Thursday, January 12, 2012

Or Just Mere Presence

The concept of infinity is not completely understood
By physicists or astronomers it seems
Every now and then you hear "Now there are x-number of more planets and stars"
In the universe
As though no one has suspected it

Most physicists believe that there is end of the universe
And that there was the beginning of the universe
Have you heard of "Big Bang Theory"?

It is innate human characteristic to have order in understanding
That everything has to have beginning and ending
But why or who made such grand presumption?
Perhaps because everything we can touch, feel, smell, hear, or see has
A beginning and ending?
Or because all human beings have birth and death?

The concept of beginning and ending is so embedded in our minds
That the concept of infinity is incomprehensible
Yet, we live in a world where infinity is so intimately incorporated
Without which none of the things we now take for granted would exist

Y = 1/X is an example
If this equation is false then the whole mathematics would fail

Conceptually the most simplest of shapes is a circle
Which has no beginning or ending
Every point in the circle is same as every other point

Have you ever wondered why the circumference of a circle
Cannot be calculated to a finite number?
It can be measured by taking arbitrary point of a circle
But it cannot be calculated to an exact finite number based on C = Pi x Diameter

Because a circle has no beginning or ending
It is just there
All beginning and all ending

Such is the case with time
There is no beginning or ending
Just there

Our universe may have had the beginning
And there may be the ending of our universe

But what was before or after or beyond

Or just mere Presence