Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year

There you have it
The long and treacherous
With so much death
And political strife

Who would have thought
A year with such a clear 
Pattern of a number
Thousands equal to tens 
Hundreds equal to ones
A pattern that will not occur

For another hundred years 
And the one before
At 1919
Considered one of the worst
In American history
Perhaps signifying 

The history will repeat
Itself at 2121
After this generation 
Old enough to understand
Have all but passed away

But for now those of us
Who have endured through
This year of pandemic
Still alive and welcoming 
The new year with hope

May the new year
Bring much awaited joy
And tranquility

Happy New Year

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ten Times Over

There really is no need
For anyone to get angry
To those who are unjust
Evil in nature
And brought harm to you

If you are a Christian
A believer in Christ
Because God will surely
Take vengeance 
On your behalf

Unless you pray
On their behalf so that
God not take vengeance
Much easier said than done
Much easier

So if you cannot pray
But if you are not angry
Just be patient
As surely the sun rises tomorrow
God will show His wrath 

To all those who rely on self
Revel in doing evil
And bring injustice to others
Like an ant crushed under a brick
So will their pride and spirit

Ten times over
From generation to the next
Until the fear of the Lord
Is seared into their heart
Forever and ever


The Last Like

It used to be that
Keeping up with the Joneses
Only applied to families
In the neighborhood
At least walking distance away

But now with Facebook
And Instagram
It is no longer confined 
To families or nearby people
Not even in the same city

All trying to outdo each other
Or to showcase their lives
Activities possessions relationships
The world being the stage
Hoping as many eyes if not all

Will see what they are doing
Where and when with whom
Or with what they have
Posing smiling wearing or not
In awe of their beauty or glamour

Wanted envied admired
To feel alive
Lights camera action pose
Click send click send
The feel of accomplishment

Satisfaction of having presented
The moment of your life
Each "like" boosting that satisfaction
Anxious to get more likes
Oh how good that feels to be liked

Yes I am alive
I am liked
How great that I am
Envied by all

The meaning of life
Reduced down to social media
Vanity no longer confined to Hollywood
But to everyone who owns a smartphone
Especially those who worship themselves

Hoping others will worship them
Everyone becoming a god or goddess
Except no self proclaimed god or goddess
Have the power to stand up against
The test of time

One wrinkle after another
One white hair after another
One day month year after another
One by one fading away 
From the limelight of social media

Some walking off
Others pushed off
The grand stage of youth
Yet others clinging on for dear life
Until it becomes embarrassing 

One way or another
All to leave the last pose
Last capture of the moment
The last Instagram post
The last like

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is Whether All This

There is some confusion out there
It seems based on all this news and talk
About who is and is not LGBTQ 
Who came out of the closet 
Now he is she and she is he

Not quite sure whether the public 
Really understands what is going on
Or even the kids growing up
Wondering what the heck is all this

Well to be clear it is not that complicated
As most scientists will undoubtedly agree
There are only two barring rare chromosomal anomaly
Possibilities of human reproduction
The human genome that make up 99.99 percent
Of human kind

XX or XY
All human beings in this world
Either have XX or XY chromosomes
In every cell in their body
Except the eggs and sperm
In which case has only one of the pair

Like mentioned previously
There are rare cases of XXY and XYY
And even more rare occurrences of XXXY
But they are not the cause or origin of
All this hype and social cultural revolution
Pertaining to LGBTQ

There is really no way in the world
That anyone can change the genetic makeup 
Of any individual like in some scifi movies
There is no sex chromosome transplant
To change XX to XY or XY to XX
In the entire body with billions of cells

XY or XX
That is the genetic code
Unchangeable bar code instruction
For human physical biological development
Which everyone is familiar with

Now the problem arises 
As it is apparent based on the above fact
When the psychological component of the body
Does not coincide or correspond to
Traditionally accepted one might say
Physical appearance of the body

So that XY or XX
Believes they are actually not psychologically
XY or XX
But rather the opposite despite their physical
Or genetic appearance
A state of mind body mismatch

This is actually a well known condition
Referred as transsexual if they undergo
A physical alteration
Or transgender if one is comfortable
With present physical appearance unaltered
And when such a man or woman
Meaning XY or XX
Before their physical transformation or alteration
Pursues same XY or XX for relationship
They are not acting in the sense of being attracted
To the same gender as in gays and lesbians 
But more like a heterosexual person
Being attracted to opposite sex

But what happens when such a person
With mind body mismatch
Actually pursues the opposite phenotypic gender
A woman trapped in man's body
Pursuing a woman
Or a man trapped in woman's body
Pursuing a man

In such a case it would seem natural
On the outside as a heterosexual couple
While in actuality it would be a transsexual
Or transgender
Who is also a gay or lesbian
In which case the heterosexual partner
Upon finding out the truth
Will not accept that as a fact
As physical appearance will overshadow 
Any concept of being with a same sex partner

Until the transgender or transsexual
Actually undergoes physical transformation
To appear as a man or woman
In which case it would be hard for a heterosexual partner
To go on with the relationship
Since he or she is not gay or lesbian
In much the same way a gay or lesbian
Will not engage in a relationship with
Opposite physical gender
No matter how much they say inside
They are the opposite same sex

Or perhaps it is a misconception
To think that a gay man
Will not have relationship with a woman
Even though she says inside she is a man
Or a lesbian woman
Will not have a relationship with a man
Even though he says inside he is a woman

In this world of people saying
Do not judge a book by its cover
Promoting acceptance of all physical 
Sexual variations and religious beliefs
Is outward appearance that important
That a man or woman transsexual
Have to undergo or feel the need to undergo
Outward physical transformation 
To feel like a man or a woman?

A man dressing like a woman
A woman dressing like a man
Now is not even reserved for transvestites
But heterosexuals who promote blurring the lines
Yet all this effort to alter physical appearance
To fit in with the society
Gender identity
While it is absolutely understandable  
Brave and psychologically true

Goes against the very movement
Of the society and culture of LGBTQ
That promotes and fights for equality
And acceptance
Of all human beings regardless of sexual orientation
Race color physical limitations or appearance
And religious beliefs
While on one hand trying to blur the definition
Of outward appearance to a gender 
While on the other hand trying to achieve
The very idea of physical distinction

Who cares at the end of the day
End of the life
Whether one was XX or XY
Appearing as XX or XY or the opposite
Being attracted to same or opposite
Trapped inside as opposite
Or just dress like the opposite

Since the society has blurred the lines 
Of what is right from wrong
Heading to a state of nothing is wrong
No up or down right or left
Everything under the sun is acceptable
To the state of absolute self guidance

Who cares indeed
What one is inside or outside
As long as you are either XX or XY
That cannot be changed
The only one who will care 
At the end of the day
End of life
After this life is over

Is God
And the only thing that matters
Is whether all this
All that person has achieved 
Has done in this life
Somehow by mercy and grace
Is saved
And made right with God