Tuesday, August 31, 2021

So Lost

So many mountains to climb
So many trails to hike
So many cities to visit
So many movies to watch

So much money in the bank
So much asset outside the bank
So much time to spare
So much food to eat

So many and
So much of everything
So much so yet
So much worthless

So meaningless
So sad
So lost
So it ends

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Void Of Time

There really is not much time
To live on this planet 
For all human kind
Even if one were to live
Close to a thousand years
As recorded in the Old Testament

Yes a thousand years
Is quite a long time to live
But one hundred
Now that is what most people
Hope to live  now days
For those who want to live long

And yes
That may seem a long time
But if a year goes by like a month
It amounts to what may seem 
Only about a decade of life
Slowly but surely

Tik tok tik tok
And for those who are
Fortunate enough to have a job
Make decent money
And only work part of the day
All that extra time outside of work

Is spent on sleeping
Eating or engaged in some type 
Of hobby or pleasure
Some more than others
Depending on the time available
But much of the time remaining

Is spent doing nothing
But stimulating the senses
While awake
Taste, sight, sound, and touch
Perhaps not so much scent
Wasting precious time

Doing nothing
Other than to fill
The void of time

Monday, August 9, 2021

But Idiot Nonetheless

What people don't seem to get
And this is across all levels
Of education from none to PhD
And across all financial status
From dirt poor to filthy rich

Regardless of IQ 
From below average to super genius
No matter how famous
How physically fit
Or grand the title

What people don't get
Is that every single one
Even the greatest mind in history
Is an idiot compared to 
All that is unknown to man

In this universe with limitless
Knowledge and information
But not even going beyond Earth
When compared to all the knowledge
Accumulated on this planet alone

Not one intelligent individual 
No matter how fast or how efficiently
Information is processed
Problem solved
New knowledge discovered

All are idiots
Some just less idiot
Than the rest
But idiot nonetheless

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hoping For Nothing

There is genuine lack of understanding
No matter how brilliant a mind is
How much education one has received
Or regarded as a genius

That intelligence has absolutely
Positively and undeniably
Nothing to do
With wisdom 

Such that an uneducated janitor
May be one thousand times
Perhaps ten thousand times
Wiser than a Nobel Laureate 

But such is the mind of a fool
Who can solve quantum equations
At the forefront of science
Yet unable to understand wisdom

Unable to accept that which cannot 
Be understood by human thought
Trying to discern life 
By thinking

Until death comes knocking 
Dying without understanding
Relying on what their intelligent mind
Or other so called smart people

Have concluded without proof
To the end unable to admit
That they know nothing
About life 

Hoping for nothing
Yet fearful of something
That something they have rejected
All their life