floor

And it really makes not
Much difference how
It got there or
In what glorious fashion

What is important 
Is what's going to happen
To that ball

C'est la vie

Thursday, July 17, 2014

And Forwards

The concept of eternity
Something that has no end
Like no beginning 
Is incomprehensible 
To humans

Probably because 
Every one of us 
Have a beginning and ending
Like all life on this planet

But that is a concept
Humans applied to reality
Using numbers
That are infinite backwards 
And forwards

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hardly Anywhere

Where do you draw the line
Between vanity and modesty?

If everyone drove BMW 7 series
And you drive BMW 3 series

Are you modest?
Is that modesty?

If everyone drove 3 series
But you drive Honda Civic
Is that modesty?

On the other hand
If everyone drove Honda Civic
But you drive BMW 3 series
Are you vain?

So is vanity and modesty
Relative to your surroundings?
Do surroundings dictate
Whether you are vain or modest?

That means anybody can be modest
Relative to people above them
Or vain
Relative to people not as well off

So every individual
Is both modest and vain
But how can that be?

So it is not relative to your surroundings
It cannot be relative
Relativity does not apply to vanity
Modesty is not dictated by surroundings

Then how do you draw the line?
If they are independent of the surroundings

To determine what is vain
And modest?

A king wearing a golden crown
Is not being vain
President traveling in Air Force One
Is not vanity

Homeless man living under a bridge
Is not being modest
Poor man wearing old clothes
Is not modesty

Vanity is vain
When it is inappropriate

Modesty is modest
When it is unnecessary

But since almost all
Think they are kings and queens
Deserving everything expensive
This world can offer

Vanity is everywhere
And modesty
Hardly anywhere

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Is The Difference

What is the difference
Between a humble person
And not so humble?

A humble person
Can eat at any restaurant
Without breaking a sweat

Not so humble
Cannot eat at cheap restaurant
Without cold sweat running down their back

A humble person
Will ride a bus to go to work
When the car breaks down

Not so humble
Will stay home rather
Than caught seen waiting for a bus

A humble person
Buys merchandise
For personal use

Not so humble
Buys merchandise
To show off

A humble person
Finds luxury items
Not so luxurious

Not so humble
Finds luxury items
Very luxurious

A humble person
Does not declare their resume
At every given opportunity

Not so humble
Declares their resume
Even when not asked for

A humble person
Respects everyone
Without regard to status

Not so humble
Thinks others have to
Earn their respect

A humble person
Do not care so much
About what others think

Not so humble
All day and night
That's all they care about

A humble person
Do not need to
Act humble

Not so humble
Go out of their way
To act humble

A humble person
Sees a homeless man
And feels sympathy

Not so humble
Sees a homeless man
And feels pity if at all

A humble person
Dresses according to occasion
Regardless of the audience

Not so humble
Dresses according to audience
Regardless of the occasion

A humble person
Do not act special
But others think they are

Not so humble
Act like they are so special
And it shows

A humble person
Never compares themselves
To their neighbors

Not so humble
Always compares themselves
To their neighbors

A humble person
Credits their wealth
To a blessing

Not so humble
Credits their wealth
To hard work

A humble person
Knows who truly is
The most humble

Not so humble
Have no idea
Who He is

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Majority Believes

The fallacy of democracy
Is that no matter how outrageous
No matter how utterly ludicrous
Or incomprehensible

All it takes is the majority
To make it into a law

The fallacy lies not in the system
Just as pollution is not the fault of the pollutant 
But lies solely on the ever fallacious human reasoning

The belief and conviction
That what majority want
What majority believes
Must be bestowed upon the majority

No matter how outrageous
No matter how utterly ludicrous
Or incomprehensible

Without adhering to fixed reference point
To measure how far and how ludicrous
To reset the clock

There is absolutely no other way
That this civilization will end up
Than in absolute corruption

Almost hopeless 
Until the end