Sunday, October 25, 2020

Rubik's Code

Solving the Rubik's Cube

Salute to those who can and who did

Without any instructions

But for the rest of us less gifted

Solution is on Youtube


U = Top ‘ = counter clockwise U and F

L = Left ‘ = rotate back R and L

R = Right

F = Front

U’L’U’LUFUF’   ----- middle color going L

UR’URU’F’U’F ----- middle color going R

FUR’U’RF’     ------ cross

R’UURU’R’U’R ----- cross plates

UR’U’L’URU’L   ----- corner placing

RU’R’U ---- turning corners

What Is Too Hard

Most things are not hard

Not too complicated

Once you understand 

The unknown subject

Which is not too hard

Not too complicated

To learn

What is too hard

And too complicated

Is the lack of desire

The motivation and drive

Without lack of time or energy

To learn the unknown

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Less I Have

You cannot have it all

But that is what many want

It seems

To have it all

All the winning stocks

All the brand name shoes

Every beautiful woman

Every handsome man

All the famous paintings

Exotic cars

To have it all

To do it all

Climb every mountain

Visit every city

Taste every food

Everything life has to offer

In pursuit to have it all

To be at the top

To possess 

To accomplish

To achieve 

All all all

Mine mine mine

To feel greatness of myself

To be proud of myself

Not realizing

The more I want

The less I have

And the more I have

The more I want


Monday, October 19, 2020

The Sinking Ship

When you buy a stock
It goes down

When you sell a stock
It goes up

If you don't buy a stock
You don't lose any money

If you don't sell a stock
You don't lose any money

But don't make any money either

So in order to not lose any money
Don't buy and don't sell

Since not buying can't make money
You have no choice but to buy

And in order to not lose money
You cannot sell

Unless you wanna take the profit
But never for a loss

Just don't buy into
The sinking ship