Friday, May 27, 2022

So Proud

Absolute chaos
Confusion of the minds
No map 
No instruction
No direction
No purpose
Just pure self concluded
Philosophy of life
Made up beliefs
Or faith in other similar
Self generated dogma
Of absolute nonsense
Taking the place of unknown
Rather to believe in nonsense
Than to admit not knowing
All so proud to be
So proud

To Declare Victory

There is nothing more to say 
Other than the fact that everyone
Every single human being
Will either individually or collectively 
Come to a conclusion 
For any situation or observation
Making laws and framing the decision
With so many varying opinions 
And at the end left up to few individuals
The nine justices at supreme court
If it even reaches that far up the chain
Most of which will not
And be decided by the jury or a judge
If it is a legal matter
Or the governing body 
Such as the board members of a company
Or committees given such privilege
Of any organization with its bylaws 
So that however illogical or erroneous
The thought process might be
That may have lead to some profoundly 
Idiotic selfish self serving decision
Nothing will be changed unless one
Continuously challenges and proclaims
The wrongfulness of such decision
Perpetually opposing
Perpetually fighting
Proclaiming who is right and why
On and on and on
Until it becomes a matter of not
Who is right or who is wrong
But a matter of pride and ego
To declare victory

Thursday, May 5, 2022

On The Instrument Itself

A good musician
Not necessarily great
Or well known

Can produce fine music
Using not so fine
Or expensive instrument

In the same way
Any motivated 
Driven student

Can achieve the goal
Going to a not so fine
Or well known university

But somehow so much
Emphasis is on the school
On the instrument itself

To produce spectacular results
As if great instrument 
Will result in beautiful music

Or a great university
Will result in bright future
Putting the cart

Before the horse